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AntiArmy Application


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-In-game name: AntiArmy

-Discord username: (ex: merk.gg): antiarmy

-Age: i'd rather not say personal information, but i assure you it's above the requirement

-SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:173861584

-Active Warns: None

-Timezone: GMT+1

-Current Playtime: 100 hours

-Do you have access to Discord and a microphone?: [YES/NO] discord yes but no microphone

-Are you a member of the Garnet Gaming DarkRP Discord?: [YES/NO] yes

-Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] yes 

-Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] none

-Past experiences as staff: [Optional] i have been an staff on 2 ttt servers and 2 sandbox servers

-Why should we choose you over other applicants?: [minimum 2 paragraphs]:

first of all, im a clean and rule knowing player and i dont get in much troubles or reports and even if i did so i usually resolve it quickly, also i have experience on staffing and game overall (3,000 hours) and i know how it works and etc, i dont really have much popular people or staffs know about me but i have a few small friends in the server itself.

second of all, althought i might be sometimes taunting other players but that had changed and i dont usually do that anymore, and finally i have everything a staff needs overall and should be ready to start at any time, thank you for reading

-Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: yes but it was years ago, only 1 ban which i remember for mass nlr for 2 weeks

-Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: no

-How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: i can be active everyday

-If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?: idk playing sandbox is all i do or join garnet gaming

-Did you read the staff rules?: yes

Edited by AntiArmor
made reading easier a bit
  • Dumb/Shitpost 1
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  • DarkRP Management Team

So I'll kind of start by listing some positives I see here. You do meet our minimum hour requirements (and then some), previous experience and having a good amount of time to play.


That being said, you also state that you don't have a microphone which would be problematic for various reasons. I'm also skeptical about your age since you've decided to withhold it from your app, since just taking your word for it to me is personally out of the question when we have a minimum age requirement. And you might also want to re-read the staff rules over again, because I don't think you really read them thoroughly enough. And would also recommend beefing up your paragraphs a little bit with some more information.


Overall I'm not too satisfied with this app personally, but this is just my opinion after all. Hope you do well regardless.



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- Paragraphs
- Didn't put age
- Only interacted in game once
- Previous ban
- Didn't read staff rules


Overall its a big -1 from me, maybe try putting in a bit more effort, and interact in the community a bit more, for your next application.

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  • DarkRP Administration Team

-1 I,ve never seen you in game. you didnt even bother to read the rules. your paraghraphs need to worked on. 

if you get accepted welcome to the team if not its ok you can contact me and i will help with your journey to becoming a staff member you can hit me up on here or dicord anytime im happy to awnser questoins and offer advice if needed

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  • DarkRP Administration Team


-paragraphs were weak. You put like the minimal effort into this 

- Did not read rules

- no mic... Its an important part of the process if or when you're accepted to be able to speak in training. 

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Summary:All in all it's not that the paragraph wasn't good it's the length and info or lack there of which leads me to a -1 as well as the lack of a mix and you didnt successfully read the staff rules. But take this as a time of change work on the next one maybe get a referral and try again another time. Best of luck!


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  • DarkRP Management Team

- Not saying age

+ Playtime

- No mic

+ Some prior experience

- Paragraphs

- / + Ban on record (I don't really care about it tbh)

- Didn't read rules


So the age and mic is pretty self explanatory, however we can tell you didn't read the rules. Lastly your paragraphs are not in the acceptable length and kinds just says the same thing over and over. I'll be giving you a -1 until you clean it all up 

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  • DarkRP Administration Team



Unfortunately, after deliberation with the DarkRP Administration Team, we have decided to deny your Staff Application. This decision was made in part due to the following reasons:

Due to an overall lackluster application and negative community feedback, your application will not be accepted at this time.
Should you choose to reapply in the future, I'd recommend becoming more well known within the community and ensure your next application meets all requirements.


Thank you for the time and effort you put into your application. You may reapply in 2 Weeks.

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