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MRP Improvements V1

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Hello there MRP playerbase!

I wasn't originally going to post this, but was convinced otherwise. If somethings are unfinished, it's probably because of that.


This thread is coming directly based on  Shrimp's post , with some refinement and removal of what I noticed was not agreeable, and what was. This will not be a static thread, I will update it based on community feedback. Each major refinement will lead to an updated title and date added, so stay posted.

I've tried to gauge community opinion as best as I can. If you want to discuss any of the points made in this post, or anything server related really, feel free to message  me on TS.  I would like to talk to US more other than Stork/Homast/Mitsuri/Old RU mains. If you do agree/disagree with something, please respond with what you agree/disagree with, so I can update this thread.


Anyway, into the meat of the thread. I've categorized some of the major changes into five bullet points.

  • VIP/Subscription ranks and perks 

  • RP events and faction specialization

  • War System Overhaul

  • Skill Tree

  • Meetings between faction leaders and staff/increased staff interaction with factions.


The Breakdown


VIP/Subscription Ranks/Perks is fairly self explanatory, and I believe would genuinely bring in income for the server as well as some cool diversity between players. Based on Garnet's post, I have a fair idea of what he's planning: custom classes and the like, similar to DarkRP. I will revisit this once I post the thread and get some feedback. I think we would all love to know more about this.

RP Events, from what I've seen lately, have been immensely popular. I'm not a Gamemaster, and I'll admit I know little of what Shrimps has planned as far as an overarching story line goes. This is definitely something that should be added, but from what I noticed thus far, needs to include base factions as well. If one of the Gamemasters or even Shrimps himself, could shed some light on this, I will add it to this portion. @shrimp

Faction Specialization is something I think is fine as listed in Shrimps post. After getting a consensus from RU SOC, I don't think we have the numbers for another SOC faction at the moment, and bringing in people outside of RU has it's own downsides. I'm all for implementing in-faction specialization however. I've copied and trimmed it directly from Shrimps' post, as I don't believe there's anything that needs to be changed.


"Within SOCOM, there are seven primary specialties (4 more for AFSOC) that every enlisted member of SOCOM can be assigned to.


Medical - In charge of keeping everyone alive.

EOD - The guy who makes sure everyone doesn’t blow up.

Engineering - Combat Engineer related duties.

Intelligence - Pertains to the intelligence gathering and recon parts of operations.

Comms - Responsible for communicating status with Command elements.

Operations - In charge of planning and logistics of missions.

Infantry - Standard Infantry, responsible for security.


Each US SF has a faction specific MOS/NOS adaptation of one of these roles, and every SOC enlisted fulfills one of them. Leaders assign roles at their own discretion to ensure every base is covered in the field."

Each faction's specialization is up for debate, and I will revisit this.


A revitalized war system that can give XP for more than just kills, allows for more interaction and tools for RP events and RP wars, making wars actually matter for an overarching story line. The revamped donor method would have to come before this for purposes of funding however. This is probably the longest, hardest part to implement, as it requires significant dev time and funding, but would definitely set us apart from other servers and bring in players.


For the skill tree, allowing leveling up to actually matter with the end result being to build a customized character so to speak. This would add diversity between players and play styles. Some examples I came up with are: bonus movement speed when a melee weapon is out, decreased recoil when using a sniper/dmr, silent movement, health granted on a melee kill, increased hip fire accuracy. Feel free to post any additional neat ideas, these were what I came up with in five minutes or so. Again, this will require significant revision and dev time.


Meetings between faction leaders and staff should happen on a biweekly basis, to make sure everything is running smoothly in the faction and to address any complaints that may have arisen.

Going off of shrimps' post, I think staff should know who the next faction leader is going to be, and approve it, to make sure the faction handover is smooth as possible. Other than this, staff should let the faction run itself, if you can't trust the faction leader to make day to day decisions, can you trust them at all?


Again, feel free to respond to the thread with any feedback. I'm only one person, and therefore am asking you, the community to come together on this. Let's prove to Garnet we can come together and provide an accurate representation of what we want.

