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[MRP] Spring Cleaning


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Establishing definite structure to MRP Factions, organizing leadership, and raising standards. A return to an enhanced version of a previous form as well as setting an organizational standard for the more complex shit.


The Changes




  • 1.1 Faction Layouts & Purpose

    • 1.1.1 The Scale

      Right, let’s get started here. I think it’s no secret that with the recent removal of Marines, the grand scale of the server is finding itself a bit more on the balanced side. However, the removal of Marines opened a void for AFSOC to fill, thus restoring the long withstanding and prehistoric imbalance between US, RU, and formerly Afghan. In my entire time on the server, the US has always had at least one more faction than its opposition, and at most three. The current layout looks something like this on the US side.

      -> USASF -> RRC
      Army -> AFSOC
      -> MARSOC -> DEVGRU

      The structure is clearly and distinctly split into both an Army and Navy branch, starting and converging on single points, giving a very straightforward path of progression. It is a functional model that has been proven to work well over the years, while inviting a lot of room for drawing down the chain of command, and discouraging inter-faction fuckery. The RU model looks a little different right now.

      -> GRU

      2GA -> SSO -> Vega

      -> PDSS

      I know I talk about this a lot, however it should be alarming enough that the two sides of what should be a symmetrical server are anything but. Progression in the wild-west era of the server under Gildarts’ administration typically boiled down to any players of reasonable quality jumping immediately into one SF faction, making their friends, and staying there for their duration on the server. Anyone less fortunate to be selected typically found themselves stuck in a base faction for months, and not by choice. This is a very backwards practice of the server that became normalized under Gildarts. Players should be the ones choosing the faction or path they take in the server, not the groups of friends that make up the factions. It’s just bad for business.


    • 1.1.2 OMRP

      The solution for the aforementioned problem is literally in balancing the scale, and sticking to it. RU happens to be down a faction, particularly on it’s Naval side. PDSS is lacking a T1 counterpart to feed into, which has resulted in obvious problems. My recommendation is adding OMRP, or Russian Naval Special Reconnaissance. Other than that this is another SF unit in the Russian Navy, OMRP is useful to fill the gap here for a variety of reasons that I will get to later on. With adding a faction comes with its more obvious questions of weapons, models, and leadership. These questions will be answered later on, but I think many of you will come to understand that choice of leadership will no longer be as big of an issue as in the recent past.

      I also highly expect a large number of the current generation of RU players to come with arguments of ‘we’re fine how we are, and another faction would just complicate things’. To that I say, for how long? The instability of the server caused by imbalances as large as entire factions has contributed to countless heaps of nonsensical bullshit. Actions described in this thread are being suggested with the intention of improving the sustainability, retention and quality of the server permanently. Being proactive rather than reactive and finally mopping up an old mess.

      With the addition of OMRP, the RU model changes to look like this.

      -> GRU -> SSO
      2GA -> Vega
      -> PDSS -> OMRP

      Looks familiar, doesn’t it? With this model, we can start drawing parallels from RU to the US side of the server (finally). MARSOC is equal to GRU, PDSS is equal to GB, SSO is equal to DEVGRU, and OMRP would be equal to RRC all in terms of class setup. Done deal.





Russian OMRP : Rifleman

Russian OMRP : Surgeon 

Russian OMRP : Spectre

Russian OMRP : Commander






















    • 1.1.3 Identity

      Now that the factions look a little less fucked, we can talk about each faction's respective purpose from an RP standpoint. The function of a faction is important in retaining its niche on the server. For the longest time, most of the factions on the server attempted to fill the same role, and in some essence, it naturally aligned the server by competitive methods. Over time, factions gradually established their roles in the server other than simply just ‘War Factions’. Some of these roles happened to be more explicit than others. For example, MARSOC or GRU might attribute themselves as being ‘Sniper Factions’ due to the presence of sniper classes in both, however it’s not something directly stated in the server rules or otherwise. This often results in, over time, factions bouncing around and not sticking to what should be their one and only niche. Something that occurs as a result of this is two factions occupying the same role, one doing it far better, and the other being deemed redundant as a result. When the factions are what make up the server, and an entire faction being worthless is basically 10% null and void.

      Not cool.

