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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/2019 in all areas

  1. Vehicles EXPERIMENTAL Black Mesa's vehicle pack has been added back to the server (cscdesert days) along with a vehicle base. For the time being, officers for SOC classes will carry the ability to spawn vehicles at no additional cost. This will serve to see how badly performance is impacted, and whether or not vehicles are worth keeping. Stamina System Highly Requested - in BETA TESTING Every second of sprinting will deprive your stamina gauge of 1% . This gauge will re-plenish itself when walking/jogging or standing still, at a rate of 1% per second as well. Jumping will deprive your stamina gauge of 6-8%, and upon hitting a value under 5 you will no longer be able to neither run nor jump. B-hopping is once again legal, use your valuable jumps wisely!
    11 points
  2. Im not a huge fan of the stamina being implemented. After experimenting in sims, duels, and war the combat is extremely dull and underwhelming. Its not the fast paced run and gun anymore. Instead I find myself jogging to objectives to conserve stamina, (You cant even make it to an Obj without stopping.) Once you get there its just sitting and waiting to gain stamina so you can go in to even have a chance at clearing. I also dont feel as mobile anymore. Jumping around corners and in combat isnt impossible but does not pay off if you are attempting to clear an objective because more than likely you will run out of stamina quickly and you will become an easy sitting target for others to just gun down with ease. I feel limited to what I can do, its not as nearly the same combat as before. Like I said, to me the combat is SUPER underwhelming for the price to pay with stamina. I dont think stamina is the way to go to suppress bhopping, I am actually a huge fan of the anti-bhop system we had on siberia. People worked together to boost eachother into objectives, and it was a huge helper getting onto objects you wouldnt be able to crouch jump onto originally, not only that it suppressed using the bhop to gain speed.
    8 points
  3. Personally, I don't think the Stamina system works at all as a whole. The entire map is around being open with minimal cover while OBJ's have a focus on CQC. Most paths to OBJ's have maybe, 1-2 large structures that can be used as consistent viable cover and maybe a few smaller ones along the way. With that in mind, it fits in no way to limit player speed with a map laid out like this. I already waste 40 stamina if I'm running to US west gate and only get about 14 back by the time I have all my ammo, meaning I have about 74% stamina to work with ( 75% to get to US south gate, leaving with about 90 ). Leaving from the US west gate I get to about the tanks, which is the main cover area to KH, and from there I need to wait for my stamina to regen to leave or else I'm in the open exposed. This is similar for most OBJ's but I'm using KH as an example cause I played it most these past wars. I would be fine with this, if there was more than one area because now my "safe haven" of a rock is RPG fodder and I can't run away either because my asthmatic ass needs a hit of my inhaler before I can run for another 10 seconds or because a .308 lapua round wants to nest in my brain. Another issue with the system is the way it effects combat and OBJ play. Combat is now reliant more on who is already on an OBJ and who hasn't been running around too much, making it much more of a fucking micro-manage than anything. Another thing, since the surrounding area of an OBJ is mostly open, we usually have to sprint to an OBJ, yes? Well if you do that now you're just out of stamina or rather low and are now at a disadvantage because if you use it to engage you don't have enough to disengage, if you use it to get into a spot, you don't have enough if you get caught, etc. This also forces groups of people to be separated because if one SOC group is rotated off of an OBJ to go somewhere else, they have to make sure everyone is stamina ready so that nobody is left behind and they are not down a member when attempting to clear an OBJ. In all honesty, this system would work if the server had high-max numbers at all times so that nobody had to run around an OBJ to cover a spot that isn't being held and waste stamina. However that isn't the case. IMO HOW IT SHOULD BE: Stamina bar for jumping only or a re-iteration of the anti-bhop with a fixed system to prevent bouncing on cliffs. Sprinting will be infinite but overall speed will be reduced by having weapons out and will be effected by weapon class( pistols= almost normal speed | smgs= slightly slower than pistols | AR+shotguns= slightly slower than smgs | Small snipers ( Orsis, SV-98, Mosin, Dragoon )= moderately slower than ar's and shotguns | Heavy Snipers and LMG's ( M60, M249, M82A3, M95, PKN, 50. HMG, ares shrike ) = moderately-heavily slower than small snipers ) If you think I should expand upon any of my ideas, need me to explain something or need me to correct/clarify anything, pm me or respond to my thread with the part quoted.
