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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by SailorDef

  1. In-game name: SailorSteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:530397274Staff members in-game name: BishopStaff members SteamID (/id (name): idkDate & Time of incident: 1 week agoTimezone: PSTBan Reason: "You are also a freak. Please seek help"How long were you banned for?: PermaProof of Ban:What happened? (include any proof): I was involved in a private discord that had some racist comments that were leaked to the MRP Staff team. Why should your ban be removed?: I have had some time to reflect on my poor choice of friends and have since cut contact. I've also had a private conversation with a few people expressing my apologies on behalf of everyone who got banned and myself. I had the least participation from that discord and have since cut ties with all of the people who took things too far. I wanted to fit in so I made few "edgy" comments that i have since realized are not ok. I don't expect for anyone to feel bad for me I just want to have the option play on the server again. If you'll take any of this into consideration i'd be grateful. - Sailor
  2. -1 Not one member of TSFU was contacted for any of these changes. I love the speed boost idea and shield but none of Utility changes are necessary. All we want is a sniper but that will never happen which is unfortunate. Cheese has been talking about weapon changes with a few people for TSFU please shoot him a message because some of these changes are great.
  3. TLDR : Basically as the title says. The raid DB rule doesn't make the server better. A raid should be something that come out of nowhere not something that you have to advertise. Even if is supposed to be in "AFG" or "US" comms everyone can see it which causes meta game. Having to advert the start and end of a DB lets the other team know you're coming so they just sit at their gates and wait(which is metagame). If you say "well just don't meta game" its really hard not to because you know its coming. To fix this I think we should add a 15-20 min cooldown instead of the DB.
  4. +1 for your warn appeal. As the person running the event i dont think Smity was in the wrong. The person he killed was continuously interrupting my event and i had asked them to stop. they did not and continued to break NLR and kill everyone in and around my event. Smity had had enough and followed the US roe (killing the person he heard and knew was shooting along with the like 6 other people there shooting back).
  5. Shoot me a message anytime you'd like. Like my post says i have no life
  6. In-game name: TSFU SGM Sailor Age: 18 SteamID (https://steamid.io/) : STEAM_0:0:530397274 Warns: 4 (all from 2019/2020) Timezone: PST Playtime? (Paste your /playtime [Name]):| TSFU MSGT Sailor has played for 554:48:50. Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] YES Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] YES Referral(s): [What Gamemaster recommended you to apply?] BenZ, Tesla, Scratch Past experiences as a Game Master: [Optional] N/A Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] If I’m chosen for game master I can provide fun and entertainment to not only the US but everyone on the server. I’m a well liked person that already participates in “event” rp in the form of my Loan sharking. Many people seem to enjoy it and find it funny and it's useful to players in need of money. I’m a creative thinker who has too much time and some fun ideas for games. I don’t have tons of experience but I’m more than willing to crack down and practice and learn. I like to have fun as well as entertain others. I have lots of time and ideas to better the player experience. I don’t like the abuse of power and I won’t abuse them myself. I also like to help others (ik that's an admin thing) so if anyone has questions about events or the GM position (after a bit more experience) I am more than willing to help anyone with anything. I feel I would be a good fit for the game master position. Since my last application I’ve gone over the comments I received and looked at other applications (both accepted and denied) and I’ve gone into more detail. I have also tried my best to apologize for my prior instances of toxicity and insults thrown at others. I believe this is another reason I would be a good GM, I can acknowledge things I've done wrong and change them for the better (i hope). I can also take constructive criticisms well and change my events to improve everyone's entertainment. I took the advice from my first GM application and my second and I think the changes I've made show that I would be a good addition to GGmrp's GM team. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: Yes. In 2020 I was banned from MRP for vet mass. A few years ago the punishment was changed and during late Feb I was unbanned. How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: As much as is needed of me (I have no life) In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: To provide entertainment, fun, and RP between wars. Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: My RP events would provide fun entertainment and more RP scenarios for all players. My “The Spy” event is just one of the ideas I have to bring more RP between the US and TALI sides. If I become a GM I will provide fun and interesting RP that ties into past and present events that I or other GMs may run. Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas designed for only your side to take part in: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] 1. TALI artillery raid My Idea for an artillery raid actually came from both the game Squad and Nelson. Nelson had us firing RPGs back and forth from the US base to the second roof in EMB and vice versa. I took inspiration from his low pop arcade game to turn it into an event everyone can enjoy. Two people will be taken to Shipment and given an RPG with 6-10 rockets each. An event raid will then be called followed by each of our “Artillery” firing 5 shots each. The rest of the US will then raid and have fun fighting the US. When the foot soldiers are dead a /comms or event announcement will be made to fire the last rockets on USI base and then RTB for debrief. (ALSO WORKS FOR US) 2. Document Retrieval My document retrieval idea came to me from Warthunder. The Warthunder fanbase has a tendency to steal and leak classified documents. For my game a small squad would (insert location) and fight their way through ai/US and find their stolen documents. They will then have to attempt to RTB getting attacked on the way home from more AI/US. If the truck explodes and/or they die on the way back their mission has failed and the documents are leaked to US forces. If they make it back they will take the document the the TALI DB and pass them off to (highest rank on). 3. Rescue the target My Rescue target idea was inspired by a rescue raid I did recently. It was a small group raid and we actually used our breach and clear certification training to get our kidnapped comrade. This idea is very similar. A small group of players would break into (insert location) and have to rescue (insert player) using breach and clear methods. The small team could have the choice of quiet (suppressors, no sprinting) or loud (breaching charge, shotguns). They would fight their way through ai/US to get to our comrade and take them home. (ALSO WORKS FOR US) 4. NASCAR I think my inspiration for this is pretty obvious. For my NASCAR event it would be a 3-5 lap race around the map. My event could be done in a tournament format or just for fun. The participant could use a GM spawned car or their choice of vehicle from the spawn NPC. The participants could (if they all agree) put money on the race for a pot for the winner. It could also be a GM (my pocket) funded or just bragging rights. For the tournament style there would be multiple heats of people and the final heat would consist of all the winners to see who the USs best driver is. This event should be run on lower pop to avoid server strain and to entertain those who can’t be on in the afternoons/midday. (ALSO WORKS FOR TALI but change name) (THIS IS NOT JUST LEFT TURNS ITS A RACE I JUST STOLE THE NAME) 5. Operation Stolen Goods Honestly I had no inspiration for this event, the idea just popped into my head. TALI would head over to the UK or RU base and fight their way through insurgent forces (volunteer people) and try to steal radioactive materials to craft weapons with. The volunteers would have boosted health and armor to compete with being outnumbered; they can vote and/or choose what weapons they get to fight with(1 life only). The TALI forces get 1 life (much like a raid) to fight thru and eliminate the insurgents. They would then take the materials back and stash them within the Taliban base. If they are to die the insurgents will take revenge and raid Taliban bases. If they succeed they will then get 3 air strikes (similar to Dillan's event) to raid the US with. Please list and explain 3 unique global event idea designed for the entire server to take part in: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] 1. Castle war. I took inspiration from the minecraft bedwars My castle war idea is a team v team style game. Tali and US each get their own castle to fight from and attack the other team. For the event I would use the base of the castle event we have now but there would be 2 directly across from each other with a large bridge full of obstacles to hide behind. The winners are decided by who controls both castles by the end of the Minigame(xtime-xtime). https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199021060276/screenshots/ 2. Cod Zombies style event My inspiration for this event was obviously CoD Zombies. I was watching an og CoD video and the idea popped into my head that this could fit for a fun event on the server. The CoD Zombies event is a longer event and requires a lot of setup. It’s meant for 4-6 people and can be done by 1 GM but 2 or more is more optimal. There would be 10-15 rounds of increasing difficulty. After each round the players would get a resupply and health as well as their choice of opening a door or each getting a new weapon. The final few rounds would spawn larger ai that are harder to kill. When opening the doors they could find perks(jug, quick revive, PHD Flopper), pack a punch(weapon upgrade), and the mystery box(random weapon). The Final round obviously being the hardest would be a race to a heli/exfil portal. 3. Mordhau My Mordhau idea was obviously inspired by Mordhau. All players would be given swords on my castle arena and told to fight. 