      Ironing out a faction’s purpose is the first step in reorganizing the entire faction around that single purpose. It needs to be explicit, clearly defined, and consistent. Faction leaders should not be able to decide the function of 10% of the server at a whim. With the recent resurgence of RP and the introduction of the event server, establishing purpose is more important than ever so that members of the server understand exactly what it is they should be doing when under the microscope. A brief chart of faction purposes would look something like this (open to suggestions here), and most are pretty self-explanatory.



United States Infantry


Russian Infantry


Unconventional Warfare


Unconventional Warfare


Naval Infantry


Naval Infantry


Special Recon






Special Recon


Covert Operations




  • 1.2 Ranking Structures

    • 1.2.1 Limiting

      Ranks are the de facto indicator of progression on the server. The higher the rank you are, the further along in the server you are. Ranks are also the foundation for the chain of command, something that has been in a sort of limbo for years. The CoC is something really important for RP in a server like this, but is scarcely respected or followed. The power of the CoC has always been retained where it doesn’t belong; in SF Factions. Gone are the days of the FADM and the DGEN, where SF leaders would hold ranks to rival that of whoever was supposed to be in charge of their entire country. In reality, SF leaders should not be the decision makers in a country, but rather the base faction leadership and Generals therein. Thanks to the ever generous concessions of SF faction leaders over the years, most of the SF factions have dropped down to the rank of Colonel or some equivalent (most), but still most SF leaders refuse to give into the authority of the Generals, and as a result find themselves rarely giving into authority of anyone real. SF leaders have a hard time listening, which is kind of a bad thing that I'll address later.

      The important takeaway here is that SF factions should have a universal rank cap at O-6, and operate at the discretion of their side’s respective O-11.


    • 1.2.2 Standardization

      With consistency issues comes again the topic of ranks. Some factions really like to change their ranking structure often, or maintain nonsensical ranking structures altogether. Here’s what they should look like.



11B GB

















































































































































































    • 1.2.3 Approved

      Niggas will be probably be like ‘ShRImSp youC An’t JuST ChAANge OuR FAcTion, MY FACITion WhtIout Telling ME!!!111’ shut the fuck up and get that dumb idea out of your stupid heads, none of you own shit


  • 1.3 SOCOM & KSSO

    • 1.3.1 Brief Explanation

      So, as I’m sure many of you have already seen, USSOCOM is a thing on the US side of the server. In the past we’ve all seen many a faction’s various attempts at doing garbage designation shit to clutter up their MOS or add unneeded complexity to a faction in ways that provide little to no benefit. SOCOM and KSSO are not of this nature.

      SOCOM was introduced on the US side by myself as a RP initiative, Event Server function, and an experiment. I’m sure many of you are aware that within the military, there are other jobs than just ‘Infantry’, which right now is the bulk of the server. The SOCOM system is an attempt to give players secondary roles in RP to fulfill so that every player in every faction isn’t a dedicated rifleman, as there are other duties that will need to be fulfilled in events.


    • 1.3.2 Purposes

      Within SOCOM, there are seven primary specialties (4 more for AFSOC) that every enlisted member of SOCOM can be assigned to.

      Medical - In charge of keeping everyone alive.
      EOD - The guy who makes sure everyone doesn’t blow up.
      Engineering - Combat Engineer related duties.
      Intelligence - Pertains to the intelligence gathering and recon parts of operations.
      Comms - Responsible for communicating status with Command elements.
      Operations - In charge of planning and logistics of missions.
      Infantry - Standard Infantry, responsible for security.

      Each US SF has a faction specific MOS/NOS adaptation of one of these roles, and every SOC enlisted fulfills one of them. Leaders assign roles at their own discretion to ensure every base is covered in the field. This is a necessary evil and complication to ensure the success of operations. For instance, without an Operations Specialist, a faction might enter a situation unprepared or run out of ammo without someone coordinating logistics. Without an EOD, a faction won’t have anybody to properly disarm landmines and other IEDs commonly found in the field. Without a Comms Specialist, Command elements will not be able to properly coordinate and direct an operation. These are the gears required to make the event machine run smoothly, and allow factions more operational freedom and flexibility to overcome a variety of challenges in RP. Officers do not maintain a specific specialty, as their job is to make sure that the enlisted specialists are doing theirs.

      As a result of everyone focusing on a singular job at any given time, they will gradually become more and more experienced at roleplay in that role, and thus generate higher quality roleplay.


