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Everything posted by Pluto_

  1. This is one of those classic garnet topics, like printer collection timer, or no collide props, maybe even alts. Those topics that no matter how much it gets brought up and discussed it will always be back around again. I personally don't think it's needed. Here's why: Most the of time there are players on the server that announce it themselves for 1, and for 2, at 5 am est you mostly only have players on that already know the restart time. You could assume that anyone who would like to see this added are the ones announcing the restart so we can definitely just leave it to them. I also don't like too many auto messages on a gmod server, we already have a ton, and I get this one is literally once every 48 hours but I'm still not a fan of it. If you read this far I'm only making my -1 so big for the TLDR guys -1
  2. Today is a great day

  3. Reject responsibility. Embrace Demon Time! 😈

  4. Will send positive vibes the next time I have some to spare
  5. Leveling up makes the same exact sound as a printer blowing up. It's fine tho cause now when I'm chilling in my crib grinding I can hear other people leveling up,
  6. Golf with Friends mega-cut dropping soon stay tuned

  7. Day 2 of low caffeine intake this g@s got my back tho 💯 

  8. Morning tokes 👌

  9. Alright everyone. You can read what it says above. The video below is an explanation to the most powerful building technique. There are jumpcuts because I have ADD and smoke pot. Enjoy.
  10. Today is my mother's birthday. I put together a little bag for her and it made her happy. GG!

  11. @Torq @Tonganpoison @Capalot @Entity @Ghostieee @xFish You're lookin at the future when you're lookin at this group
  12. Imagine getting banned for 24 million minutes for cheating on the inferior server...

  13. Has been put in and taken out several times. Don't see a single reason not to leave it in. We've had two overflows recently that I know of without having it in so I'd like to discount that myth here and now just incase someone still believes it. If someone is actually harassing with the collection whoever is getting harassed should either rejoin, or report and staff actually be there to handle it accordingly. If you just sit there and watch someone spam tf out of your printers you kinda just slow og +1
  14. @hex_ taught me how to build I just want my builds to be good enough to make him proud of his work. No cap
  15. Linking with my unrelated brother of seven years today for the second time ever. 🇺🇸

  16. If any of you have some solid solutions for caffeine addiction I'm all ears. For a while I just smoked it away but its back around. typically go for anywhere from 230-377 mg on a caffeine day 

    1. Ozzy


      For about 3 years straight I had coffee in the morning. The last 2 weeks, I've tried to replace my coffee with a glass of juice. Orange, grape, etc. Doesn't matter.

      It might be the sugars or it might just be a placebo, but I feel like my energy levels are the exact same as when I have coffee. Better on my stomach, teeth, and body to have a glass of juice instead of 1-2 cups of coffee. Plus there are hella juices out there to try and see what you like.

    2. EthanWinters


      I drank coffe for 2 months cause I pulled so many all nighters for my assignments. 

      At first it was really fucking refreshing, helps me stay awake. 

      But overtime it started to be less effective and I got trembly hands when I drank it. 

      I remember that when I drink yes I would feel good for an hour or two but then I would become so sleepy.

      So I just decided to quit it. Literally cold turkey. 

      So my advice is basically just say fuck it and quit it. 

      Yes you'll feel tired when you wake up. But after an hour or two the feeling will go away. 

      Its been 4 months, Now I can pull even more all nigthers with 0 caffeine. 

    3. AlexConway


      Believe it or not - Chocolate, eat a piece or two of chocolate, dark chocolate is recommended; which has fiber, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, potassium, etc.

      As for something to drink if you want an alternative in place of morning coffee try: Green Tea, Lemon/Citrus Water, or Herbal Tea

    1. Pluto_


      @Jake sucks that you hate your life so much you cringe react on some irrelevant ass *****'s shit I'll pray for you bro 🙏 💯 

    2. Pluto_


      I feel so bad I'm in your head jake

  17. well I'm off again! bye

  18. bro the oregano BRAZY. Such a time to be alive!

  19. How long should my first T break be?

    1. Nuii


      69,420 years

  20. Every time I come back to this website all I see is people I used to know have left leaving fewer and fewer people that I even moderately care about so I think I will not be coming back to this website. Making this just for anyone who might be curious one day where I went, I just left bro 😄. Cheers

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. skrt


      Damn bro.... Thats really fucking deep. Felt that hard....

    3. D_Rose
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