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Evourent GM application


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In-game name: Jedi General Anakin Skywalker / ARC 1LT 9999 Peralta
Age: 24
SteamID (https://steamid.io/):  STEAM_0:0:142740161
Warns: N/A
Timezone: EST
Playtime?: 900 hours (half is AFK)
Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: YES
Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: YES
Referral(s): N/A
Past experiences as a Game Master: Had a month of Battalion GM experience. 
Why should we choose you over other applicants?: I believe I would be a great GM due to my creativity for events and just in general community reputation. When i have the time ill execute the events i come up with in free time or even while im working. I have some experience with the position already due to being Battalion GM and doing a few events on the server which all went pretty well with the voting system we have. I admit i have a bit to learn but once i am possibly selected i will learn quickly. The events i will be coming up with will be based off community feedback and just general talk i hear around the server. I will be coming up with 2-3 events a week atleast when i have the time to and would love to do them. Recently i noticed a slight decline in events and i believe i can pick up the slack of current GM team and contribute my talented mind to the team. 

Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: I have had 2 instances of getting in trouble but the 2nd one didnt really count was just a bad decision on my end. (which i have learned from.) 
1. During a long and boring event on the Venator I was on my Anakin Skywalker role and had a conversation with and EC (Palpatine) and during it Switched to the Darth Vader model. (Was very funny and loved by the community)
2. During an event i came up with on CIS increasing the size of Rancors i made one extremely big and the other gms pointed out it couldve crashed the server but it did not and i like to think they were over reacting personally also the event had nothing but upvotes in my defense. 
How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Whenever im on the server which at the time im writting this application is 5 days a week but could change in the future but roughly (15+ hours a week more or less) 

In your own words, what  are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: Creating a great experience for the community with events and keeping them entertained during off hours with small on worlds and even activities like races and such.

 Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: Creating fun and memorable events and possibly fix the lack of rp in the server with some mandatory trainings weekly 

Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: Having the entire server properly trained on Slice and Breaching we have a huge lack of that on the server and its on of my favorite things to do on a CWRP server. Plus its a good team building and communication exercise. 

Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation]
1. Padme is visiting Anaxes during an invasion from the CIS while Anakin is off fending the base with the 501st legion and the other clone battalions. The CIS know that Senator Amadala is on base and the sole reason they are there is to capture her so she cant make it to her next hearing and vote on the rights of the clone troopers. Multiple Commando droids sneak in through the vents and capture her leaving Anakin furious once the droids on base start fleeing we then go to a planet in which they are holding the Senator captive and Anakin stops at nothing to get to her using anything in his arsenal to destroy anything in his way to get to Padme. Once she is found with a known CIS scum Anakin force chokes the entire room infront of anyone present showing his descending to the dark side slowly but brushes it off on base. claiming he did what he had to do no other option due to the circumstances.
2. Master Yoda has been requested to Kashyyk by our known wookie friend that has called on the 34th battlegroup to help defend his home world of Kashyyk as many of his wookie friends have been captured and tortured by CIS magna guards. once we land on the planet the invasion has already been going on for days and we can see the aftermath. The 34th split up in to groups of 3 and begin searching for the captured wookies (each group will have to find and save 1 wookie each) once all 3 have been recovered safely they can be reunited but its possible if not done correctly the wookies could be killed infront of everyone bringing morale down heavily as we all have failure on our minds and death that we couldve prevented. (could have alternate endings depending on the outcome of wookies saved as well.
3.Genreal Grievous and his droid army have landed on our base of Anaxes with intent of capturing a Padawan to torture from the orders of count dooku who received the order from Darth Sidious himself after sensing what the Padawan was capable of the padawan does the best of their ability to fend themselves after watching their master get slaughtered infront of them by General Grievous. Grievous captures the padawan and brings them on his muni and holds them captive while trying to flee the 34th interrupt his  jump to hyperspace and invade his ship the jedi confront him as the clones fend off the thousands of droids on the ship while Grievous plans his escape and we recover the Padawan.
4. The jedi of the 34th receive a call from a knight they believed to be dead but has been on a darkside influenced planet and has planted a trap for the battlegroup. once they arrive the knight brings the battlegroup to a shady building that seems abandoned but has lots of dangerous creatures and enemys after feeling betrayed from the 34th he swore nothing but revenge and the only way he will go down is death refusing to be captured possibly taking a few people with him. 
5. Savage opress and or Darth maul (maybe both) have been causing trouble on Mandalore and taking the planet by storm and ruling it while the 34th attempts to aid in the battle from a call from Satine and Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi are already on planet. While the group arrives Obi-Wan tells the group that she has been captured and we must save her she is the key to restoring Mandalore to what it once was but during the fight she is killed by Darth Maul infront of Obi-Wan he attempts to fight maul but is met with his brother Savage as well over powering the Jedi of the 34th battlegroup and the Mandalorians fighting the clones of the 34th battlegroup begin to over power the battlegroup forcing an immediate evacuation of the 34th with all the lose on that planet.    

Edited by Evourent
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1. During a long and boring event on the Venator I was on my Anakin Skywalker role and had a conversation with and EC (Palpatine) and during it Switched to the Darth Vader model. (Was very funny and loved by the community)
2. During an event i came up with on CIS increasing the size of Rancors i made one extremely big and the other gms pointed out it couldve crashed the server but it did not and i like to think they were over reacting personally also the event had nothing but upvotes in my defense. 

-1 Rather then Justifying it, Own up to it, from the sounds of it you do not think you were in the wrong with either thing here. Accountability is extremely important for any staff member, after reading this I don't think you are able to hold yourself accountable to things that are genuinely worth demotion much less a simple strike.

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+1 only because the staff strive to have quality GM's which more often outweighs quantity. He's an overall very respectable person to be around and only has good intentions. Give him a shot, have him prove us wrong with his past altercations.

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  • StarWarsRP Administration Team

+1 You’ve made mistakes, that’s clear, but I’ve also seen you be a genuine and good person and prior to removal from battalion GM you had fun events. I believe in 2nd chances and I think you can absolutely make up for it.

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+1 Whilst within CG I have seen you be an active member of the community and you try to bring RP into situations whilst being a positive and outgoing person. You have made past blunders that is clear, I do however believe everyone deserves a second chance. His addition to the GM team would prove useful if monitored, and he is able to prove himself amongst his peers.

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A condition to this accepted application is that, due to the incidents during your time as Battalion GM, your use of GM tools will be monitored more strictly, and will have less chances afforded to you until the GM Supervisory Team deems it unnecessary.

Once your rank is set in-game, do not use any GM powers until trained.

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