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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×

Remove the god forsaken printer withdraw cooldown

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everytime that I get a decent amount of printers, and I go to collect from them all, it takes about 5 seconds to be able to collect from the next one after collecting

atleast though if getting rid of it fully is too much then lowering the cooldown would suffice

Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?]
this is pretty useless but it just annoys me and I dont see why it would be a needed aspect of the server, I dont think it could cause lag, and it would just make things faster and more enjoyable

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, ajbedhead said:

To be fair, we did disable this originally to prevent people from spam withdrawing money. In past years, many individuals would spam withdraw from printers intentionally to annoy the player that owns it. Typically with cases like this, staff-wise, we would warn the player for FailRP. However, we then thought of the idea of making a cooldown to be put in place. In this case, we could probably lower the cooldown to possibly 2 or 3 seconds for it to be a tad bit more lenient, it just depends on what Garnet thinks. 

with this I feel like we could make it so that its only able to be done with printers that you either enable it on (via like an extra little ui button on the printer) that can only be enabled by the printers owner


or if someone claims from a printer a certain amount of times in a certain amount of time, then it could either kaboom the printer or make it so they cant claim from that one for a while

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  • DarkRP Administration Team



I totally understand why it was put in, as AJ has mentioned. However I think there's a good middle ground option:


What if the collect cooldown only applied per printer? So in other words if you collected from printer A, you could then immediately go on to collect from printer B, then printer C, and so on; however if you were to try and spam-collect, then the individual cooldowns for each printer would act the way they do now in order to prevent it? A collect cooldown per printer instance, rather than per player.


Just to further that thought, what about scrapping the cooldown timer entirely and replacing it with a minimum collection value where the money inside the printer must be over say 1k (negotiable)? if it's under that amount, the collect button is greyed-out to intuitively show you can't collect yet, perhaps with a chat message. This would achieve the same and possibly be easier to implement.

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  • 1 month later...
  • DarkRP Management Team


Instead we've added an interaction cooldown to printers, since players insisted upon using autoclickers/e-spam scripts to automate the printer farming process. :^( 


Thank you for the time & effort you put into your suggestion!

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