    • 1.3.3 Conversion & Application

      Due to the experimental nature of the SOCOM system, I wanted to start and test its functionality on the US side of the server before doubling down and integrating it into RU. Now that I’ve got what I believe to be a stable mold, it’s time to fully push it forward so that RU has its respective bases covered as well. That brings us to KSSO.

      KSSO is the Russian Special Forces Command, and is functionally identical to SOCOM. Further designations will be up to the general consensus of RU Spetz, but I will be personally integrating the system myself. It’s up to the leaders therein to manage it properly, otherwise RU’s event scores will suffer. 


  • 1.4 Progression

    • 1.4.1 Cooldowns

      The value attributed to ranks by any given player is directly proportional to the amount of time and effort put in by a player to earn said rank and title. A person who earns an Officer position through a mediocre at best tryout and an overnight waiting period of minimal contribution is a lot less likely to commit themself to the position that they ‘earned’. As a result, players who earn a position quickly leave it just as fast. Setting long and concrete cooldowns per rank, given that the rank structure is standardized, can greatly prolong the amount of effort required to earn an officer position, adding value and merit to said titles. Once upon a time in MRP, such ranks were quite difficult to get, leaders swapped hands far less frequently, and being something meant something. Over time, that has become less and less of the norm. To counteract this, scaling the promotion cooldown on a broader and more fair spectrum is the single most effective way to limit the rapid promotion and poor retention rate of the server in its current state.

      Promotion cooldowns would start relatively short to give new players the feeling that they are achieving something in their first few days on the server. From there, the cooldowns would rapidly scale up to slow down progression. General ranks will be done by appointment from active officers.



No Cooldown


1 Day.


2 Days.


2 Days.


5 Days.


5 Days.


1 Week.


1 Week.


1 Week.


Officer Discretion.


2 Weeks.


2 Weeks.


2 Weeks, 4 days.


2 Weeks, 4 days.


3 Weeks.


By Appointment.


    • 1.4.2 Specializations

      The specializations granted by the SOCOM system allow for, as previously stated, a much higher level of concentrated roleplay by individual players within their respective specialization. In terms of progression within specs, players will naturally become better at doing what they do, and to compliment this growth, official guides for the proper way to perform each specialization’s designated duty will be posted in guides and tutorials. Progression translates to getting more and more advanced, as well as creative, with the tools provided.




  • 2.1 Faction Leader Guidelines

    • 2.1.1 Laissez Faire 

      Gildarts had a very unique take on the act of managing the factions of the server in the sense that he didn’t manage them at all, totally hands off. The fact of the matter is that the server is made up entirely of the factions on it. Without the factions, there is no server, and if a faction is rendered inoperable due to their own mismanagement, then a portion of the server is rendered inoperable.

      As a result of Gildarts’ policy, faction leaders were given an exceptional amount of freedom to do whatever they wanted with the faction they happened to be in control of. This was a problem because the people who became faction leaders during this time weren’t exactly properly selected, it was more just a matter of succession, and those who succeeded the position had free reign over a large portion of the server, which in most cases is unacceptable for properly managing the health of the server.


    • 2.1.2 Permissions

      Faction Leaders are responsible for managing their faction, and doing whatever necessary to keep it operational. Factions are meant to be run like military entities (hence the term: MilitaryRP), and as such certain rules need to be followed, certain precedents need to be set, and certain things shouldn’t be happening. For example, as previously stated, ranks are one of the many things that should remain relatively constant.

      I’ll leave it to current management to more explicitly define what constitutes a concrete feature, but things like rank, internal structure, tryout, tier (some people legitimately think they can just “change” tier), and standards are all things that should not change with the leader. A new leader should not mean an entirely new faction.

      In fact, if leaders are prevented from being able to fuck up a faction, new leaders shouldn’t have to change anything to fix it, and suddenly, we have consistency. Not so much as to take away freedom from leaders, but to ensure that they aren’t able to do stupid shit for no reason, which is often the case (See: Conway). 


  • 2.2 Staff Relationship 

    • 2.2.1 Succession

      No faction leader lasts forever, and the turnover rate has only increased over the years. As a result of it being much, much slower in the past, there was never a defined standard for staff appointing a new leader. Sometimes it gets handed to the next in line to the throne, sometimes staff intervenes. Determining a leader on a case by case basis has typically invited some much unwanted dissension from the playerbase, especially when staff stick their noses into a friend faction. It gets messy, people threaten to leave, the whole tantrum.