    7 points
  4. Playing with stamina I it find slows down everything way too much. Maybe I'm alone in thinking this but I find the fast pace gun play that the server allowed was very enjoyable.
    4 points
  5. Considering our server hits 80-128 players daily, and runs at a tickrate of 22 (the server only updates positions roughly 4 times a second, ignoring client-sided and serversided lag) the jumpy combat does NOT benefit anything other than the further breaking of hitboxes/gameplay mechanics. So the 'jumpy combat' is definitely being nerfed. Thank you everybody for your input, I will start working on the final iteration for this system in the next few days.
    3 points
  6. I like the thought of this, but the implementation might drive some lower enlisted / base factions away from the class. Of course diversity is nice and possible a key essential to " win wars ". If implemented, the usual LMG / marksman whitelist users might not want to play on it? Just a thought process that came to mind when reading. I thoroughly enjoyed this anti bhop because as @Trip mentioned, it brought teamwork and I feel it can be used anywhere on an obj (for example, instead of US taking the stairway to embassy, they can use a two - three man boost and approach at a different angle). Brings a lot of dynamic game changing plays that will keep players enticed and work together instead of single man run and gun. Anti Bhop worked in the past, should be useful for this map specifically.
    3 points
  7. I understand its in testing phase but I dont hope it goes through and doesnt stay for even max 1 week. (the whole stamina thing) After playing 1 war with the stamina change, I personally can already feel the loss of the "fast pace feel" wars used to have. Rotations might not happen as much, and it might lose the players incentive to even go out of base at the 1:30 or 2 minute mark to even contest an objective when we need as many bodies on the obj as possible. (<-- for this instance in specific, they're gonna have to sprint and jump to get to the obj asap) Managing your stamina is definitely an option but many things a jeopardized when this stamina comes into play 1) rushing the last objective to win the war with a possible 1 cap or 2 cap. 2)rushing the first objective to get a strong hold and get in position 3) Beginning to even contest and objective 4) Firefight play. From RU experience, full sprinting and only sprinting will only get the player from their N gate to the entrance of embassy, no stairs no rope or anything like that. By the time they reach the doors, their a turtle in the open. From US experience full sprinting will get the player to somewhere on the staircase that leads to embassy, and once people are all moving really slow and bunched up at either place, it just becomes a disaster.
    3 points
  8. As of now, the only reward to getting higher levels is getting access to new jobs. That and getting to level 100 and getting prestige. I think it'd be really cool if there'd be more of a reward for gaining levels, especially the ones after level 50 when you unlock the last few jobs. Rewards like gaining more health when you spawn, or spawning with armor or defense to weapons. It wouldn't have to be anything crazy, just little numbers that add up over time. Something like getting milestones, like every 2 or 5 levels you get one or two extra health / armor when you spawn.
    2 points
  9. I think the "jumpy combat" is what needs to be stopped, but I do agree that the stam system could be reworked so that you lose stamina more slowly and gain more when standing still.
    2 points
  10. I'm having mixed feelings about the stamina bar personally, I feel like the time it takes to fully regain stamina takes way too long. Also, I'd prefer if running wouldn't affect the stamina bar, in fact I'm 90% sure that's what people wanted for the stamina bar, a lot of people only wanted the stamina for the jumping aspect. A good step forward, but the way it is now the cons heavily outway the pros of this stamina bar, I think it needs to be reworked to what I said above.
    2 points
  11. Lengthy and detailed application, seems mature and dedicated based on what Landon and AwesomeAidan said. I believe you'll make a great addition to the MRP staff +1
    2 points
  12. I will be able to upload the video tomorrow due to technical problems and I have to sleep.
    2 points
  13. Thank you for pointing this out. Updated.
    1 point
  14. +1 Great person! Has potential and really gives out a friendly vibe. You still gotta get your exact playtime, just type "/playtime shy" in-game and copy and paste the values here.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Hell yeah brother, gotta get 'em working good with the tennis balls when they're young, over 18 and they lose their value. +1, good application, good experience, good person
    1 point
  17. -1 Plenty of run-ons and grammar errors. Second paragraph is extremely weak. What obscure times will you be able to play on, with school coming in a month or two? Make some significant changes for my +1. Good work on the edits. +1
    1 point
  18. +1 Probably one of the most mature 2GA officers ive seen in a while, is very active, and has enough experience.