3 people per team would also be given a harpoon to fight at range, they have to be careful however because when they throw them others can pick them up. There would be multiple rounds of fighting but only 1 life per round. the team with the most people left standing at x time would win. Alternatively i could also do an FFA style with it too(without harpoons). 4. TAG My inspiration for this game came from helping BenZ test a FFA arena. Originally it was supposed to be a Hide’n’Seek arena but the mention of too many props was brought up and 2 other ideas were mentioned, FFA and Tag. Tag would be in a decently sized arena similar to most FFA arenas. One person would be chosen to be “IT”, each player would be given FISTS or a knife to fight with. The GM would broadcast who is IT through event chat. When the players get killed they would be eliminated from the game and not able to come back until the next round. There would be no round limit (except for war timer). A tournament could be done but isn't necessary. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199021060276/screenshots/ 5. The Spy This idea popped into my head while I was having a conversation about how little RP events there are. My idea was one person from either TALI or US could infiltrate the opposing team's base and gather as much intel as possible (officer names, enlisted numbers etc), have to find some kind of info that may be guarded, or assassinate a target. If they are successful in whatever their objective is their team would gain more info on the US names and ranks or be able to set up a raid ambush. If they were to fail they would be caught and their true name will be revealed as well as they would be interrogated for more info. If they are caught his team could attempt a raid rescue or attempt to sneak into their base and get them out. This event could result in more rp scenarios like targeted kidnappings, an assassination attempt, or further spies try to break in. Thank you for considering me - Sailor
  7. +1 we haven't known each other long but as a leader of TSFU you have been nice and fair to all of us. I think you'd be a good staff
  8. so is the sr but apparently rangers can have that
  9. To me the m95 seems a bit unrealistic for both the taliban and our chances of getting it. its a very high damage 50cal that basically one shots no matter where you hit
  10. That is exactly why I proposed a balancing to every SOC faction
  11. This wouldnt split the faction in half it would create 2 battalions within TSFU. Similar to Rangers all factions would have have 2 niches instead of just one and give people a job. In rangers They have 2bat(Snipers) 3 bat(Medics/Mid Range) and 4 bat(Explosives) but at the end of the day they are all Rangers and answer to Smity/whoever else is the higher up. Same would go for US/O55/GB we would still be TSFU not a whole new faction, we would be TSFU Squad A and TSFU Squad B all while still being in TSFU and answering to Lame and answering to our Squad Leaders. TLDR: Not new factions just a squad like rangers and adds another layer of Leadership for new officers to learn how to lead.
  12. This would build off of Sailor’s Squad suggestion. This will seem like a bit of a stretch at first, but please be open minded. This would require cooperation between all COLs of every faction [Except ISI and Delta Force]. We are basing this concept off of the Rangers battalion system. There is an underlying problem with the identity of many of the SOC. Many SOC factions specialize in things like CQC when they are a special forces unit (E.G. TSFU and Green Berets). TSFU and Green Berets are special forces units that don't just specify in CQC, they are special forces that don't have any company specifications, but they could be much more specialized. In order to implement this each faction would have to give each individual a trial period to try and play on each type of class. Before a promotion past (e.g SGT) they would be required to pick and try out for each subfaction which would give access to a locked class. T2 AND T3 WOULD DEFAULT TO THE SAME SUBFACTION AS FIGHTER/RIFLEMAN Green Beret: Green Beret is not only a CQC faction it’s one of USA’s many special forces units. We think giving GB a second subfaction to pair with their 7thSFGA would be easily implemented and give more reason to join GB. Instead of the Scout class GB wants to change it to a Heavy class with the M249 (COL approved). The 7thSFGA would keep the tryouts for the Breacher class and a tryout would be added for the Heavy class. The Demolition class would be thrown in with 7thSFGA and the Rifleman/T2/T3/Medic would be in the Heavy’s subfaction. Since O55th has a strong LMG and both GB and O55th are T3 factions GB could compete better against the superior range and explosives that O55th has. Rangers: Since rangers set the standard for this whole suggestion we believe that they are balanced. They are the T2 special forces unit of the US and current competitors of TSFU (tali T2). They have explosives, range, and strong CQC ability. They already use the battalion system (1st 2nd 3rd 4th battalions) and perform amazingly together. They have a safe 3 cap limit to their powerful sniper class much like what TSFU would have. And can keep up with both GB and O55th for CQC. If people believe Rangers need a balance and/or overhaul please feel free (RANGERS ONLY) to comment and share your opinions and ideas. Made by POCKLE and SAILOR
