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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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shrimp last won the day on April 7 2020

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  1. yeah i got something like 230+ unique weapon combinations on here we gon get this shit bustin
  2. you maniac is this what you dm'd me about
  3. this is the only good montage ever to come out of this community, excellent work dream
  4. Fantastic games if you're into Pokemon. Easily emulated with Dolphin. Other games I recommend: Paper Mario and The Thousand Year Door Fire Emblem Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn Legend of Zelda Wind Waker Chibi-Robo Super Paper Mario All these games emulate super well without a controller.
  5. shrimp

    [MRP] Skirmish

    This used to be the 2nd ROE.
  6. thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. shrimp


      bro who hurt u?

    3. Nutter


      a girl with a septum piercing

    4. Ziggy


      I was the one that took ur girl with a snickers bar

  7. 180MB for a fancy AR-15 with an absurd amount of attachments + dependent add-ons. -1
  8. shrimp

    Firerate Fix

    My understanding is that when the firerate exceeds the tickrate, bad things happen. When the tick rate is 16Hz , the server updates every 1/16th of a second, or 0.0625s. The P90 has a default fire delay of 0.067s, which is why it was such a problem child back in the day. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  9. Most places require that each faction have its own discord, owned and setup by the faction leader. The only caveat is that a manager is required to be in a discord for it to be official, whether they are in the faction or not, in order to keep an eye on things. This lets players have some modicum of secrecy in the way they run their faction, as well as allowing a degree of freedom in choosing how they set up their primary means of communication.
  10. In case you guys aren't familiar, servers typically use a platform like Gitlab to facilitate development. The way it works is that there are two branches, a dev branch and a master branch. The master is what the live server runs off of, while the dev branch is the public and accessible branch that can be modified by developers. Changes are made to the code and submitted via merge requests, which have to be approved to before merged, and further approved before being merged to the master branch, so people can't just upload things onto the server without quality control. Additionally, the public dev branch can be altered so that critical components and content that doesn't need to be publicly accessible won't be, to avoid people creating a clone server using GG's custom content.
  11. This suggestion would work best on a NS/Helix base, just saying.
  12. Discord is essential for creating a development community, as you wont get anywhere with TS not saving message history, and the forums mega-threads just aren't practical. When you have mappers, coders, and modelers who all need to work together and coordinate, you need a functional discord.
  13. Well, the way I've seen it deployed is much more relaxed through Discord. Developers can be broken down into three categories; coders, mappers, and modelers. The way a lot of communities do it is have public channels for each of the three categories, where developers and contributors can come together and discuss things they're working on or things they need help with. Suggestions are also implemented in a much more relaxed way, where there is an additional channel where anybody can just brainstorm ideas and spitball with other community members. If a dev or contributor likes an idea, they make it and request it to be implemented. Typically, these larger dev teams have a lot of internal structure beneath the owner to facilitate ease and effectiveness. The team I'm apart of has pushed out over 700+ updates since going open source four months ago because of how efficient the system is. People higher up the chain on the dev team who approve merge requests are more so responsible for quality control and direction of the server than the average dev, and so on and so forth. Lead modelers and mappers have the final say on art direction and aesthetics, etc etc. In the context of GG, the dev team would autonomously generate content, and Garnet's role would simplify to merging content to the live branch of the server.
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