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Everything posted by Winks

  1. Wait what... well... I walked right into that pit forgot all about the date lol. And no disrespect to Jasmin I probably should have went no something is not right why would he put Jasmin in charge over other candidates like Jin. Just wasn't my day for noticing obvious points.
  2. What noooo... I don't expect to get my rank back. I will work from the start if need be.
  3. Good Luck Gotham. I apologize about how our last interaction went. Good luck with whatever you plan to do next. Congrats Jasmin. /me Salutes Jasmin's Promotion
  4. GG boys was hoping to win but thats the luck of the draw I guess Congrats to the winners
  5. Winks

    Explosive Fix

    Yes it would and I do agree that we need a way to stop people nade spamming. Yes it would but it would be very annoying if you're the one that just got cleared out by a friendly.
  6. Hint hint definitely not needed for some tryouts
  7. +1 I usually finish my tryouts in one hour and having it be 1 hour and 15 minutes is just annoying if it was 1 hour or 1 hr and 10 minutes I wouldn't be mad.
  8. Yes Fac and Const back are back, time to kick some RU backside.
  9. +1 it is a valid point. "Gotham Please don't hurt me about SMMC"
  10. Till we meet again on the Battlefield, Shibe. School comes first.
  11. o7. *Salutes* Where is the 21 gun salute?
  12. Yes School is out. Yay time for MRP. Time for getting sniped by Vega even while your doing everything to throw them off. @Jimmy Saint Congrats on getting to CWO4 @TKTV Congrats on 2nd Lieutenant you lucky bastard. It feels like it was only yesterday that I trained you. @Jasmin | Garnetgaming.net Congrats on Captain Jin Congrats on Colonel @{GG}otham Could you please Take me back off Reserves. It is great to be back and I can't wait to get back into the field. /me 1MD DI SgtMaj Winks o7
  13. RIP Stan Lee master of cameos
  14. Goodbye my friend. Until we meet again. /me Salute o7
  15. Well it has been fun on GarnetMRP but it is time again for Australian's teens to go back to school. I will still be able to get on during my weekends sometimes but don't count on it. I will see you on the battlefield again in 2 months. Also @{GG}otham could you please put me on Reserves for 1MD. Thanks. Winks out.
  16. Have you seen how the RU SOC cleans US off of objectives even when they are out numbered they always find a way. Also about this game mod I like the sound of it. +1
  17. Fair enough. It is just no one ever looks at my app.
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