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ez base


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just add a rule saying you have to let them get up the ladder if thats the only issue, people already base there and its considered acceptable, same with the alley in gunstore its "building outside buyable doors" but everyone does it because it is a small base otherwise

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6 hours ago, Romac622v2 said:


Possible bugs (a door would need to be properly aligned, you can't just place down a door there without recreating a whole map file or add on a new addon which could make the server lag a bit more). Still is a cool idea, I've wanted to base there before but there is still multiple other buildings that can be utilized. Adding a door to that location would just be too much works in the server files for such a little thing.

They aren't suggesting to add a door silly romac, they want to be able to base there WITHOUT there being a door.

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