  13. squad radio is a temp spawn point i think u miss read that lol
  14. HUGE +1 i feel like the support class should actually be able to support a little better.
  15. THIS IS FOR CSDESERT(OPEN MAPS) To start this off this will be a longer suggestion. There’s 3 suggestions that will tie in with each other. SQUAD SYSTEM: The squad system could be implemented in a few different ways. My idea was to split up the classes into squads (eg. snipers/markman squad A, soldier/LMG squad B, breacher/infiltrator squad C). Each squad would have its respective leaders and roles. Squads would have to use /SQUAD to join their teams. It wouldn’t interfere with communication or the way people want to play. It would be directed more towards base factions and newer players to give them a taste of what a SOC faction could be like. Depending on what class they play on they would be on (insert squad). BY playing in each squad they could find the niche they like and join the SOC faction associated with (insert niche). For SOC factions they would be considered their own squad. They will communicate and play separately as they do now. It wouldn’t change as much for SOC’s but it would help with player retention and bring better numbers to each faction and their niche. SQUAD RADIO SPAWN: The squad radio spawn would be a limited spawn FOB radio taken from the game SQUAD. It would be completely reserved for officers and it would be an item to place down as a FOB. If the officers were to die it would spawn them back on the radio and break it. Each person in their squad (using /squad) would be respawned on their radios until it is broken or has run out of (x amount) of spawns. When it is destroyed it would send a chat message in /p (squad chat) saying “Your radio has been destroyed” or something similar. It would help with complaints of base camping (HELP NOT FIX) and add a whole new gameplay loop for the server. CSdesert is a large and very open map that will be a sniper fest, if we can give people a chance to spawn out of base near to an obj it would provide a more difficult yet fun war. BUILDER CERTIFICATION: The builder cert would use the Fortification tablet that's on the Star Wars RP server. The certification would be a small trial similar to the breach and clear cert. Each squad would have at least one builder. Builders would have the ability to build sandbag walls, camo tents, and concrete walls all for cover. Their jobs would be to provide defense for their squad and fortify their positions. To combat spam building they would have a “cost” (eg. 1000 points, sandbags 100, tent 200, concrete wall 150). To combat minging and build up when a war is over all built items would be wiped and bothe bases would have a no build AOE. It would have a rank limit (eg. SGT+DS) to qualify for builder. Builders would bring another level of fun and change the way people would play the game. It would help (NOT STOP) complaints of snipers and camping. It would provide more roles for people and change the meta of the server in a good way. CQC factions could build a small FOB to hold an obj and sniper factions could build cover to provide support for the other squads. Its main use would be building FOBs for the radio system and would bring all three of the suggestions into a more immersive and fun experience. All of these are up for changes. My ideas are meant to be built on and used for player retention and changes from the sniper meta. Please if you have ideas to add on, comment and share under this thread.
