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In-game name: ProxyIsBack
Age: 21
SteamID (https://steamid.io/): https://steamcommunity.com/id/proxythegod/
Timezone: EST
How long have you been a part of the community?: 1 day
Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes
Do you have the ability to screen-record while playing on Rust?:[YES/NO] Yes
    Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] N/A
    Past experiences as staff: [Optional] N/A
    Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] Im a people person, non toxic, easy going, easy to get along with, fair player.
    Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: N/A
    How much time do you have to contribute to the role?:  8 hours a day
    If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Rust? Web Secuity,  Penn testing, little bit of java and python, playing football

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The minimum for the “why should we chose you over other applicants” is two paragraphs not two sentences. Also the fact that you’ve only been on  the community for one day. You need to be more involved in the community before you apply. -1

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  • Community Director

-1 - I'm going to be more constructive than rude. You obviously didn't read the prerequisites, and while I commend your dedication to apply for staff after being here for 1 day... I don't feel it's realistic. I also think you need to put more than a fragment - with poor grammar that sounds more like a bullet point list. Write 2 paragraphs 5-8 sentences each, using big boy sentences, and show us you want to be staff. 


Here you can find a list of the prerequisites: 


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-1 I have talked to you on TS and you seem like a really nice guy. I love that you are committed to the sever but I think you need to spend more time in the community. I would recommend you talk to more people in the TS and continue to try to help out in any way you can. I think you would be a great staff member once you have gotten to know the community better. 

P.S. This was already stated but make sure you re read over your application to make sure it follows the format.

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