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Jared Cox

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Everything posted by Jared Cox

  1. Hi, everyone! I'm not sure if you've seen my name snooping around forums recently, but, if you don't know who I am, my name is Jared! I have been a part of the GarnetGaming community since August of 2016, right before I started my freshman year of high school! Quick synopsis of my time on GG: - I started playing my first stint of MRP near the fall of 2016, ended around the middle of 2017(?) It's honestly been so long I can't quite remember the exact timeframe. I was an active player mainly on the Marines during the days of CSCDesert with people such as Davidson, senorisgrig, Zach Jones, yokedPREDATOR, North, and many more that may pop into your heads. I first messed around playing SAS and had a blast with our dogshit base that Garnet would faint in disgust nowadays. (If you lot from SAS are still around somehow, hello!) - Afterwards I then came back for a short stint as an Army officer, had some fun with that, and was a part of MRP staff for a little while - I then moved over to DRP and eventually became staff - My last and most recent MRP run was in 2021 during the pandemic, became a part of AwesomeAidan's Green Beret, still love that group, lots of homies Why am I telling you guys this? Well...I'm graduating college in less than a month from now. I can't believe that I am still here on these forums after almost 8 years. Eight years of my life have gone by, and, in a weird way, this community reminds me of the journey I went through on a personal level in order to get to this point. Since the days of August 2016, I have graduated high school, got a girlfriend of over two years, lost my virginity, and now I am very close to earning my bachelor's degree in cybersecurity! I am truly a Garnet Gamer! Even though I may not know you, I just wanted to quickly say thank you. Thank you for everyone in this community who has impacted my life. You all have helped mold me into the man I am today...ready to conquer the world. I may not have become a general in MRP like I wanted to all those years ago, or a Super Admin, or a prominent figure in this community, but I have become a man ready to succeed...in REAL LIFE of course! My most prominent memories of growing up have been from playing with this community of leeches, cunts, and dickwads, and I wouldn't want it any other way. I really wish I could've played GMod with you guys consistently for 8 years, but the sad truth is that our personal lives are more important than a video game. As corny as it is to say, it genuinely hurts me that life got in the way. However, I think it is for the greater good. Could I come back and play? I doubt it. I have a woman to worry about now. I have myself to worry about now. Is roleplaying as an Army private who is being instructed by a 14 year old kid from California to go and capture an objective from the Taliban even important in my life anymore? Probably not. I am 22 years old. I am an "old" man for GG standards at this rate. Current members of GG, please enjoy these moments. You are at the peak of your lives, you just don't know it yet. Yes...you're playing a modded version of Half-Life 2 that got released as a fully-fledged standalone game in 2006, where you roleplay as a Star Wars character, or a military man, or some other stupid shit. But you don't need to think of it like that. DON'T think of it like that. Think of how many friendships you've made in this commmunity, and how much fun you've had. Once you start paying bills on your own, you'll regret not living in the moment. Just thought I'd speak my peace. Thank you all for making my life a little less shitty. Jared
  2. Hey, Prison. Glad to hear that everything has been doing good for you, buddy! I am about to graduate college in May. Crazy shit. Excited to see where life takes my girlfriend and I.
  3. GarnetGaming MRP (Military Roleplay)
  4. Glad GG is continuing to go strong. Very excited to see how the new MRP is going to be. @AlexConway Congrats on your little job promotion buddy! Continue to bully many people for years to come!
  5. let me massrdm or i retire

  6. Then you could've just said that. Just some advice for you because I don't want you to get in trouble in the future, do not use the 1st Amendment as an excuse to justify racism or any other sort of hate speech. People should have the freedom to say what they want until it impedes the freedom of others. If you're gonna meme and say horrid shit, make sure no one is listening around you that would take it the wrong way.
  7. The fact you are against the punishment of racism is very concerning.
  8. yes i still lurk around here from time to time. im doing alright at the moment.

  9. love you guys

  10. I'm currently in an university classroom where this boring old ass Englishman is teaching me politics of the Middle East so just wanted to quickly say hello.

    1. PraetorDon


      Hearts of Iron IV can teach you the same thing for free!

  11. The anonimity name system is actually genius. Makes a roleplay scenario with kidnapping and espionage situations significantly less awkward.
  12. I've seen all sorts of crazy and horrible shit on Garnet, but this? This is new. Glad that person is gone from this community.
  13. I peek around forms from time to time so I don't know what the fuck is going on anymore, so I have to go off of the notifications I get. When I saw this, I legitimately thought this was new and real until I saw the date of the original post. Fuck you guys.
  14. watched scarface for the first time last night, it was pretty average

  15. Just saw this post. I'm really glad everything went well with Dude. Must have been very stressful for you and your girlfriend.
  16. im glen quagmire


  17. do we go back to mrp

    1. Ozzy


      Python is around and Murray just came back 👀

    2. AwesomeAidan0221


      definitely gonna hop on the server sometime this weekend

  18. The title of this thread might sound a little corny, but hear me out: When we were all new to Garnet (and maybe this applies to the new guys as well), who was your mentor? Who was the guy you looked up to? Who was the person that showed you the ropes of SWRP, MRP, DRP, etc? What did they mean to you? How close are you or were you to that person? Just thought it would be curious to ask you guys so we can have a little conversation.
  19. hello

    1. Python


      Hello Mr Cox's  

    2. Toyto


      Hello Mr Cox

  20. Back in 2016 I was kinda bored on GMod and I was looking for a new multiplayer experience. I saw there was a MilitaryRP gamemode and I was thinking it would be like CoD. I saw that Garnet was the most populated server at the time, so I joined to check it out. The rest is history.
  21. want some sloppy?

  22. Had to deal with mono for the last 2 weeks. Absolute living hell. 

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