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DarkRP Update [11/07/2022]


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F4 Menu

Loadout added back to the Job Selection menu, thank you @StraightWhiteChristianMale for the idea





Bounty Hunter


This class makes a return 3 years later with some needed improvements,


Thank you @Proggy for helping me test everything.


When players have been wanted for over 3 minutes, they will no longer be targets of the police, but rather swapped out to be targeted by Bounty Hunters.

Bounty Hunters may kill "top wanted" players in exchange for cash, and a generous amount of XP

The formula stands as $250 per level, meaning, a level 10 player's bounty will be set at $2,500. Whereas a level 50 player's bounty will be set at $12,500

Bounties will drop over time until hitting 0, meaning, the longer it takes you to kill a player, the less money you'll make. On the contrary, you'll still gain the same amount of XP, as the amount of XP will never drop!


Similarly to being wanted, having a bounty placed on you will display above your playermodel for easier tracking

Good luck Meth Manufacturers!



Players will known when a bounty has been issued via a similar UI element to being wanted



On a successful takedown, the bounty hunter will be announced to chat



When no bounties are available, you will have a UI elements displaying so in order to avoid confusion





HUD Changes

With the latest hud update, I've taken note of the fact that the level/prestige portion of players may be cut-off due to their pointshop accessories or Shark playermodel, as such, I've offset it a bit more for clearance.









Some really need QoL changes

If interacting with a COVID infected player, the prostitute will not contract COVID

The chance to have an anal rupture will now also shoot turds out of your playermodel's rear before killing you

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1 hour ago, Nutter said:

If interacting with a COVID infected player, the prostitute will not contract COVID

Two negatives = positive

or in this case two positives = negative

I like it👍


Actually 2 negatives equals a double positive

Edited by L E O
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