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  1. Yeah honestly I don't think you can change. Like from out of all the times you've said that you have changed I have listened to you always and always given you the benefit of the doubt, but not anymore. -1 I honestly question if you should be even taken into the next ban wipe.
  2. In Game Name: Dowsy Origin of name (Why you chose it): I wanted to change my name from Upland to something else, so I switched the name to DownSea (get it?) and just fine tuned it a bit How long you've been on GG (Put the date you joined if known): I think around 2 years, no idea when I joined to be exact. Favorite faction you've been in: Tie between Nomad's DF and ANP Favorite memory on the server: Most defintely my first run as DGEN of ANP. Learned some dank ass ideas from that time, oh and also invented ID I guess too during that time.
  3. Not sure where you took the part about me being mad but cool. Anyways, I was mostly confused about the situation since from my experience even if you fail on a question partly, its still a fail.
  4. Dude if these are minor suggestions, I can't wait to see your major ones. Jokes aside, +1, if implumented correctly, this could possibly work out nicely. Though I think an area such as OC should stay as sort of "neutral ground" for obvios reasons. +1, if it is limited to officer useage only, since then they would not be so common, that it starts lagging the server. This one I am a bit iffy about. While, I do believe Orsis being the best in slot for snipers (from at least the ones I have used/use) is big oof, this could end up making loads of people mad, just because of the fact that their sniper rifle is "taken away". Also just saying that "oh you love snipers? Spend another 35 dollars to the server" is not the most solid reasoning out there, specially when said donation job can at worst take up to a half a year of coming to you.
  5. Its a muddy situation, but honestly from what I quickly glanced over with your post history and stuff, you've not been the most easiest guy to aproach. Also, I mean if Garnet was the one to issue the perm ban on you, your pretty much out of luck.
  6. While my experiences with US Leaders have mostly been positive, one worry-some interaction with Vaughan and a CWO named Volatos happened during a DS tryout. In said tryout, (from what I understood) you may fail 2 questions and then your out. Pretty simple stuff right? Well, no (also just so that the story makes sense, Volatos was hosting the tryout and Vaughan was no where to be seen before this incident). See during the tryout another participant named Hank failed two questions and was then dismissed. After the dismissal though CPT Vaughan comes in and over-rides the decision made by Volatos, stating that "it was not a major fail in a question". This then caused some confusion with Volatos, Hank and Vaughan, resulting in Hank being let back into the tryout. After this he continued to be a bit of a nuisance around the tryout, repeating what volatos was saying, making it extremely hard to hear what the question was, etc. Now this just might be a single incident, but it is still worrying how little coordination was done between Volatos and Vaughan, especially during something semi-important as a tryout.
  7. Though, that does kinda show where yall stand on the issue. Even if its a bit bad way of showing it
  8. Dowsy


    Oh thats a big Y I K E S
  9. Dowsy


    Clearly everyone is missing out on the real hero of this video:
  10. Dowsy


    Come to think of it, wouldn't these forums be a good place for you to show that you have changed? Since like hereyou can't really do much in the way of harm so
  11. Funny you say that, since I have seen both be used more than few time during csdesert_v2 (but tbf I think i bitched about it then but eh). Anyways again this issue seems to be something that has already been given a easy simple solution that works 100% of the time.
  12. because thats what we used before even with the server totally full and it has worked amazingly
  13. Easy fix: dont say your warplan it untill the two min mark. -1
  14. Dowsy


    Read my newest post
  15. Huh, so this post went well. So for context here its important to note that it was 2-3 am, I was super tired and angry about losing a war when I made this post. Does it make this post any less cringy? Not really but its important to know context. That said though, I would like to explain my point for everyone. So at least with in ts I have always been a fan of every officer being under the same ts channel to help out coordination between factions. The problem of talking over eachother would not be such a major issue seen as everyone with an officer rank should know when to just shut up. Also since its clear the current form of communication Also since the way we handle communication currently is clearly not working, would it be really a bad thing for US to try out other forms of using ts?
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