  16. this is also toxic... look i understand i was toxic to you one time but you dont need to be rude on a public thread you can post it here if youd like but everyone at some point in time or another has been toxic rude or otherwise. please dont hold my few miss deeds over my head when everyone else has had the same issues at some point. i have since worked on myself and im sorry for the way i spoke to you. i felt insulted at what you said about me infront of all of the US officers and i shouldn't have said that. its in the past i hope we can move on
  17. I dont understand how ive been toxic. obviously im not perfect and have my moments but i try my best to be nice to everyone. if yall could tell me how ive been toxic i can work on myself but if nothing is said to me i cant change anything. please let me know what i can fix. edit: i dont want to be a toxic person. i want everyone to just have a good time and not fight over some pixels. please please please lmk how ive been toxic
  18. In-game name: 11B DS SGM Sailor Age: 18 SteamID (https://steamid.io/) : STEAM_0:0:530397274 Warns: 5 (all but 1 from 2019/2020) Timezone: PST Playtime? (Paste your /playtime [Name]): | 11B DS SGM Sailor has played for 389:21:37. Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] YES Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] YES Referral(s): [What Gamemaster recommended you to apply?] BenZ Past experiences as a Game Master: [Optional] N/A Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] If I’m chosen for game master I can provide fun and entertainment to not only the US but everyone on the server. I’m a well liked person that already participates in “event” rp in the form of my Loan sharking. Many people seem to enjoy it and find it funny and it's useful to players in need of money. I’m a creative thinker who has too much time and some fun ideas for games. I don’t have tons of experience but I’m more than willing to crack down and practice and learn. I like to have fun as well as entertain others. I have lots of time and ideas to better the player experience. I don’t like the abuse of power and I won’t abuse them myself. I also like to help others (ik that's an admin thing) so if anyone has questions about events or the GM position (after a bit more experience) I am more than willing to help anyone with anything. I feel I would be a good fit for the game master position. Since my last application I’ve gone over the comments I received and looked at other applications (both accepted and denied) and I’ve gone into more detail. I believe this is another reason I believe I would make a good Game Master. I can take criticisms and take them into account to both better myself and my events. If a participant or another GM has an idea on how I could improve or fix my event/game idea I’m completely willing to try and change my games for the better. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: Yes. In 2020 I was banned from MRP for vet mass. A few years ago the punishment was changed and during late Feb I was unbanned. How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: As much as is needed of me (I have no life) In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: To provide entertainment and fun between wars. Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: I currently run a loan shark bit in game for RP and if I get GM I’d like to further that as well as run the “Gun Store” for everyone to test guns they otherwise couldn’t. Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas designed for only your side to take part in: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] 1. US artillery raid My Idea for an artillery raid actually came from both the game Squad and Nelson. Nelson had us firing RPGs back and forth from the US base to the second roof in EMB and vice versa. I took inspiration from his low pop arcade game to turn it into an event everyone can enjoy. Two people will be taken to Shipment and given an RPG with 6-10 rockets each. An event raid will then be called followed by each of our “Artillery” firing 5 shots each. The rest of the US will then raid and have fun fighting TALI. When the foot soldiers are dead a /comms or event announcement will be made to fire the last rockets on TALI base and then RTB for debrief. (ALSO WORKS FOR TALI) 2. Document Retrieval My document retrieval idea came to me from Warthunder. The Warthunder fanbase has a tendency to steal and leak classified documents. For my game a small squad would (insert location) and fight their way through ai and find their stolen documents. They will then have to attempt to RTB getting attacked on the way home from more ai. If the truck explodes and/or they die on the way back their mission has failed and the documents are leaked to Taliban forces. If they make it back they will take the document the the US war room and pass them off to (highest rank on). 