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MilitaryRP Super-Admin
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Everything posted by Ozzy

  1. At the end of clip I show I was completely invisible. You shouldn't have seen me at all. Clearly you did.
  2. https://streamable.com/q1er1i
  3. Accepted Welcome to the team! @Fonza will be training you and the training will be observed by @Rust or @Python Once set, do not use any commands until you have been trained.
  4. This would bang as a Steam background
  5. Denied Spoke with the user and he has decided to rescind the appeal.
  6. MRP Staff Roster Month of March, 2021 MVP @Reeper > Moderator with 89 Sits Promotions @Salmon > Admin: Good sit count and great division work. Has proven himself to be a role model for staff and as a player. @riprandy > Trial Admin: Phenomenal sit count and good division work. @Maddox > Trial Admin: Great sit count and good division work. Going out on a limb with “Trial” here. @Yurri > Trial Admin: Good sit count and good division work. @eli_ > Head Mod: Great sit count and fulfilled duties as a Mod. @hysteria > Head Mod: Phenomenal sit count and fulfilled duties as a Mod. @Camo > Head Mod: Good sit count and fulfilled duties as a Mod. @Fonza > Head Mod: Good sit count and fulfilled duties as a Mod. Strong role model for the server. @Acer > Mod: Good sit count and fulfilled duties as a Trial Mod. @Angry > Mod: Good sit count and fulfilled duties as a Trial Mod. @Theos > Mod: Great sit count and fulfilled duties as a Trial Mod. @Whue > Mod: Phenomenal sit count and fulfilled duties as a Trial Mod. Extended Terms @Millerjerm = Admin: Fulfilled duties as HR Supervisor. Needs to keep building trust to move forward. Sometimes implants himself in events/situations to the detriment. @Tuna = Admin: Fulfilled duties as Operator Director. Was involved in the improper handling of a sit this month. Other than that, still a good role model for the server. @Party = Trial Admin: Good sit count and strong division work. However needs to work on patience and decision making before he can become a full fledged Admin. @Python = Trial Admin: Great sit count and good division work. Also was involved in the improper handling of a sit and was the catalyst. Often shows flashes of immaturity. @Valor1 = Trial Admin: Good sit count and good division work. Needs to continue what he’s doing and he’ll make Admin. @Rust = Trial Admin: Bitch finally became Manager IRL and can come off LOA. @WeebMaster = Trial Admin: Average sit count and average division work (a couple folks in Ops hogged every report they could tbf). @Ominous = Trial Admin: 0 sits and good HR work on the 2nd to last day of the month. Will be spoken with and continued performance, or lack there of, will result in a demotion. @huskaii = Mod: On indefinite LOA for family. @Early6111 = Trial Mod: For being staff for literally 2 days, you racked up 20 sits lol. Keep that up next month. @lmatheson04 = Trial Mod: Only 17 sits, which was not enough to warrant a promotion. @Kermat = Trial Mod: Received a Staff Strike for repeatedly No Clipping off duty. Demotions @Montere > User: Resigned from his in-game role but never approached an Executive about staff. Regardless, 0 sits. @Ranger > User: Resigned. Up to Jacob @Ozzy
  7. Accepted Welcome to the team! @OminousWill be training you. Please do not use any staff commands until you have been trained. @JakePlease set him ASAP.
  8. DENIED Re-apply in 2 weeks, 4/13.
  9. Accepted The RPG-7 will be nerfed, and the Matador will not be buffed. The solution to something being OP isn't to make other things OP to match it. RPG's currently require you to only shoot within 2 area codes to kill someone.
