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Everything posted by PrisonNightmare

  1. Wasn't that kind of the point to not let them have any sort of weapons on these payable factions and to not make these factions pay-to-win? When they were first introduced anyways, Garnet said these factions were not going to be P2W. The point of these payable factions was to "have access to more 'premium' player models as well as a more solo experience along with a restricted group of buddies within the server". Also, if you give one faction a permanent gun like that it wouldn't be fair to the others if they did not get them as well, so if he were to do this he would most likely have to give the other factions a weapon as well, which would make the factions even more P2W. -1
  2. Fair enough, have fun ruining your reputation in-game and on the forums!
  3. I mean can you blame us when you make cringy rant threads like this?
  4. let alone going 2/12 on her +1 btw, reasons stated above
  5. +1 I know we usually say ban appeals aren't for apologies, but Panini seems like he's genuinely changed since his ban date occurred. He obviously put a lot of effort into the appeal as well, and I think that shows that he is truly sorry for what he previously did and wants to make an effort to become apart of the community once again. I don't really understand why he was community banned in the first place, to be honest, but I know very little of the situation in of itself as well. I'm all for giving him a second chance.
  6. +1, or at the very fucking least give it an option to return to the default gmod menu. You know how fucking annoying it is when a recruit doesn't have console binded to anything and so they can't do anything in the console so they're fucked? Please for the love of god either remove it or add the feature mentioned previously lol.
  7. +1 I was just talking about this exact thing with people on OOC today actually lol, didn't even realize there was a suggestion for it. I know Garnet doesn't really pay too much attention to suggestions and what not but if there was any suggestion I would love for it to get implemented it would be this one.
  8. Wait so you just muted and ignored him, not even giving him a chance to try and explain himself? Even if you have clear proof from the logs (Which you should post here) that's still kind of fucked up imo lol. I mean It's probably not against the staff rules do something like that to my knowledge but it still seems kinda fucked up lol. If you have proof of him breaking NLR from the logs, can you post the screenshots here?
  9. Jesus a permanent ban? I mean I know you've accumulated four bans previously but still, I think a permanent ban is still a little extreme. Although, if that is the rule then you're probably fucked unless they want to give you a second chance. For this specific ban, I'm a little confused. Did you kill that guy only? From your side of the story, it seems like you only killed one person. @Pencil could you clarify your side of the story?
  10. They seem like real hobbies to me pog For real though, I would try to beef up your application a tad bit more, to increase your chance of getting accepted. But you seem like a chill dude, I'm not a DarkRP main but I think I can still +1 an application (Although it doesn't hold much merit, lol).
  11. If you can't even take the time to write a decent looking staff application then I guarantee you won't be able to handle a position in the staff team. You do know there is such a thing called auto correct right? You're fifteen but you can't even write with proper grammar/spelling? Sorry to be harsh mate, and I admire your determination to be staff, but you need to actually put effort if you want to help out the community. Hell, if you need help I'm always willing to give you some pointers. Writing threads like these though only decreases your chances.
  12. Alright, I'll plus one this then, seems like a cool idea and gives a lot more diversity when it comes to weapons within the server.
  13. Personally, I feel like this could be a good feature if done correctly. The only thing I worry about is giving SOC factions too much of an advantage over regular base factions, for example I don't feel like SOC should be able to get body armor if base factions can't get it either, it's going to just give SOC too much of an advantage in war against base factions. I do like the idea of having different weapons available for SOC though. Would body armor slow people down as it does with NG/JUG/RPG/RIOT? I believe it it is going to be implemented, then it should at least have some sort of con of having it.
  14. This. Raid leader should be the one punished if he fucked up the bind for a raid and someone threw a nade not knowing the advert fucked up, imo.
  15. WTF really?! I didn't even think Dio was even finished with the map! Nice work man!
  16. Yeah your community ban was only a MONTH Four months (im retarded, read it wrong pog) ago my dude, I'd wait at least a few more months to try and get unbanned and to make an unban apology. The more time goes by the better chances you have at getting unbanned, tbh.
  17. +1 if this is possible, but someone is going to have to make the code or some shit because I doubt Garnet himself will want to do it, because he's busy with the map and all. Im also +1 for just switching it to US for the time being until their numbers equalize out. This isn't a one-time thing either, RU usually has the higher numbers than US from what I personally see so I think it really should be set to US for the time being.
  18. I feel like the rule should be more specific tbh on what is bhopping and what isn't. Personally, I feel like if you do three consecutive jumps or higher in a row then it should be considered bhopping to avoid bullets. If it is only two jumps or less then it shouldn't be considered Bhopping. Just my opinion, but I feel like that would help with the confusion on bhopping is if it were more clarified in the rules.
  19. Yeah makes sense, optimization is such a pain in the ass lol. Good luck when you need to do that, I'd hate to imagine doing it on a larger map like that.
  20. tru u right lmao I'm pretty sure you're supposed to optimize as you're building the map, well certain ways to optimize really. It depends if Dio is using hide/skip textures as well as areaportals and func_detail stuff. typically you do that stuff as you're building and what not because it saves time to do from what I know.
  21. Nah doubt it, Gotham loyal as fuck to the marines lol. DF will probably make a comeback eventually if they find someone that's capable of leading it on the US side that's an officer already.
  22. iT lOoKs So fUcKinG gOoD. I seriously can't wait for this shit to release, this is the most hyped I've ever been about something coming out since I've been in this community lmao.
  23. RIP my dude, you're probably going to have to wait the two weeks. Mass is mass, nothing can really change that. Good luck on your appeal though, I know you didn't really mean any ill-intention with the mass.
  24. Lit my dude, have fun down here lol. Hopefully, it isn't raining when you come to Florida, it's been raining here pretty bad a lot recently tbh. Also, watch out for the fucking "love bugs", those fuckers are the most annoying piece of shits in existence, man. By the time you're down their season should be over though.
  25. This, I highly doubt you changed. Your previous actions stripped the community of any trust they had for you, mate. I doubt you'll ever be able to come back onto the server unless there is a ban wipe.
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