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StarwarsRP Update [05/09/2022]

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  • The Garnut




Following a suggestion by @Blazer addressing the inability for players other than S. Admins+ to deal with certifications, I have figured out a really nice solution, whereby players can be set to specialists of their Certificate, and then provide other players with that same certificate.

For a starter, I figured it'd be best to experiment with the most popular one, the medical certificate.

Specialized players (/medicalspecialist PLAYERNAME) will have a slight adjustment to their HUD element 




Artificial Intelligence

Sith Npcs

Scrolling through Workshop I found a depreciated base for Sith NPCs, and being that I just fixed the AI for MilitaryRP in order to accommodate the Tank and helicopter events, I figured it'd be effective to add automated Sith NPCs to events that actually have a brain and very high difficulty in combating.

Gamemaster, PLEASE do not spawn any of these, as the only reason I added this as a feature in this update log, is due to the fact I was worried somebody curious would spawn these in and potentially break the server.







Sergeant Classes

All cuffs removed



41st Elite Corps

41st Ranger Platoon : Leader

Corrected the CR-2 weapon


Coruscant Guard

Coruscant Investigative : Agent

can now view /cg requests


Coruscant Investigative : Detective

DC19 taken out, replaced by DC19Le

can now view /cg requests


Coruscant Investigative : Leader

DC19 taken out, replaced by DC19Le

can now view /cg requests


Coruscant Guard: Riot

Given 100HP health boost

Given Riot Baton


Coruscant Guard: Envoy

Removed stun grenade - Replaced by Smoke Grenade

Removed Shield & DC17 combo - Replaced by DP24 and Shielded DC15S Dualies


Coruscant Guard : Red Guard

Removed staff - replaced by Electro Staff

50 HP boost


Coruscant Guard: Officer

DC19 replaced by DC19le

Replaced shielded DC17 with shielded DC15S

Added K9 Trooper & Hound playermodels




212th Attack Battalion

212th Battalion : Enforcer

renamed to Marksman

Removed DP23, replaced by Valkex 38x

Model has been changed to:



212th Battalion : Jet Trooper

renamed to Grenadier

Removed Thermal Grenade and Jetpack - Replaced  by Ping Launcher and DC15S


501st Legion

Torrent Company : Rifleman

DC15A replaced by DC15LE


Torrent Company : Airborne

Replaced DC17s by Dual DC17

New model added:



Carnivore Company : Rifleman

Removed DC15S and DC17 Ext, replaced by DC15SE and DC17S


Carnivore Company : Defender

Removed DC15S, DP24, and Smoke grenade - Replaced by Z6, Scatter Shotgun, and Thermal Grenade


Carnivore Company : Leader

Removed DP24, DC17 Ext, DC15s - replaced by Scatter Shotgun, DC17C, and DC15SE


501st Command : Executive Officer

Added Kix and Tup models:


@Remake please lets revert this one, it's a bad idea:



Republic Commando

Republic Commando : Assailant

Slot upped to 4 (previously 2)

Replaced Shadow Knife by ARC Vibro Knife

Moved to 'Special Operations Brigade' F4 Category

Added onto 'ARC' Group Chat


Republic Commando : Advisor

Given level 4 (blue) Keycard

Added ARC Vibro Knife and DC17M onto loadout

Whitelisting permissions added for the entirety of Delta Squad and Republic Commando : Assailant

Added onto 'ARC' Group Chat


Delta Squad

Replaced all Shadow Vibro Knives with ARC Vibro Knives

Added onto 'ARC' Group Chat


Republic Navy

*NEW* Republic Navy : RSB *NEW*

Level 5 Keycard

Default Navy Loadout



Food & Drugs

Disallowed the spawning of such entities by Administrators and Gamemasters



Logging System

Given access to Senior Gamemaster and Lead Gamemaster



Quest System

UI correction for HUD





  • Like 4
  • Spicy 1
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11 minutes ago, Nutter said:

Following a suggestion by @Blazer addressing the inability for players other than S. Admins+ to deal with certifications, I have figured out a really nice solution, whereby players can be set to specialists of their Certificate, and then provide other players with that same certificate.

So if you're talking specialist like what rank would it be for? And would you have to go through special training for it

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Guest proggy
2 minutes ago, HonestDog said:

So if you're talking specialist like what rank would it be for? And would you have to go through special training for it

The leads of the certs will get the specialist cert so that they don't need a high ranking staff there to set them.

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  • The Garnut
6 minutes ago, Proggy said:

The leads of the certs will get the specialist cert so that they don't need a high ranking staff there to set them.

Sums it up. It opens the possibility for trusted users or Moderator/Gamemasters to assign players their certificates.

Also Proggy, your commands are

/medicalspecialist [Name] - hand out Specialist Certificate

/medicalspecialistremove [Name] - Remove the Specialist Certificate

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  • The Garnut
38 minutes ago, Nutter said:

Artificial Intelligence

Sith Npcs

Scrolling through Workshop I found a depreciated base for Sith NPCs, and being that I just fixed the AI for MilitaryRP in order to accommodate the Tank and helicopter events, I figured it'd be effective to add automated Sith NPCs to events that actually have a brain and very high difficulty in combating.

Gamemaster, PLEASE do not spawn any of these, as the only reason I added this as a feature in this update log, is due to the fact I was worried somebody curious would spawn these in and potentially break the server.




  • Spicy 1
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Guest proggy
1 minute ago, Kenrotheangrycg said:

Will Republic High Command also be given this Specialist Cert's since we are in charge of managing all certifications? 


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