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bruh's scuffed ban appeal v2


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People really need to stop tacking their -1 responses with a toxic little end piece. That isn't at all necessary. You shouldn't even be adding a -1 or a +1 to these kinds of threads, let alone a little toxic roast to top it off. These kinds of threads are meant for staff to read, ask questions, and respond in discussion with the person appealing.

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5 minutes ago, BuddenJoe said:

You are now mixing up 2 clips, im talking about the SSO COL Joe Budden clip, you are bringing in a different clip where you were using a different gun and you 3 shot me, nothing you are saying is adding up, im done spamming this post at this point, my final thoughts are one or 2 of these clips alone will not prove your guilty but all these clips put together exceed the proof the needed to solidify the fact that you are clearly hacking. From my perspective this will not get accepted at all, but good luck.

Sorry about that. I was mixing your clip with the Arytom one, it's 3 AM and I've had to deal with 15+ clips lol.

I was right above you, quite literally. The US Boardwalk side was only a little above you. I wish you had included audio, because I am sure I did not hit all of my shots during semi auto, but if you're wondering why I hit you so much is because of that close range. Also, I typically do semi-fire shots instead of full auto to hit my targets better. With crouching, semi-auto, and the fact that I was right on top of you; I don't view it as a crazy shot.

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1 minute ago, Taffy said:

I was talking about you hours on Garnet. Also no server is the same every serv er is vastly different. Even If you do grind Gmod servers it doesnt make sense that you knew where everyone was. 


The CW2 weapons are used on SEVERAL Garry's Mod servers. Just making the broad statement that I knew where everyone was is an incredibly weak argument. I have addressed the videos that could be interpreted as knowing where everyone was, it feels like you're trying to take shots in the dark. Find fallacies in my responses, but otherwise I'm going to stop responding to your pointless arguments.

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1 minute ago, Bruh said:

The CW2 weapons are used on SEVERAL Garry's Mod servers. Just making the broad statement that I knew where everyone was is an incredibly weak argument. I have addressed the videos that could be interpreted as knowing where everyone was, it feels like you're trying to take shots in the dark. Find fallacies in my responses, but otherwise I'm going to stop responding to your pointless arguments.

videos are there your not coming back whats pointless was you making this appeal. 



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A lot of clips against you.... As a man that has got accused of hacking before, let me tell you its hard to come from it that why I learned to clip shots

Like this recent one 



I have whole youtube channel for clips of me in war and more that I didn't post.


Evidence is heavily stacked against you and the multiple VAC bans doesn't help your case either ( even tho staff don't judge the report on it) but still gives them clarification on who you are on past servers.


Good luck but for now.



Edited by Dexx2
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4 hours ago, Bruh said:



What I'm saying is, no one is that accurate, I have over 1200 hours on the server and there is no way I can replicate those shots. 

You can clearly take screenshots of something in game but you don't have one clip of you playing and popping off? I doubt that, I'm pretty sure you would want to record yourself playing if you were that good.

As and Example: https://streamable.com/lrjdg

Edited by SimoneUWU
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using the excuse of 'crouching increases my accuracy' doesn't help when you're lasering people with an AR that has 90max spread and reaches that spread in two shots. Yes, it does tighten the spread a bit, and accuracy slightly. Lets say you're using the lazer sight on your M4 too, you'll probably be sitting around maybe 75~%? Which is still a shit ton and still hard to full auto a target from medium range with, yet you do so with ease.
@Torch You know a bit better about the CW code than I, if you know anything about how much crouching actually effects stats, care to share?

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Just now, SimoneUWU said:


What I'm saying is, no one is that accurate, I have over 1200 hours on the server and there is no way I can replicate those shots. 

Although I admit I can see why some of the shots may seem suspicious, it's important to recognize the "negative" as well. These are only the highlights of my game play, think about the amount of times I wasn't recorded; the amount of times I missed shots. I do have a few good shots, but my point is that I perform a lot worse than some of these shots would suggest. Take a look at the spectator reels for example, I missed several times on even close range targets.

