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A Proper Introduction


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So I've been playing on the DarkRP Server for a while now(about 60hours), and I thought it's about time I introduce myself properly to the community. My name is Ivan, I'm 19, born and raised in Florida, and I like to just chill and see what shenanigans everyone gets up to in DarkRP. I usually try to come up with creative roleplay gimmicks for each of my sessions, and most of the time I'm just hanging out, trying to help new players and make some money. I'm real laid-back and don't really let things get to me when people are toxic in game. I usually log on weeknights, around 19:00 EST. I currently work at a customer service call center, so lately I've been trying to practice my people skills in game. That's about it, see ya'll around!

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 Hello Ivan welcome to the forums, welcome to the community. Your job is a perfect area to practice those people skills I feel those skills are very valuable to have. Trying to come up with creative roleplay gimmicks is always a challenge but it pays off x10 when they work out lol, especially when you're a gundealer. I hope to see you around and if I see you in-game I'll come up and say hello.


See ya around.

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