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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×

Am I allowed to play music in mic


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Ok so my name is pepsiwolf and I want to play music in a mic but I can’t bc it will count as mic spam am I allowed to I heard there was this guy called radioman he gets to so I was wondering if I can sorry I did not know where to put this at idk this web much

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Generally when it comes to playing music no one really cares. The only real time it becomes a problem is when it's used to minge or harsh lyrics which violates other rules within the server.

  • Spam

    • You may not spam crowbars, buttons, chat, voice, nor any other such sound or effect that may prove to be an annoyance to fellow players. 

Hope this helped!

Edit: The typical punishment for micspam is just a voice/chat mute for a short period of time.

Edited by Reeper
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Hello @PepsiwolfLike what reeper put above, It says that if its an annoyance to fellow players. More than likely you will be told to stop and if you don't stop you will be muted in-game for a short period of time. If you continue after being unmuted you can be warned for micspam. So don't worry about that! Other wise you will be fine. 
@Luxembourgplease lock and move to accepted!


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