      By establishing a standard, we can avoid the mess altogether, and I believe that the chosen leader should not just be a staff member or an officer (legitimate or illegitimate) of the faction, but the most qualified candidate. To determine this, management should look to applications whenever a vacancy presents itself in order to cull the whining.


  • 2.3 Coordinated Initiatives

    • 2.3.1 Making Stuff Happen

      If the server is the United States, and management is its Federal Government, the faction leaders are the Governors of its many states. That means that, if factions want to be bitter and not cooperate with others, certain things just can’t happen (for instance, SOCOM). Staff have no real way of broadly communicating with, coordinating with, and organizing with faction leaders. In the very near future, it’s going to be incredibly important that every leader in the community is on the same page in order for things to get done.


    • 2.3.2 Getting Together

      Meeting regularly is an important aspect to maintaining a common focus over time. Staff meetings happen bimonthly at best due to a lack of initiative from upper staff, and a regular concrete schedule hasn’t been in place since I was a T.Mod three years ago. Keeping staff on the same page is one thing, but the community has never attempted to keep the pillars of the community on the same page as well.

      Faction Leaders and management should be meeting weekly (Sundays at 7 EST are usually good) to make sure everyone is on the same page to make the server run smoothly and without unwanted deviation.


  • 2.4 Reserve Policy

    • 2.4.1 The Status Quo

      A recent re-implementation of the reserve policy was pushed out by the management team, however the guidelines lack any sort of specific requirements.

      The current guideline is as follows:
      1. “[Player must have] strived for greatness within the faction while active duty.”
      2. “Lead the faction while/while not being the faction leader.”
      3. “Left due to medical issues. “

      On top of these three guidelines, the new mandated reserve rank is now exactly O-1, but only retains the power of an E-4 for whatever reason.


    • 2.4.2 Toeing The Line

      As a result of the now vague guidelines and the previously non-existent guidelines, reserves have been warped over time from a scarcely awarded tool to provide players struggling with personal issues that force them to take time off the server with a chance at maintain their rank to what it is now; a further extension of the friend-faction system. Players now consider it a personal favor to be awarded reserves upon the end of their time in a faction, which is rarely of a long duration. It has become so commonplace that, in fact, some players feel insulted when they don’t receive reserves, when the reality is that most if not all players maintaining reserve ranks do nothing or have done nothing exceptional for said faction.

      The newer guidelines almost promote the less desirable usage of reserves rather than endorse it, and seem to encourage players to seek leadership positions within a faction just to guarantee what is effectively a permanent whitelist. Frankly, that’s not how it should work.


    • 2.4.3 Broken System

      In reality, the reserves system was introduced to allow players that had external circumstances appear that prevented them from playing on the server, or playing video games in general. Players who were granted reserves for a legitimate reason were expected not to play on the server, or any server for that matter, while their rank was, quite literally, being reserved. This was a way for players to not be penalized for things out of their control. As time went on, the original intent of reserves fell into obscurity and here we are today, where the system is now regularly proven to be ineffective. The typical reason for requesting reserves is to play another faction on the same server, which strongly promotes disloyalty, poor commitment, and reckless behavior due to having the safety net of a reserved rank.

      In my opinion, I think it is in the best interest of the server to remove the reserve system altogether for the above reasons, or simply revert it back to its original purpose and have it enforced strictly by staff, not by factions.




  • 3.1 Tryouts

    • 3.1.1 Difficulty

      As stated above, tryouts need to maintain some level of difficulty in order to keep the image of all the factions at a respectable level. If a tryout is too easy, or if they’re are suddenly a lot of people in a faction, people notice, start bickering, and a faction’s image suffers.

      It’s a constant back and forth where a faction that has a difficult tryout struggles to get numbers because there are factions with tryouts that are way easier. Over the years the server has become a competition to see who can have the easiest tryout in order to bolster the most amount of players and stage some claim to superiority. It’s back and forth, and a dumb cycle.

      Management ensuring that factions at the same tier, on both sides of the server, have tryouts of similar difficulty would ensure that tryouts are less manipulable, and less prone to frequent change. Because tryouts will be standardized and wont need to change as often, the player base will gradually adapt to participating in more challenging tryouts because they won't have an easier route to turn to. Players that do complete the harder tryouts will feel more rewarded and commit to their faction longer.


