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Everything posted by Joe1

  1. Joe1

    Erics staff app

    +1 you always have stood out as a good leader who looks out for the server. I am glad to see you applying as you’d make a great fit. Active, previous staff, knowledgeable of the server. I’d say he hits the nail on the head for this application.
  2. Accepted! Welcome to the Staff Team! @Draco_ will be training you with @Reynolds overseeing. Please do not use any commands in-game until you've been properly trained. @THEHUNTINGUY Please lock and move!
  3. +1 Aiden has always been a model example of a good leader. Great with the players and his faction, always helpful in any way he can, i cannot recommend him anymore than I already have or I would.
  4. +1 Formal and simple, yet he is detailed. A great application in general and a great player. I’d like to see this one do some good for the server.
  5. This is honestly a great idea from my perspective on things
  6. Ohhh i hadnt seen it my bad g i thought it was officer class with a L115
  7. Joe1

    A Dillan take

    I’ll remove my whole -1 and previous comment if we take away mosin / orsis, and give out an AR that is actually usable in war. No AEK bullshit, maybe like a kilo with or without the GL, maybe the SIG or the M16
  8. +1 I get why your doing this, but to be honest with you if GA has 3 ranged weapons and no close range, it should be the same for Marshal, the sks, AK, and dragoon.
  9. Joe1

    A Dillan take

    -1 Paid content is easy to work around when it comes to its power, and honestly elite classes are supposed to feel more unfair to play against. You pay for the class you want so that you can then learn to use it effectively in war. Besides changing something that is deemed “permanent” isn’t really supposed to be changed after it is purchased. On top of that, spawncamping can’t be fixed by removing sniping, because there are still rifles that 2 shot to the body, and DMR’s that one shot to the chest. The argument of snipers being the issue is absolutely fruitless and I am tired of reading it over and over. I personally think that the reason so many people complain about being sniped, boils down to jealousy of another factions equipment kit. Like you wouldn’t complain about how OP the L115 is. But no as soon as 313 takes a snipe at you it is just unfair and cruel that you died. Like it is a sniper rifle on a video game, either get good at using it, or avoid long range combat. There are 30 whole minutes to a war, stop spending it fighting the guy farming kills off of a headglitch. Go around the guy. Send some 11B to distract him and get him while he’s not looking. Literally do anything else besides come here and complain about something that really actually does boil down to a skill issue. Like Jesus Christ we provide you with marksman during one of your first tryouts on the server, and then the complaint arises that, “US has no good ranged guns.” Which is false. MK-12 does more than 100 to the head, the AR and M4 both have AimPoint sights that you could be single firing with from a range. And there is a dedicated sniper class with 2 whole slots. L115 is borderline basic in terms of use and combat application. Anything past what I have said here is a simple combat skill issue that can be fixed by thinking outside the box for on the go solutions.
  10. Joe1

    Staff Application

    +1 This kid has a great attitude towards building up his faction and the server. I would be glad to see him joining the team! Best of luck and btw that Smity referral is spicy!!
  11. -1 Elite classes shouldn’t be touched for the snipers. They are the only balanced parts to the paid side of classes. Maybe take speed boost off of venal and give it to ghillie, since you pay more for less with ghillie.
  12. Joe1

    [MRP] Class Crunch

    +1 This would make a great deal of change to our soc classes and how they are used. Medical squads could be a thing we see return with this.
  13. Joe1

    Civilian RP

    +1 all the way around I love this idea
  14. -1 I get that your trying, but this needs more effort. More beef to those events. Get in great detail with it, really pour out your ideas into this and it will change this outcome.
  15. +1 He seems to have reformed himself from the ways of the minge. I wouldn’t hold his past against him hear his application looks great, he is a big help to the server already, I say we give him a shot!
  16. Joe1

    Turks staff

    +1 This application looks good, I do have to say though that warn for mild racism does stand out, I do think you have the potential to turn all of that around and provide a good service to the community! Good luck Turk!
  17. Perma banned for mass that is a yikes! To be fair though he’s been gone for 2 years I’d say he’s had way more than plenty of time to learn from his mistakes. I don’t see the harm in an unban!
  18. I mean honestly give em the nitro, give arsonist a weaker jihad. I could see it being better since you basically pay for a bad explosive with arsonist. Give base tali the garbage explo that they can at least get a chance for some fun with, and make the paid one a bit more rewarding than the 3m blast radius the nitro offers.
  19. +1 over time you have become a better role model towards the players, you have make great improvements in behavior, and above all you make a nice set of paragraphs for this app. Well done!
  20. +1 Jack has been around for a long time and I feel he has a lot to contribute to the server by becoming a member of the team. I see a lot of good coming from this! Very nice past staff experience for garnet as well.
  21. -1 You seem cool, yet I am not entirely sure who you are. I haven't had enough interactions or even seen you in teamspeak. The application looks great but I fear that you may not have relations on both sides. I may be wrong in this but I just generally dont think it would be a good idea to +1 here for me until you make a little more of a name for yourself. Best of luck though!
  22. The only reason I cannot +1 this is the fact that arsonist is literally names arsonist because of the Nirto. Maybe replace the nitro with a 2 shot GL, or give a grenade to it so it doesn’t lose it’s paid advantage of an explosive.
  23. -1 Extreme lack of effort, did not event attempt to make two proper paragraphs. You need to understand that this application needs to be taken seriously, and should be thought through before you post it. Spend some time working on making this into two proper paragraphs and really tear into it with detail. You also have not had any known relations with the Taliban side either. I suggest you review this application well. It is also not so believable that you staffed a Rust server at 10 years old either. It just seems very unlikely. I do hope the best for this application but it is a no from me until you fix it chief. Best of luck.
  24. +1 Past experience looks great, and the paragraphs seem well put together, I hear of some relations between both factions too so overall you'd do great in staff!
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