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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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  1. +1 would be a fun change to see and would make cars more viable to actually push OBJs
  2. +1 except slugs last time slug rounds were in the game(directly after the tali switch happened) it was near impossible to combat them
  3. +1 would be nice to see this change happen Altho where tf did the RU change go if that’s still in the works I assume it would go t3 forcon t2 MARSOC and t1 DEVGRU this could also help have t3 and base faction work together alot more as FORCON falls under MAGTF and not SOCOM
  4. +1 doesn’t seem like he actually rdm anyone it was late at night and all he did was shoot his foot doesn’t really warrant a 1 week ban
  5. Put it this way tanks would be rpg mains but instead of it being a player with normal 150 hp it would be a veichle that has much more hp it simply wouldn’t be fun to play against
  6. -1 ngl this would not be fun and there’s other more important things to be focused on
  7. Pretty sure it was supposed to be added to t1 factions and it used to be on there but got no idea where it went
  8. God no don’t make this why would a buyable class give people A espionage and B Bot a. Sniper and a primary fun fact only tier 3 SOCOM factions have both sniper and AR
  9. 1. Army should not receive as ussocom weapon(rangers M4sopmod) just because a class that isn’t supposed to be used in any form of combat anyways 2.the m60 getting changed wouldnt be a bad change this would be interesting to see 3. Medic should never ever ever ever have a primary weapon even if it’s a smg because honestly it’s only purpose is to heal and revive others usually people with donor weapons will use the class as some of the donor weapons used to be and potentially are still better then a couple main class weapons. 4.permanent weapons would only be available through donations but if there was more variety in that shop that would be good for the server. 5.as for Soc factions being more interesting then regular base army, honestly that’s how it’s supposed to be for the most part soc factions are things that everyone would wanna be but that not everyone can get into it gives people something to work towards in the server but also the us has a sniper rifle class and an smg class last time I checked on top of the lmg and marksman rifle class so it isn’t like y’all running dry
  10. I’m pretty sure that the general idea for weapon changes can be gotten from the other thread but since you started a new one make sure these changes actually happen
  11. +1 badri had a suggestion like this that got accepted I don’t see why delta force shouldn’t have their primary changed as well the ump is dogshit
  12. Woods

    Theos' Dismissal

    People have gone to theos for solutions as the post states he brushes them off
  13. Woods

    Theos' Dismissal

    Trust me man it’s not people have tried to cooperate with theos time and time again even when he first became manager and as it says on the post most of the time it comes down to cope
  14. Woods

    Theos' Dismissal

    +1 i can tell you first hand that most of these issues are true and have indeed been brought to theos attention before by staff members and from an outsiders perspective of what’s happening with the staff it looks like nothing is being done whether it’s come from actually staff members or former staff members who either left the team or got kicked out due to these issues, I can also say first hand that a good portion of the community is in constant disagreement with theos especially with implementations of the new rule and from what I can tell it’s just been back and forth
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