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Thinking about putting this in MRP suggestions.


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Description: [description of what you are suggesting, one paragraph minimum] This will be a controversial idea that's been brewing in my head since management in MRP has been being developed and chosen. What really pushed it over into my head was the last update posted by Garnet regarding the status of Staff and GMs on MRP as a whole. 


My suggestion is a boost to the authority of the Head GM executive position, and its responsibilities. Head GM since it's inception, was beneath L.Admins and Management under staff, treated as a different form of regular admin, instead of an executive. To paraphrase Garnet in MRP update 5/11/2023,


"our playerbase had become so incredibly tired and bored of the administrative team not completing their roles, that they rely on ME to carry the server through updates, while the teams are doing nearly nothing to facilitate roleplay and players to enjoy the community - because in the case of MilitaryRP, GMs are as good as useless, and the management team has no pushed for any notable changes in over a year" 


Well this is me pushing for GMs to be more than useless, and to show management potential in a different direction. What I'm suggesting is a different take.


Head GM being made a true management position, and deciding the direction of role play rules and what direction role play should take on the server. Examples of this being, deciding the standard ROE, deciding which type of initiations of roleplay are acceptable, deciding what constitutes PKs, TPKs, and other forms of PKs, bases for kidnaps, raids, rules for missions, DB standards, etc. Anything to do with role-playing. It would be more than just watching GMs do events and reading a log, they would be a director.


Other division managers would also have their say regarding things, and would be in charge of enforcement regarding the rules and other factors. 


A concern I could see is server management feeling challenged, right now we have no management, aside from senior administration and lead administration. It would directly assist with the manpower issue, taking a load of those units.


Another concern I could see is the process of how "easy" receiving GM Management could be. We have not had a GM management unit in a year, closest being the recently resigned assistant Brian. 


We have two options for this unit due to BPs resignation, Nelson, and me. Controversial views on this could be possible. Nelson is a well respected leader, a responsible GM, a teacher who's taught many units. I've been a GM for several years, working under several management units, and GM management units. I believe in a passive role play initiation based environment.


If GMs are useless right now, let's allow them to have purpose and direction, an example being SWRP. They had a similar system to what we have now, and made the same changes I'm talking about right now. It would be a step in the right direction for MRP leadership, and a change for the players and staff right now to make the impact we've needed for a year.  




 Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?] There are two thought principles playing right now, removal of GMs, and boosting GM responsibilities. Well, removing GMs would be an overall negative for the server. We've tried automated events multiple times, but errors occurred without human assistance. Giving players that little extra boosts enjoyment, and is the only reason GMs are still a function. 


It would give DIRECTION, something that's been lacking for a decent period, a feeling of apathy would sit in channel's of TS, a lack of hope. How many appeals have turned into arguments and fights and outrage in the past couple months. Let's give GMs a chance, and put a capable manager in charge of the roleplay, war is 30 minutes, peace is an hour. 66% of the server is roleplay directly by that standard. 


More manpower, we have a resource in the GM team we are not utilizing their ability and potential, limiting them by standards set 3 years ago. Let's take a step in the Star Wars direction, and do things in a modern way.


 Just a rough draft, but this is where my thoughts are setting on. 


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2 hours ago, Dillan said:

Head GM being made a true management position, and deciding the direction of role play rules and what direction role play should take on the server. Examples of this being, deciding the standard ROE, deciding which type of initiations of roleplay are acceptable, deciding what constitutes PKs, TPKs, and other forms of PKs, bases for kidnaps, raids, rules for missions, DB standards, etc. Anything to do with role-playing. It would be more than just watching GMs do events and reading a log, they would be a director.

Yes 100% this has been neglected for so long and is the main reason our GM team is organized and it’s events aswell


1 hour ago, PraetorDon said:

Doesn't matter what position the staff member is in, just need a competent individual to lead and delegate and a group of competent individuals to execute.


Not true at all an individual can only do so much with what is given to them a staff rank is what maximizes a players ability to help the server no fucking 11A GA is gonna be able to implement, enforce, and help the GM team and rule creation.



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