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Nades During Raids


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TL;DR : Grenades should not be able to be used inside of debriefing room for both sides during raids.

Really an ongoing issue with raids that makes them really annoying is when people use them in DBs to get cheap kills and causing annoyance to those who fall victim to it. It is especially annoying towards leaders trying to do their debrief without interruption and when someone calls a raid while they are at the same time throwing the grenade, there is no way to get around it. This is not that hard to fix though, just make a rule stating that you cant through nades into DB during a raid. It's obviously easy to enforce too since if you die its just a quick screenshot to get proof. Now, people might argue that for donor classes this takes away their abilities that they paid for, however, this is really not the case since you still are able to use grenades but just anywhere outside of the DB room, its that simple and easy to understand. 


-Thanks, Early


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Raid watch is once again, an annoyance to many that are forced to do so. Plus, this makes no difference, people are still going to raid with raid watch in place and are very likely to still get the kills that they want, I've seen this on many occasions where people say there is a raid incoming in chat and people just stay in debrief room, you shouldn't have to worry about getting instantly blown up as soon as you get to a debrief. The whole point of the rule that I suggested was to make raids less annoying and raid watch is something that makes part of people's jobs annoying.

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35 minutes ago, Early6111 said:

Raid watch is once again, an annoyance to many that are forced to do so

 Not really, US SOC can do this, rather than AFK... 

35 minutes ago, Early6111 said:

very likely to still get the kills that they want

Nope, have 2 or so high army enlisted guard door from inside the debrief. Preferably ones on cooldown, since it's not like they need to always be attendance for DB. Should get the trick done if they are paying attention and not tabbing out.


35 minutes ago, Early6111 said:

The whole point of the rule that I suggested was to make raids less annoying and raid watch is something that makes part of people's jobs annoying.

While yes, raiding debriefs are annoying, people still do them, setting up raid watches is not difficult nor annoying. Literally sit at a door for five minutes (assuming army debriefs aren't unnecessarily long) maximum, and boom, feed prevented. 

In the end -1, it's not needed, and I don't think adding rules should always be the solution to every problem like this, sometimes taking the initiative and doing something slightly different can be a simple fix. 

Edited by Soldier
adding more reasoning
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