If I only had a highlight reel of your game play, wouldn't that be suspicious too? The issue I see is that people are misinterpreting what is in my opinion a highlight reel of my game play as a representation of my general performance.

Also, I play a significant amount of shooter games other than Garry's Mod. 500 hours is not the total of time I have spent playing shooters at all.

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3 minutes ago, Pencil said:

using the excuse of 'crouching increases my accuracy' doesn't help when you're lasering people with an AR that has 90max spread and reaches that spread in two shots. Yes, it does tighten the spread a bit, and accuracy slightly. Lets say you're using the lazer sight on your M4 too, you'll probably be sitting around maybe 75~%? Which is still a shit ton and still hard to full auto a target from medium range with, yet you do so with ease.
@Torch You know a bit better about the CW code than I, if you know anything about how much crouching actually effects stats, care to share?

You're absolutely right. If I was using full auto exclusively and only said the "crouching increases my accuracy excuse", I would definitely agree something was up there. The thing is, because of the same limitations you mention, I only use full auto in close range. For example, the shots in embassy (first video), the Joseph Stalin SF building video, and a few more use full-auto. For anything medium to long range, I exclusively use semi-auto. Slow firing with the M16 is very accurate and you can absolutely hit targets. Remember that semi-auto can appear like full-auto in certain cases, but it allows you to have complete control over the recoil instead of attempting to control a full-auto spray.

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3 hours ago, Bruh said:

These are only the highlights of my game play, think about the amount of times I wasn't recorded; the amount of times I missed shots. I do have a few good shots, but my point is that I perform a lot worse than some of these shots would suggest. Take a look at the spectator reels for example, I missed several times on even close range targets.

1. Most of these clips were gathered over 2 days alone and are the most suspicious from the very large bunch we have. 

2. “A few good shots” meaning consistently performing better than the top players on the entire server without even sweating a drop.

3. The spectate bugged so you can’t see how many kills he got exactly and being that you were banned for hacks, some clients tell you when you are being spectated and you connecting Jers JOKE to instantly knowing when you are being spectated is insanely sus. 

You have some how changed your story multiple times expecting the community to believe you have “some good shots now and then” when you constantly destroy people from half way across the map through heavy foliage. I’m sorry about the toxicity in my original comment but you have a snowballs chance in hell of getting unbanned. Your “explanations” to the clips completely dodge the whole fact of us proving you shoot through foliage or just know where people are by trying to discuss the weapon damage that has nothing to do with the clip. 

Edited by Prince
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I say as long as several US members have reviewed ALL evidence against you and come to the same conclusion that the RU side did, this matter should be done with. I've only had few run ins with you and sometimes I came on top, but you can call it luck or you toggled off. After reviewing the evidence the clips keep stacking higher and higher, the one that interested me most was this one. You gave the following insight:

9 hours ago, Bruh said:

In this clip, Valor had initially cleared warehouse and was attempting to take back the point from the United States. Valor was running in the middle of warehouse quite literally in the open. At 0:07, you can see me taking cover behind the container, crouching down to improve accuracy, and firing at Valor.

This is all well and good, but in the clip, we see your playermodel come out at full speed, lock to Valor, and the spray started. That's pretty normal, sometimes your aim is really fast, which is totally possible without 3rd party assistance. The Marine M4 is a balanced weapon. It can spray targets at medium range with ease, but there was something about this one that just didn't seem right. If we were to see a transparent view of that box, I can only assume you didn't stop long before peaking to center your aim and peek freely with 3rd person, you just had too much momentum. With this, and the fact that your aim was THAT fast when you had to make the choice of two different targets, hitting only one with every shot, this clip is fishy as hell.

That's my take on it. If you really weren't hacking, I'm sorry you fell to the witch hunt. I've been there and done that. But with the current evidence I am going to -1.

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Do I even need to -1 here?

You have to be one of the most toxic and blatant hackers I've seen in a long time, not only have you killed me and commented over my body but even even giving weird hints that you were. Killing me once and saying "Nice headglitching" How exactly could you have seen me if I was head glitching? 

But still with all the videos and all the evidence


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