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Basing rules tweak as hobo

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Description: Hobos must build huts, bases, or structures a minimum amount of space where two players can stand side by side away from another players build.
 Similar to fading doors needing to fit at least one player.
 The hobos must build at least two players length away from other players builds. This includes not building within two players of a text screen.

	Reasoning: Due to this not being specified currently in the rules it can lead to players harassing/abusing one another consequence free.
Example below is what made me want this rule. A hobo has built a casino and another hobo has, by building, blocked his sign, and made it harder to access, 
ruining (or at the very least degrading) the first hobo's RP. 
This can be abused in multiple ways. Such as player harassment, You can block peoples buildings and have it not be a rule violation due to it not technically touching. 
You could also work with a hobo and have them build this outside of your base to make it harder to raid.
Or have multiple hobos work together to make a large base blocking another players base, but as long as it has buttons and doors that lead to the players base they block its legal.
 So it could lead to a maze just to enter someone's base. Obscuring your own KOS sign is already illegal, and this could make it so hobos can obscure peoples KOS signs. 

	Additional Information: example of sign being blocked but its legal. Blocks the first hobo's door and forced players to go through second hobo's door.
 Amount of room left and due to it not touching its legal
Edited by graygrayiscool
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