  10. No one disagreed because they didn't believe it had magnum lol. I personally disagreed because this is just wrong. Maybe because you're a sniping/basecamping purist but one sniper having magnum doesn't make US Elites > RU Elites. Where were your complaints of RU models folding? 2 Whole factions and an RU Elite. Cracked RU hitboxes? RPG being significantly better than the Matador? Prestige's CZ having updated spread but Cachet's MSBS did not until recently? -------------------------------------------------- And back on topic. We don't give two shits if it gets Magnum removed. We'd still want it. Appearance and sound are nice. Further distances us from being a MARSOC copycat. -------------------------------------------------- And to Part 2, it just makes sense for there to be some sort of uniformity. Each Special Forces has 1 specialty class (Nades/Sniper): RU: GRU Sniper - 2 Slots SSO Nades - 3 Slots Vega Sniper - Infinite Slots US: GB Nades - 3 Slots Rangers Sniper - 3 Slots DF Sniper - 2 Slots Only thing that's constant is Faction Nade classes having 3 slots. Snipers are 2, 3, and Infinite. Goes beyond just DF/V, Rangers and GRU are involved too. I'm in favor of having 3 slots max for each Faction's Specialty class. I'm in favor of having 5 slots max for each Special Forces Faction's Tier classes. Base faction Tiers can have infinite.
  11. DENIED Wait for a wipe and then hope you’re included.
  12. DENIED Not enough positive feedback. I really don't know you so I had to rely on the replies to this thread. There just wasn't enough to Accept you at this time. PS: To all you asshats talking about him bringing up Hysteria's activity, he goes by a different name almost as much as Fetn. It would be easy as hell to lose track of what his name is if you weren't paying attention. Try not to waste posts/reacts, especially when you are incorrect.
  13. FYI your city is on that link. Go Ducks Peep this shit @Garnet Tell Gunner to make it our logo
  14. Thank you to everyone that participated!! Buddy’s fucking blitzed in the name of Saint Patrick but I’ll make sure you guys get your items tomorrow!
  15. Bane didn’t see the 4th Clover until he was already a man! By then, it was nothing to him but blinding.
  16. Happy St Patrick's Day!! Earlier than I would've liked to be up this morning, I permapropped four 3-leaf clovers throughout the map. NONE of them require any sort of boost, no clip, sitting, etc. PRIZES!!!: 1st Clover Found: $15 credits to spend on yourself or anyone 2nd Clover Found: $10 credits to spend on yourself or anyone 3rd Clover Found: $5 credits to spend on yourself or anyone 4th Clover Found: 100k in-game cash In order to claim your Clover, you MUST send me a screenshot of the clover via Discord. My discord handle is very easy to find if you're in the main MRP Discord. Disclaimer: Anyone caught abusing powers to find Clovers will be punished accordingly; ie: claiming an area just to search it, staff using no clip, etc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winners: 1st Clover: @Kermat 2nd Clover: @Early6111 3rd Clover: @HeroTv1 4th Clover: @Early6111
  17. Locked it. But btw, a Defib nerf was included in the most recent Update Sheet. So hold off on any suggestions around the Defib until we see how it plays post update.
  18. Garry's Mod is not very smart when people are hopping from server to server. Often times there will be conflicting addons that will affect gameplay. As far as noclip goes, theres a setting you have to check off if you make it for more than 1 person. If its just for 1 person, you need to enable sv_cheats 1 in order to noclip.
  19. Accepted Welcome to the team! @Maddoxwill be training you while a HR Staff+ supervises. @Jake please set him ASAP.
  20. Accepted Welcome to the team! @Maddoxwill be training you with a HR Staff+ supervising. Do not use any commands until you have been trained. @Jake Please set ASAP
  21. Yo, don’t create an entire new app. Just edit your original post with this application. Let me know when you’ve done so, so I can hide this post.
  22. Accepted Welcome to the team! Was letting this one sit as the only negative remarks I saw were regarding your involvement with the community. I've seen efforts to be in TS more and a solid role model in game. @riprandyWill be training you with @Ominous supervising. Please do not use any commands until you've been trained. I'll get Jake to set you ASAP.
  23. DENIED You're a good guy and a friend, but I need to see more commitment to the server before I can accept you back. Please wait 2 weeks before applying again. (3/18)
  24. These will be available for all servers and likely won't pay homage to any specific server or faction.
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