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Jamison - Staff Application


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In-Game Name: ( As of NOW ) 11B SSG Jamison

Age: 15

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:157086851

Warns: 0

Timezone: Central Standard Time

Playtime: I believe I'm only at 80; but I've been, and plan on playing a lot still; I put in like 4ish hours per day so, I'm not sure if GG's policy is super strict, or if it can slide?

Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a Microphone?: Yes

Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: Yes

Referral(s): Honestly, none.

Past experiences as staff: Yeah, I'm a former Moderator for Gaminglight's PoliceRP.

How do you plan on benefiting our server?:

Well, firstly, I can benefit the people's time with my time. See, I got reinstated in the US Army, just yesterday (technically two days ago, since it's in the AM now), and in this past time, I've already put in about 6 hours, so my playtime in one sitting is quite high.. having staff on a lot  can be both good for safety, but also for trust in the server. You'll have a knowing fact that nothing will go wrong, and if it does, someone's there to help out.. I think that I could really benefit because, with the player numbers not always super  high, I think that I could be active as staff, whilst others can't.

I know for a fact, that in the Early Morning, and Late Evening to Night; there's not as many Moderators and Administrators on or at least active.. I would be a great help though, with me staying late, and joining early. My sleep schedule is kinda ruined so.. With me on, I can help people understand the server, and have a safe and fun environment, whilst playing on the server. I feel like if there's more staff that can help more often, it would help the server a lot. Like with the somtimes  rule breaking. I haven't seen it as much recently, but it still happens, and that stuff sucks. I want people to be happy with their time, and I want these other people to just learn from their mistakes and move on. Finally, I just think I can help because, from my experience, people seem to like me. I'm a really friendly person, and so in that sense, people might be more bound to follow rules, if I'm chill with them.


Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include Details: I have not.

Have you made any previous applications, if so when?: I have not.


How much time do you have to contribute to the role?:

Well, for sure for the next three months, I can put in 4-6 hours per day on average. Though, certain days there's more or less time available.

Edited by Jamison
I didn't realize it said Two Paragraphs, so I just split it.
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I appreciate the fact that you are trying to apply and make the server better. However, it seems that you only just came back to the server. You should probably stick around for a couple weeks and reapply when you are more familiar with the current community.


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"I've already put in about 6 hours, so my playtime in one sitting is quite high"

The fact you can't give an exact amount of playtime and saying just from one day that you've played, you had put in 6 hours of playtime. It's not about what you put in one day it's about the consistency and actually showing it. Only having "Believed" 80 hours doesn't really show too much for the consistency and dedication part.

"My sleep schedule is kinda ruined so"

How Can I trust a Moderator to do their job correctly if he can't even be responsible for not ruining their own sleeping schedule? Maybe if you purposefully made your sleeping schedule like an owl, it would be more understanding but from the sound of what you said, you just can't keep yourself accountable to Goto bed on time.

Overall, the application is somewhat lackluster.

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11 hours ago, Jamison said:

Playtime: I believe I'm only at 80; but I've been, and plan on playing a lot still; I put in like 4ish hours per day so, I'm not sure if GG's policy is super strict, or if it can slide?


If we let you slide, we'd have to make it to where everyone else can slide with playtime. As Kurtle said, we appreciate you looking to help the server, but you just haven't had enough experience within the server. 

11 hours ago, Jamison said:

Well, for sure for the next three months, I can put in 4-6 hours per day on average. Though, certain days there's more or less time available.

If you keep up this type of hours, I'm sure people will take notice.


Overall, your staff application is very formal. You just haven't reach the required amount of hours for a staff application.

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I'm not gonna repeat what the others have mentioned because it is true. Although, I used to main the Taliban side, I have never seen you on before. I recommend getting to know other members of the community on both sides before making your staff app so you have better odds of being recognized. Other than that, your paragraphs and attitude is very formal, good amount of hours per day, previous staff experience, and so far sounding promising. Just up your playtime, get yourself known, keep a good rep and you'll most likely become part of the staff team.

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Minimum playtime of 100 hours not met as well as a lack of community support. I recommend that you spend more time getting fitted with the community before reapplying.

Feel free to apply again in 2 Weeks (7/24)

@LuxembourgLock and move to denied thank you.

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