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Add Cameras Back


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I know what you're thinking, people will just abuse it like they had done before, but instead of just adding them back into the game, make them immovable and destructible. This way people could have cameras to watch their base but they couldn't physgun them into other peoples bases or if they put a camera in front of another person's base it could just be easily shot and destroyed. If cameras were added back people could go and raid and do other things in the Garnet Gaming DarkRP community more often.

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I don't speak for Garnet or Evity. However, I believe cameras will be added back at one point. It's just unclear as of now, because cameras are highly exploitable. As of now, cameras will remain blacklisted until Garnet or Evity figure out how to fix them.

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2 hours ago, I Play Games said:

I know what you're thinking, people will just abuse it like they had done before, but instead of just adding them back into the game, make them immovable and destructible. This way people could have cameras to watch their base but they couldn't physgun them into other peoples bases or if they put a camera in front of another person's base it could just be easily shot and destroyed. If cameras were added back people could go and raid and do other things in the Garnet Gaming DarkRP community more often.

Already been suggested, plus you can just think of my idea. Have a prop that is basically spawned in as a "hinge" and when you spawn in a camera and connect it to the hinge then it is perma propped until destroyed or the player has left the game. (Or deleted)

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