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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×

Remove the option to repeat music on the DJ radios

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Description: Remove the option to have a song continue to loop on the DJ radios. 

Reasoning: I've noticed that DJ's with radios are putting on the same repeating songs and AFK'ing for hours on end, I don't think this necessarily helps the RP of the specific role. Previously the DJ would have to play music over mic, which needs them to be present in game to do so and more so they would play different music. Now what I'm mostly seeing is DJ's play the same song continuously while not needing to even be present anymore. In some cases, because of some songs only playing 30 seconds there have been the same 30 second loop of a song set by a DJ who then leaves to go elsewhere. 


Since the radio can't be muted and can only be lowered to a volume of "1" in the context menu, it can still be loud if the DJ sets the radio to max volume and/or is a song with maxed volume. This mostly is resulting in the same songs, at large volume, being played in areas players normally gather in, with no ability to fully mute, thus becoming constant background media spam. 


For as good as an idea as it was to introduce radios, it has slightly started to become a hinderance to the role. There will be 3 DJ's AFK repeating the same song, while other players who may want to DJ resorting to now playing music on the mic outside of the DJ role that I have noticed more often than previously. 


The video below I just recorded, which shows how even with the slider at 1, and turning it up slightly how much you hear some songs. This one was also on repeat. 




Additional Information: No.

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  • DarkRP Administration Team



I think this makes a lot of sense. Some of the best DJ's are those who setup a dance-floor / DJ hut and take donations for song requests, and actively engage with the players. For a job with a limit of 3 players, they shouldn't realistically be completely AFK with songs on loop. I think to add to this, there's three things that could be changed:

  • As per this suggestion - prevent looping of songs on the radio
  • Allow the radio to be fully muted by players, to be functionally the same as when you mute players voice-chat through the TAB menu
  • Add a new rule to the DJ class to say "DJ's must be active / responsive while playing music and should not go AFK for long periods of time"
    Caveats to the proposed new rule:
    - The rule shouldn't require any punishment, but rather to help guide players who wish to play as the DJ; while also allowing staff to change their jobs / reconnect where necessary
    - "long periods of time" to be at the total discretion of staff - this will vary depending on how busy the server is / how many DJ slots are taken, but isn't aimed at kicking those who've popped out to use the toilet
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I like setting up shops/areas with ambient music over the radio and would dislike having to go back to my radio whenever a song ends, but i also agree that radio should be changed to prevent DJs from hogging the DJ job and looping the same song for no reason.

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I like looping, only for the fact that it is a pain in the ass to go over and manually set songs every time.


If there was an option to somehow play Soundcloud playlists on the radio, I would +1 this in a heartbeat, but as of right now, looping is too useful to remove.

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21 minutes ago, WohMi said:



I like looping, only for the fact that it is a pain in the ass to go over and manually set songs every time.


If there was an option to somehow play Soundcloud playlists on the radio, I would +1 this in a heartbeat, but as of right now, looping is too useful to remove.


Primarily my suggestion is in regards to lettings DJ's leave the radio to loop any song and AFK or just leave. It's not specifically against the loop function, but honestly having a DJ loop the same song for over an hour while simultaneously AFK'ing as a limited job is becoming a problem IMO. 


I really suggest the removal of the loop as a way to make the DJ be active because previously before radios, if a DJ wanted to loop a song it'd be over the mic which does correlate with game activity. 


Even if the loop function could be limited to 3 or maybe even 5 loops, that would require activity from the DJ to re-enable it instead of throwing a radio somewhere and letting it go for hours on end. 


It's kind of an un-written rule already, that limited classes (Hobo lord, DJ, Assassins, etc.) need to be active so a player cannot grab the class and AFK as it while others want to RP with that class. There certainly has been a larger amount of DJ's AFK'ing, and the server only can have 3 on at once. 


I do have to add, in what you say with "the fact that it is a pain in the ass to go over and manually set songs every time." that DJ's before radios came in rarely ever would just loop the same music. DJ's curated music to play over the mic, and were more active. 

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  • DarkRP Administration Team

Definitely agree to this. I don't know who started doing it but the past 2 weeks there has been at least one DJ doing this same thing. It's frustrating to have the job full and one or two of those 3 slots are occupied by AFK song-loopers. If you don't want to actually play the role, pick a different job. 



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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Fat Good BOI said:

+1 gildarts is annoying with his radio where he replays this fucking spongebob song for an hour


I've been thoroughly enjoying DJ's playing car alarms on repeat full blast with no way to disable the audio. 

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6 hours ago, Fat Good BOI said:

+1 gildarts is annoying with his radio where he replays this fucking spongebob song for an hour

❤️ You love when spongebob talks about jellyfishing

Also that video you have, that type of loudness is considered ear rape and is reportable.

Edited by Gildarts
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