3. Rescue the target My Rescue target idea was inspired by a rescue raid I did recently. It was a small group raid and we actually used our breach and clear certification training to get our kidnapped comrade. This idea is very similar. A small group of players would break into (insert location) and have to rescue (insert player) using breach and clear methods. The small team could have the choice of quiet (suppressors, no sprinting) or loud (breaching charge, shotguns). They would fight their way through ai/TALI to get to our comrade and take them home. (ALSO WORKS FOR TALI) 4. NASCAR I think my inspiration for this is pretty obvious. For my NASCAR event it would be a 3-5 lap race around the map. My event could be done in a tournament format or just for fun. The participant could use a GM spawned car or their choice of vehicle from the spawn NPC. The participants could (if they all agree) put money on the race for a pot for the winner. It could also be a GM (my pocket) funded or just bragging rights. For the tournament style there would be multiple heats of people and the final heat would consist of all the winners to see who the USs best driver is. This event should be ran on lower pop to avoid server strain and to entertain those who can’t be on in the afternoons/midday. (ALSO WORKS FOR TALI but change name) 5. Protect The President My inspiration for this event was an experience I had during a war. There was a group of 11B surrounding me shouting “get down Mr.President”. For this event there will be a convoy of 3-4 cars with Mr.President in the middle of the convoy. Our President (highest rank available) is going to meet an informant with Taliban intelligence. On the way there you’ll have to fight through ai/TALI to get to our informant. If the President dies on the way there/back the operation was a failure. The other participants' main goal is to protect the president. They will be attacked by ai and/or TALI on the way there and back. If the vehicles are destroyed they still must get back to the base with the president and the info. (ALSO WORKS FOR TALI) Please list and explain 3 unique global event idea designed for the entire server to take part in: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] 1. Castle war. I took inspiration from the minecraft bedwars My castle war idea is a team v team style game. Tali and US each get their own castle to fight from and attack the other team. For the event I would use the base of the castle event we have now but there would be 2 directly across from each other with a large bridge full of obstacles to hide behind. The winners are decided by who controls both castles by the end of the war. 2. Cod Zombies style event My inspiration for this event was obviously CoD Zombies. I was watching an og CoD video and the idea popped into my head that this could fit for a fun event on the server. The CoD Zombies event is a longer event and requires a lot of setup. It’s meant for 4-6 people and can be done by 1 GM but 2 or more is more optimal. There would be 10-15 rounds of increasing difficulty. After each round the players would get a resupply and health as well as their choice of opening a door or each getting a new weapon. The final few rounds would spawn larger ai that are harder to kill. When opening the doors they could find perks(jug, quick revive, PHD Flopper), pack a punch(weapon upgrade), and the mystery box(random weapon). The Final round obviously being the hardest would be a race to a heli/exfil portal. 3. 1v1 Tournament My inspiration for this was helping Tesla create his MARSOC tryouts. Tesla recently bought back MARSOC and asked me to help with his tryouts. One of the parameters for the tryouts was only one person can pass per tryout, so we came up with a tournament system to pit the trainees against each other. A 1v1 tournament is a simple yet fun event. It would have to consist of a minimum of 4 people and a max of 8. They will each /roll and the lowest numbers will pair with each other (e.g. 1/15, 22/47, 61/66, 80/93). They will all play against each other in a best of 3 style and the winners will advance to round 2 and they will /roll again. The winners of that round will advance to our final round and play for a best of 5 rounds. The winner will either win money (from my pocket) or just bragging rights (if I'm broke). Thank you for considering me - Sailor
  19. I disagree with completely removing reserves but I feel a change is necessary. Many people who join SOC factions/base faction officers stay just for the promise of "you can come back whenever" instead of events. Reserves are kind of a reward to show that someone made a difference and put in the time and effort. I feel taking that away would be demoralizing to people who want the option to try different factions without something to fall back on. To some it may look like there's no point in trying to put in the time and effort to the server and could eventually hurt the server pop. I do thing the reserves needs a change. Maybe make it more difficult to get them. Maybe change how long someone can hold onto reserves. -1