    • 3.1.2 Generic Components

      Generic parts of tryouts are common items like combat sims, OC/Match, or other universally used courses. While these are useful in setting a common standard to compare relative skill among players, including too many common items allows for a tryout that can be easily passed by many players on the first try, making what should be a hard tryout very easy for some players. Ensuring that a tryout includes a number of elements on top of the generic items is important in making sure a tryout is passable but not on the first try.


    • 3.1.3 Quality Assurance

      With this new way of overseeing tryouts, staff will need to keep a tight leash on the amount and circumstances of handpicks, or modifying a tryout in order to allow certain people an easier time.

      Faction leaders, like staff members, should have the capability to record their in-game footage. From now on, faction leaders (or officers) should record and be able to present footage of all their faction members passing a legitimate version of their tryout in the event that questions arise surrounding the inclusion of a player in a faction where they might not belong.
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21 minutes ago, shrimp said:

Faction Leaders and management should be meeting weekly

Bi-Weekly is often enough I believe, Maybe bordering too often, Or else Every week it'll be "You still doin that? Yep. Okay, Well.. See you next week"

29 minutes ago, shrimp said:

revert it back to its original purpose and have it enforced strictly by staff, not by factions.

Heavy agree on this.  Reserves should be given out for being Medically Restricted, Deployed to the Military, Broken Computer, Or any other such extenuating circumstances of you not being able to be active, On Steam at all.

30 minutes ago, shrimp said:

Management ensuring that factions at the same tier, on both sides of the server, have tryouts of similar difficulty would ensure that tryouts are less manipulable, and less prone to frequent change. Because tryouts will be standardized

Standardized in what way?
Like having a set amount of things that the faction leader can pick from? 

33 minutes ago, shrimp said:

Ensuring that a tryout includes a number of elements on top of the generic items is important in making sure a tryout is passable but not on the first try.

What would fall under generic?
Light jump? MATCH? Industrial?

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36 minutes ago, shrimp said:

Niggas will be probably be like ‘ShRImSp youC An’t JuST ChAANge OuR FAcTion, MY FACITion WhtIout Telling ME!!!111’ shut the fuck up and get that dumb idea out of your stupid heads, none of you own shit


11 minutes ago, PraetorDon said:

This part of your thread basically shows to me that you don't value the opinions of others, which really invalidates anything else you might say in this thread, sorry. Let's keep it professional.

Its like Don says by you saying this you show little to no care about how people will feel about this even though this is a community not a dictatorship and Garnet Gaming has a voice to go against this, and from what Im getting from this is you 1.) dont care that people might want things a different way and 2.) think that people should and I quote "shut the fuck up..." as if we shouldnt hate or dislike the ideas stated and with that I agree with Don some points I can agree with but I disagree more than I agree with the idea

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31 minutes ago, shrimp said:

1.2.1 Limiting

I do agree with this because Army feeds into every other faction so it makes it the most non-bias faction. Because when you have a SF leader in charge they are usually to be more bias to their faction, so its good to see you taking that into consideration.

34 minutes ago, shrimp said:

2.2 Staff Relationship 

 This is a needed part so this could prevent situations were leaders get it and are not capable to lead.

37 minutes ago, shrimp said:

2.4 Reserve Policy

in addition I believe a way to stop faction hopping would simply to make it 1 reserve per person 


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29 minutes ago, Homast said:

Heavy agree on this.  Reserves should be given out for being Medically Restricted, Deployed to the Military, Broken Computer, Or any other such extenuating circumstances of you not being able to be active, On Steam at all.

So if you love the faction you're in but you want reserves because you wanna move on and you wanna help in an in-direct way you can't get reserves but if you break your pinky finger you can have reserves???

That shoudlnt be how it works. Reserves should be given to only the best ones who were actually beneficial to the faction, Not just for medical issues

Edited by Lark
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4 minutes ago, Lark said:

if you love the faction you're in but you want reserves because you wanna move on and you wanna help in an in-direct way

It's kinda simple really.
Stay in the faction.


You can still help the faction indirectly, Talking to the officers in the faction and giving them ideas.
You don't need reserves to do that.
And Well.. Breaking your pinky finger hardly stops you from playing a video game.
However breaking your other fingers, or your wrist, That would.

Edited by Homast
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1 minute ago, Homast said:

Stay in the faction.

