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Everything posted by Tayler

  1. Tayler

    Tayler - Ban

    Veterans or returning members of the community are held to higher expectations than just an average player. I had never been banned prior for anything serious (joke bans with Garnet/staff)
  2. Tayler

    Tayler - Ban

    In-game name: TaylerSteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:119813783Staff members in-game name: No clue, the staff who rebanned me was probably GildartsStaff members SteamID (/id (name): No clueDate & Time of incident: Maybe the beginning of the year, but probably February or somethingTimezone: ESTBan Reason: Mass (Int)How long were you banned for?: Permanently What happened? (include any proof): I logged on one day and I was kind of just fucking around too much and thought it would be a good idea to do some stupid minge stuff. I got bored and thought I should mass because I never really saw myself coming back to the server. It wasn't exactly out of hate, or because I was doing it for some sort of external reason, I just really gased myself up cause I thought it would be funny. Why should your ban be removed?: I don't think I can write anything that seems sincere enough or without kinda sounding half ass but - I basically just want to be able to log onto the server and maybe try and play around again like I did before. I can't really give a great reason to why I massed other than I just hyped myself up thinking it was funny. I don't intend on causing drama with people or coming on to minge and fuck with people, but I do see myself maybe returning from time to time playing on whatever faction I can get into and just hanging out with some of the old people still chilling. I never really did anything bad on the server, unless you want to count my staffing. But when it came to rules and being respectful, I was pretty good with it 90% of the time. Clearly by the way I talk on the forums now and stuff and since my resignation I seemingly have less worry of breaking minor rules but I don't try and do anything super bad. It's not like that really grants me anything but compared to most people with perma bans, It's not like I got mine for being a multiple offender of rules, but for being a vet with intent to mass. It was pretty dumb to do. I don't expect many people to really know me anymore, or have my back on this, but I hope that I can have the chance of being unbanned to restart with the server and people. Thanks in advance to whoever replies
  3. They stopped giving you leadership so you bought it. Ironic
  4. I'll rent all 4 if I get unbanned
  5. Water in the desert is just a mirage. immersion destroyed
  6. In Game Name: John Taylor Origin of name (Why you chose it): John --> DI's first name who trained me for RU - - - Taylor --> FaZe Rain's girlfriend (at the time) How long you've been on GG (Put the date you joined if known): November 22nd, 2016 Favorite faction you've been in: Navy Favorite memory on the server: (not exactly a moment on the server, but besides this, probably taking over the leaderboards with 40 Navy on for days)
  7. Everyone's gotta make an exit somehow
  8. The fact that he was banned for it in the first place regardless is kind of sad. You'd have to be a complete baby to ban him for this, not even warn lmao. +1 in hopes that he's unbanned and the staff get a good heads up on petty shit like this
  9. Just the other day a freshman got hit in the eye with a pizza crust and it hit his cornea. Apparently scratched up his cornea and the pain sent him into shock and he fell hitting his head twice and got sent out with a gash in his head.
  10. I'm really not trying to get a lengthy response for this, but instead of just defending yourself, you should try and actually evaluate yourself on what you're doing. The resignations and activity is speaking for itself that maybe it isn't just them, but you.
  11. Wow, I thought you were kidding. Probably not
  12. Is this a shitpost? The screenshots are literally showing the exact same thing yet you're calling out US because of....?? And you can't really get people to use the war rooms because A) Random people who don't even play MRP will join and micspam/be annoying or B) people will talk over eachother. Majority of the time it's B. Having more than 10 people in one channel is going to be yelling and twenty-million different side conversations. We did it last night and despite winning and having some good action, the channel was crowded and obnoxious. It's why we have a radio systems and squads for easier and precise coordination.
  13. Yeah a lot of people don't give credit to him, although I don't blame them because his recent stuff isn't too good nor has he been a "hype" rapper for the last couple years. Waited 6 years for C5 though and that shit is 100% banging Yeah when I first listened to it I was skeptical but a good listen to it and I loved it. The collabs were amazing too
  14. Was it a banger or y'all sleeping on it?
  15. But DEVGRU isn't a subfaction. DEVGRU is simply a titled earned by a SEAL who puts the effort above another player, or at least how it should be. You're being extremely ignorant comparing frogmen and vega. They aren't alike, it's simply stated that Vympel have a frogman unit themselves. Naval Spetsnaz (RFC) - Under GRU Vympel (Vega) - Under KGB Also Vega is a step over Frogmen not vice-versa. "When you become a DEVGRU member, it is meant to be the peak of accomplishment in SEALS, it means that not only is your character extremely strong, but you put the effort in to achieve what others may view as impossible." Right, so why do you need a new model to show off what the title should already do itself? Sticking to a -1 for the fact that the suggestion is completely useless and not worth Garnet's time. Despite how "small" or "simple" it is, it's just not worth anything.
  16. Well, I was a former leader of SEALs (if not obvious by the bio) and there was never a DEVGRU playermodel, which was also what I asked you to clarify on I.E a string/picture of what you mean
  17. Cool way of making a try out guideline. Not too shabby
  18. What "DEVGRU" model are you referencing? Also you're being extremely confusing. You're saying you want the tactical class to have a model switch, but then you say you want tactical to be a DEVGRU class but it already is? Maybe more clarification would help but even so, -1 DEVGRU never did nor does it now need a separate class for it. /job or just recreate your idea on DEVGRU
  19. Kind of vague screenshots. Cant see how people "already love it" with very little anything shown. Hoping to see more detailed screenshots in the future
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