  20. In-game name: 75R TRN Sailor Age: 18 SteamID (https://steamid.io/) : STEAM_0:0:530397274 Warns: 4 (all from 2019/2020) Timezone: PST Playtime? (Paste your /playtime [Name]): | 75R SGT Sailor has played for 280:30:12. Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] YES Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] YES Referral(s): [What Gamemaster recommended you to apply?] BenZ Past experiences as a Game Master: [Optional] N/A Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] If I’m chosen for game master I can provide fun and entertainment to not only the US but everyone on the server. I’m a well liked person that already participates in “event” rp in the form of my Loan sharking. Many people seem to enjoy it and find it funny and it's useful to players in need of money. I’m a creative thinker who has too much time and some fun ideas for games. I don’t have tons of experience but I’m more than willing to crack down and practice and learn. I like to have fun as well as entertain others. I have lots of time and ideas to better the player experience. I don’t like the abuse of power and I won’t abuse them myself. I also like to help others (ik that's an admin thing) so if anyone has questions about events or the GM position (after a bit more experience) I am more than willing to help anyone with anything. I feel I would be a good fit for the game master position. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: Yes. In 2020 I was perm banned from MRP for vet mass. A few years ago the punishment was changed and during late Feb I was unbanned. How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: As much as is needed of me (I have no life) In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: To provide entertainment and fun between wars. Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: I currently run a loan shark bit in game for RP and if I get GM I’d like to further that as well as run the “Gun Store” for everyone to test guns they otherwise couldn’t. Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas designed for only your side to take part in: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] US artillery raid (2 people get rocket launchers and start “shelling” tali base (max ammo 10) after the rockets the ground forces roll in in trucks and raid. Steal Tali documents (a small group break into tali base and “take” documents from (insert building here)) The (insert role here) has been kidnapped go get him/her Illegal weapons (a squad goes to shipment/gas station to fight npc’s and destroy a taliban weapon supply) Kidnap the target (the target is in (location) you have (time limit) to capture them interrogate and defend while the interrogation from (ai and/or tali) Please list and explain 3 unique global event idea designed for the entire server to take part in: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] Castle war (tali and US get their own island/castle with a bridge in the middle to go between and fight each other) Bumper/bomber cars (low pop fun event to mess around) Cod Zombies style event (similar to Python’s cod event. 10-15 rounds of increasing difficulty. LONG EVENT for max 6 people at a time. Requires more than 1 gm and some set up. OBJ might be taken during wars so maybe a mid-low pop event) 1v1 Tournament (self explanatory (for bragging rights or money) Loan Shark Business expansion Thank you for considering - Sailor
  21. Prox min does to little damage. A play shouldn't be able to survive stepping on or right next to a mine/bomb. Maybe just a little more damage (75-100 ish) would be great.
  22. Base camping ruins the fun of everyone on the other end of it. make it against the rule (like a warning or jail).
  23. My ban appeal was approved yesterday. Today i went to login and I'm still banned. idk where to post this can an admin help?
  24. In-game name: Alcoholic SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:530397274Staff members in-game name: UnsureStaff members SteamID (/id (name): N/ADate & Time of incident: 2019Timezone: PSTBan Reason: MASS RDMHow long were you banned for?: PermaProof of Ban: https://imgur.com/a/xEWqpX6What happened? (include any proof): I was playing years ago and i don't remember what happenedWhy should your ban be removed?: It's been many years since I've made the poor decision to mass RDM. I was young and dumb and miss playing this server. I've grown as a person and I'm no longer immature and stupid. I can guarantee to who may read this I won't break another rule on any of your servers. I understand that ban appeals are for 30 days and under but if the admins are kind enough i would be very grateful if you would consider me as some of the few exceptions (as mentioned in the appeal rules). If I am brought back to Military RP I'll try my best to bring a fun, entertaining, and more considerate mindset/experience for myself and those around me. Thank you for your consideration
  25. In-game name: Samsung (Now SailorDef)SteamID (https://steamid.io/):76561199021060276Staff members in-game name:Do not remember Staff members SteamID (/id (name):(I don’t remember who I was banned by Date & Time of incident:just over 1 year ago (don’t remember date)Timezone:PSTBan Reason:Mass rdm How long were you banned for?:PermWhat happened? (include any proof):I mass rdmd Why should your ban be removed?: It’s been just over a year and I’ve matured since I made my mistake and am wanting to rejoin to start having fun all over again. I don’t really remember it but I’m sorry for causing issues
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