So youre saying that youre supposed to stay in ONE faction for your entire playtime?
People need reserves for doing some stuff like helping in tryouts, doing events and etc etc 

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1 minute ago, Lark said:

So youre saying that youre supposed to stay in ONE faction for your entire playtime?
People need reserves for doing some stuff like helping in tryouts, doing events

4 minutes ago, Homast said:

You can still help the faction indirectly, Talking to the officers in the faction and giving them ideas.
You don't need reserves to do that.

Also, You don't need reserves to help with tryouts.
Ask the Officer holding the tryout.


2 minutes ago, Lark said:

youre supposed to stay in ONE faction for your entire playtime

This entire post states that the natural progression of the server is to move into the more "Elite" groups through time.
Ideally you come to your final faction by T1 Faction

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35 minutes ago, PraetorDon said:

I like the specialization of each faction, including each specialization within a SOCOM faction itself. I also agree that faction leaders should be talking with staff on a regular basis. We've spoken on most of these ideas already, so you personally know what I liked, and didn't like.

I agree with what don said above. This is an idea that could breathe new life into this server. but having said that. 


1 hour ago, shrimp said:
    • Niggas will be probably be like ‘ShRImSp youC An’t JuST ChAANge OuR FAcTion, MY FACITion WhtIout Telling ME!!!111’ shut the fuck up and get that dumb idea out of your stupid heads, none of you own shit


This puts a sour taste in my mouth. The fact that you aren't consulting factions about some of these changes is odd. you made a suggestion to get feedback but simultaneously  say that you don't care about negative criticism., or feedback from the factions you are changing.

Some of these ideas are cool and i would love to see them implemented some day. But this is an overwhelming amount of change in one post. calling is spring cleaning is an understatement and a half. This is a complete overhaul and i think that the community should have a voice.

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2 minutes ago, Homast said:

Also, You don't need reserves to help with tryouts.

So you can just help SSO Tryouts by being a 2GA ?


2 minutes ago, Homast said:

This entire post states that the natural progression of the server is to move into the more "Elite" groups through time.
Ideally you come to your final faction by T1 Faction

Re-read what I said lmao...

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1 minute ago, Doof123 said:

This puts a sour taste in my mouth. The fact that you aren't consulting factions about some of these changes is odd. you made a suggestion to get feedback but simultaneously  say that you don't care about negative criticism., or feedback from the factions you are changing.

I heavily agree with this.


1 hour ago, shrimp said:
    • Niggas will be probably be like ‘ShRImSp youC An’t JuST ChAANge OuR FAcTion, MY FACITion WhtIout Telling ME!!!111’ shut the fuck up and get that dumb idea out of your stupid heads, none of you own shit


This is a MilitaryRP server, People dont "OWN" shit but they "LEAD" shit and those people who "LEAD" shit have opinions and feedback and you as gamemaster must take these feedbacks even if they were positive or negative

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1 minute ago, Lark said:

Re-read what I said lmao...

I did.
I literally dunno what you don't understand by my post.
You're saying that you're expected to stay in 1 faction for your entire play on the server.
I said that's not the case, and that you should move through factions.
Does it mean that you deserve to get reserves just for going to SSO from GRU?
No. Why would it?



2 minutes ago, Lark said:

So you can just help SSO Tryouts by being a 2GA ?

Ask the person holding the tryouts.
It's again, Entirely up to them.
Re-read what I say lmao...

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1 minute ago, Homast said:

You're saying that you're expected to stay in 1 faction for your entire play on the server.


13 minutes ago, Lark said:

So youre saying that youre supposed to stay in ONE faction for your entire playtime?

What are you talking about


2 minutes ago, Homast said:

Ask the person holding the tryouts.

Reserves can help by SIMMING in the tryout, 2GA cant

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8 minutes ago, Lark said:

Reserves can help by SIMMING in the tryout, 2GA cant

That's up to the person conducting the tryouts.
Where in the rules does it say that?


8 minutes ago, Lark said:

What are you talking about

I was responding to you thinking that this reserves policy is meant to restrict you to playing on 1 faction for your entire stay.
This is not the case, As it is encouraged that you leave 2GA to join GRU & PDSS, And then In turn, Leave either of those to join soon-to-be OMRP, SSO, or Vega.
Your goal on the server Should be 1 of 3 things.
Help Players by becoming an Officer in a T3/T2 Faction, thus improving the server,
Be in the T1 Faction, Helping to improve the server through extensive Roleplay.
T2 Factions are the middle ground between the New player experience and the Roleplay Heavy experience. Help players get into the roleplay experience, and warm them up to the server community.

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