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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Smity_

  1. +1 Me and this man have played quite a bit together. And with him coming back to the server he has benefited it quite well. Always an active member too.
  2. Denied You advertised in the USASF Discord channel to like your App. Please refrain from doing that. Re-apply in 2 weeks (9/30)
  3. Hello @MrTooTooT, If a Gamemaster wants to run this with you have them contact me or @Ozzyso we can possibly give some XP/Money to the winner or just have them gather the money amount themselves! Just make sure its team based and not an FFA like you mention. But otherwise I'm going to move this to accepted as this is already something we can do.
  4. Moving to accepted as Ozzy and I have put weapon changes through!
  5. I'm going to go ahead and move this to accepted as we have swapped maps.
  6. Your suggestion is Denied. As mentioned from @Ozzyand I, the ak-103 is pretty damn good stats wise. And SOC faction weapons shouldn't completely out weigh other weapons.
  7. Your suggestion is Denied. This has been tried in the past and at the moment Aircraft has been removed from the server and we currently don't have the best candidates for a Faction that rules the skies.
  9. Your suggestion is denied The point of the IFAK is to heal you or others. Which is atm the moment its mainly used to heal yourself so it makes you an one man army essentially. The credit amount isn't bad if you play the server a lot or afk a little bit. Which brings a better benefit than an one man army mentality.
  10. Proggy turning into @Reeper? But congratulations everyone!
  11. And aimspread goes through the roof. I'm telling you now that AK-74 is going to get nerfed or nothing happens at all. AK-103 is a beam. You also haven't taken account using all of the attachments available on the Ak-103 which makes it that beam. @Ozzywill have his response soon. And also, I don't appreciate you setting your name to Smity stinky when we have to forcerpname you when you are on a Taliban class.
  12. The suggestion of this was a map poll once the poll was concluded it deemed the next map to be chaharikar which is accepted by the big man. @Luxembourgplease lock and move to accepted!
  13. Hello @PepsiwolfLike what reeper put above, It says that if its an annoyance to fellow players. More than likely you will be told to stop and if you don't stop you will be muted in-game for a short period of time. If you continue after being unmuted you can be warned for micspam. So don't worry about that! Other wise you will be fine. @Luxembourgplease lock and move to accepted!
  14. Denied After Talking too fellow staff members we don't deem you fit as a staff member right now. Feel Free to re-apply after two weeks, think you are ready, and have changed your demeanor in-game. @Luxembourg please lock and move to denied
  15. Hello MRP Community! We will soon have a new map coming and if you want to look at it yourself here is the link to the map. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2017765369 Little additions to the map to make it slightly different for the better. For example, I told him to add power cores to it just to make use of raids and the new ROE! Please Comment your Ideas to possibly get your idea added!
  16. Your suggestion has been Accepted, Please note that accepted suggestions will not necessarily be implemented into the server, but rather forked over to the development team for a second opinion, at which point they are free to choose between implementation or not. @Luxembourgplease lock and move!
  17. @Luxembourgmove to accepted as these have happened!
  18. @Luxembourgplease move to accepted! The changes have happened!
  19. @Luxembourgmove to accepted please!
  20. @Luxembourg move to Accepted please!
  21. Denied but kinda accepted It is not in the rules, but it can be perceived as toxic that's why you can be warned for talking over dead bodies. Otherwise nothing is stopping people from doing it. People that are friends do it all the time as friendly banter to get each other going and that's ok. We have harassment/toxicity in the rules for a reason for those that aren't friends, not to be shit talking others that they don't know that which causes un-needed toxicity. It will not be removed in that case. But like I mentioned earlier, nothing is stopping you from doing it over your friends bodies but you're taking that risk of getting reported if you're not great friends with them. @Luxembourgplease lock and move to denied
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