Shrimps' Original Post Can Be Found Here

Edited by Praetor_Don
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16 minutes ago, PraetorDon said:

This thread is coming directly based on  Shrimp's post , with some refinement and removal of what I noticed was not agreeable, and what was. 

Idk man looks like you just copied and pasted his original post and got rid of things like OMRP, A Defined Rank Structure, Cool Down Limitations, Faction Leader Guidelines, Reserves Policy,  Faction Standards, and a lot less words. To be quite honest this suggestion really seems irrelevant to me considering @shrimp already made a more defined version of whatever this post is trying to be. All in all try to come up with your own ideas rather than copying others and removing the parts you don't like.

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17 minutes ago, Not Naitsir said:

Idk man looks like you just copied and pasted his original post and got rid of things like OMRP, A Defined Rank Structure, Cool Down Limitations, Faction Leader Guidelines, Reserves Policy,  Faction Standards, and a lot less words. To be quite honest this suggestion really seems irrelevant to me considering @shrimp already made a more defined version of whatever this post is trying to be. All in all try to come up with your own ideas rather than copying others and removing the parts you don't like.

I did copy the faction specialization, because I couldn't think of a better way to explain it.

I also talked to shrimps for several hours about what he covered in his post, and what was covered here, so there's definitely going to be similarities.

I took out things that weren't popular, or just plain wrong, for instance GRU having an ENS rank. I figure it's better to leave out the things that were not well liked, rather than put that in my post.

Consensus from what I gathered is that a lot of people don't like the rank changes, the cooldown changes, and the reserves policy. I'd love to talk to US, if you want to have a more in depth conversation, feel free to PM me on TS.

Thanks for the feedback!

Edited by Praetor_Don
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12 minutes ago, PraetorDon said:

I did copy the faction specialization, because I couldn't think of a better way to explain it.

Understandable just seemed really weird to me how it was word for word the same.

12 minutes ago, PraetorDon said:

I also talked to shrimps for several hours about what he covered in his post, and what was covered here, so there's definitely going to be similarities.

Also makes sense nothing i can argue here except my claim for it being irrelevant but I can understand that this is a post to be worked on by the community as a whole.

12 minutes ago, PraetorDon said:

I took out things that weren't popular, or just plain wrong, for instance GRU having an ENS rank. I figure it's better to leave out the things that were not well liked, rather than put that in my post.

 Where I stand with the whole "popularity" of certain topics is a bit iffy considering some of the things that shrimps suggested seem necessary to have the "RP Experience" that everyone is trying to advocate for right now.

12 minutes ago, PraetorDon said:

Consensus from what I gathered is that a lot of people don't like the rank changes, the reserve changes, and the reserves policy. I'd love to talk to US, if you want to have a more in depth conversation, feel free to PM me on TS.

I feel I share a same view on things like rank changes, reserves changes, and reserves policy with shrimps and from the people i've spoke with on US they for the most part feel the same way so there is always room for discussion.

Also thanks for the response!


Edited by Not Naitsir
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Looks like a copy and paste of various aspects of Shrimps thread, just with stuff taken out that you didn't like. On top of that you already claimed that Shrimps opinions on that thread were made invalid by 1 funny comment, so it's funny that you'd make a thread based on something you deemed invalid.

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5 hours ago, Kendal said:

Looks like a copy and paste of various aspects of Shrimps thread, just with stuff taken out that you didn't like. On top of that you already claimed that Shrimps opinions on that thread were made invalid by 1 funny comment, so it's funny that you'd make a thread based on something you deemed invalid.

Similar to what I said to Naitsir, I talked with Shrimps, this thread is a reflection of that. After that, I talked with a variety of people about was liked, and what was not liked. Obviously, my own opinion is going to be in here, but I'm also including the opinions of others.

Thanks for the feedback though!

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Mega +1

These all sound like really great ideas, I don't think I disagree with one part of it. Having a skill tree aligned with having base factions joining actual RP events. Making war have a purpose is amazing, brings more people to the server cause it does separate us from other servers. If this actually gets implemented it would be the best thing this server has probably done yet.

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