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Everything posted by Fetn

  1. So vortex you finally applied from how you were a year ago and now it is night and day. You improved massively and you know the rules + your paragraphs are good. +1 you got the staff app nazi on your side gl
  2. filler i mean doesn't really make you shine out on others so sorta filler this however, * filler just say you get on during low pop and stop using fancy shit well kinda filler man but just its low pop so of course it is... Yeah but this doesnt make you shine from others. You used big words to try an over achieve but this paragraph just is sorta useless and doesn't make you shine man all I gotta say sorta filler Overall your paragraphs used big words when not needed and just overused. You are very ordinary and I believe you could use some guidance on making your paragraphs more simple. I haven't seen you much but your paragraphs are... questionable. I also have never seen you in my life. like at all. so. -1 for now not gonna change my response good luck.
  3. i gave you a paragraph in my resignation ;-; Overall shin you are a great guy hopefully we stay in touch man, would love to talk to you still. See you on the other side
  4. Fetn

    Fetn LOA

    i can get 90 sits etc ill be good
  5. In-game name: xAria DevilukeSteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:220893720 In-game rank: S AdminTimezone: PST (soon to be CST time of LOA end!)Length of LOA: 5/13 - 5/23Reason: I'm moving to texas middle of this month so just wanted to put this up so I don't get murdered by managers
  6. ....how ;-; i joke good job gunner sir!
  7. well well redemption month is coming. GGs to everyone
  8. Tank you came into my discord and asked me to pull strings and talk to theos about getting you, your reserves back. I'ma just tell you this rn, I don't got strings to pull or anyone to talk to about that you just fucked up man.
  9. Fetn


    This was on MRP the GM Rank is compeltely seperate from staff ranks. On MRP GM was equivalent to T.Admin but on DRP it'd have to be worked a bit different. in my opinion the portal tool should be lowered to S.Admin and the props well just get more staff to help out -1 not really a needed suggestion imo
  11. Fetn

    aint no way bigmans on forums rn

    1. xo6o


      Had to pop my head in for a quick second to see if it is still a shitstorm, well at least someone left.

  12. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2798252198 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2798252213 You hit a macro key to say that? you also said "i manually typed that out" tf?
  13. id hate to play val with him or cs ngl https://streamable.com/l5z4pm
  14. Fetn

    Wizify Staff App

    You know I actually can't really complain about your paragraphs besides a bit of filler but not much else. Grammatically correct so not much to complain for and also you actually put commas! Good paragraphs but I dunno know you in game but I'll go with my gut here +1 good luck
  15. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2796106646 | I already told you to change your name from matching his and then you got reported for it again.
  16. you dont even play drp... why are you replying to this...
  17. Doesn't really make you outshine the others applying for staff filler I mean you don't need staff to do this I mean half is filler other half is decent I guess You ready to put in 100 hours a week? ??? Filler? Okay so your 2 paragraphs are ok at best, suggest going on grammarly for basic grammar issues. Just overly basic and doesn't really make you shine. stop the cap, read it again lol Overall -1 beef up your paragraphs and make it better and I'll change my response but this has the staff app nazi sticker.
  18. Fetn

    sauce kid report

    Accepted From the clips shown he did mass rdm so he will be banned for 2 weeks @stretchy Lock and move
  19. right so gonna voice my opinion again, I enjoyed the dark because I enjoy the dark itself lol hence why my room irl is mostly just dark but overall if you ONLY spoke to vips and donators than uh ima need to dip from my +1. From the like 29 VIPs that we have thats what 29 out of the 110 players that we get daily what about the other 85. Also speaking chess/checkers is GENUINELY the most fun I have had on DRP since like 2019... its sad to say but just winning at chess against a person is amazing lol. The dark map was cool but imo IF we could get some more features that will make DRP a bit more fun like more things like chess maybe connect 4, I know its cringe but connect 4 on DRP... hype.
  20. ....i dunno about those being competitive lol Right so I haven't really talked to you much at all but your application is actually good. Surprising a 19 year old who can actually write 2 good written paragraphs congrats. Your application has the staff app nazi seal of approval +1 hope to see you taking sits instead of me
  21. aint no way we got some phony trying to copy MY staff app nit picking shit smhh go back to grinding printers Right so to start off grammatical errors here Just useless information you should re-read them again Overall for your grammatical errors I suggest using 3rd party software like grammarly or google docs cause they both will point out simple grammatical errors free of charge. Fix these up and beef up your paragraphs and I change my response -1 for now
  22. Ima be honest I only really like it being night like halloween if the halloween type night returns then its got my +1
  23. Overview So with the current racism rules we are following it to a T. This isn't necessarily a bad thing but when you have multiple minges only being banned for a day. I want to change that I have argued this before with DRP managers and told "we will bring this to the others and talk about it" just for it to not be talked about apparently. We are way too light on punishments against people who get on and just spam hard r or homophobic slurs in ooc and only get banned for a day. After speaking with some staff on their thoughts on how we view the rules, it has come to my attention I should take it to forums and see what everyone else thinks. Now to put it in short we would copy the TTT punishment for racism. Which is Racism/Homophobia results in an instant voice/text chat mute for 6-9 minutes, second offense is at minimum one week ban. Now you may be thinking this is a bit harsh cause "oh its drp you should expect that" yet when every day people get on and usually get off with a warn for saying it, its sort of ignorant to ignore the racism going on within the server. Now I know the argument of "oh well in his childhood his parents said it so he says it" I don't think you are 6 years old anymore, grow the fuck up and stop saying stupid shit. When staff know these guys are minges and will just say it again but they can't do anything besides a warn and a mute for 5 minutes and just wait for them to do it again just so they get warned again. Changes to the D3A So instead of First offense: Verbal Warning/Optional warning (depending on severity) Second offense: Warning & Chat mute Third offense: Warning & Elongated chat mute & jail time Fourth offense: Server ban for a 3 day period Fifth offense: 1 month ban for repeated hatespeech/racism/homophobia Sixth Offense: Community-wide ban. it will turn into First Offense: Warn and a mute for racism (Depending on severity change to a 1 week ban) 2nd Offense: 2 week ban 3rd Offense: 3 month ban 4th Offense: Perma Ban/Comm Ban Conclusion The times can change depending on what management feels as if should be good but hopefully the changes will go through and DRP become a bit better. Overall these changes should be made to DRP considering our rules are horrible at punishing the few that come on and minge. The reason I made this is because ( Take this with some salt ) the DRP management have been telling their staff to "warn them" for a person saying hard r twice with malicious intent. One report of a person saying "fuck you hard r" I was told to warn them by the management team of DRP. It is completely ignorant to ignore the fact of how light we are on those rules. Also maybe we can adopt this to the new rules for homophobia/racism/sexism so we are more strict on those rules.
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