    1 point
  19. Hey sugar you got my +1 and also add me to referrals
    1 point
  20. The in base OCs are gonna be interesting now because of stamina
    1 point
  21. +1 and a referral! Very qualified for staff, Active, Mature, Helps newer players! Good Luck!
    1 point
  22. Yeah, my MATCH time isn't affected by the stamina at all. I even still have enough stamina to try and bhop at the end using about 3-4 jumps.
    1 point
  23. I won't presume about other factions, but MARSOC will take the same route we took when the new map released and get a fair average taken from our members with the new stamina system in consideration.
    1 point
  24. +1 This guy is definitely a mature player and would make a great addition to the staff team
    1 point
  25. This is exactly why vehicles were removed in the first place. Everyone donated to get one. The "spawn price" wouldnt effect anything considering most people have hundreds of thousands of ingame currency.
    1 point
  26. -1 this would be a horrible addition to the server since people would get pissed and would bring the server reputation down a lot also i have not seen any abuse of these but they do give proof if they dont have proof they get denied
    1 point
  27. -1 have had bad experiences, Extremely compulsive and toxic. Not suited for staff.
    1 point
  28. A really good point. Most people that are going to complain right off the bat are players who are accustomed to having the running orignally. Newer players might not like it, but it's what they are going to experience first so they can't really compare anything. Stamina bar is a good addition and I'm looking forward to vehicles adding a counter weight to it (when you're not spammed up the butt to add them)
    1 point
  29. +1 He is always active and never disrespectful. He would make a great addition to the staff team.
    1 point
  30. +1 Your app seems good with no previous punishments. But don't think with your dick and +1 cuz she's a girl.
    1 point
  31. My dudes, we get it ya'll wanna +1 cuz it's a girl but damn leave my -1 alone.
    1 point
  32. +1 She's a great player to hangout with and she is an attentive player overall. Sugar is very respectful to everyone and never breaks rules out of emotion or personal enjoyment. I generally believe she would make an amazing addition to the staff team.
    1 point
  33. +1 Easy plus 1, your dedicated to the server, your nice (even though we don't always get along). you know the rules. Only thing i would fix is to maybe beef up the application a bit, because some community members are gonna criticize.
    1 point
  34. Nobody: chase: salty ass gmod players man
    1 point
  35. Wait so I can call someone the N word in local chat and it's considered within roleplay on the DarkRP server? That seems kind of stupid to me, racism should not be allowed under any circumstances lol.
    1 point
  36. Then that's an entirely different suggestion. To change one-tap hurtboxes. Either that or your connection just sucks because that sometimes will make your shots not count.
    1 point
  37. ACCEPTED He isn't allowed to warn you twice and jail you, 3 broken rules is NITRP regardless how long you've played. iPL4YG4MES will be spoken too, and I guess I'll have to ban you?
    1 point
  38. DENIED You're only showing where Gates mutes you, which is why I'm saying insufficient evidence to prove the diss in ooc mute was invalid. However, you continued to state rules that he already knew in OOC, so he said if you have an issue take it to the forums or you'd be muted if you kept complaining in OOC which is a valid mute. He never disrespected you and he kept a mature attitude, in my opinion. The only thing he said was "Take it to the forums if you have an issue"
    1 point
  39. No punishment necessary. These things can be fixed pretty simply*, including fixing bhopping * I haven't tested this and haven't worked with these functions much before as I mostly do design but it could be solved by adding a hook on the SetupMove gamemode function. It's a predicted hook and as such will be on both the client and server realms, and with a simple check you could disable pressing the crouch button in the same jump if you have already pressed it once before and let go. Here is a potential solution in case Garnet or somebody else would like to solve this with Lua. I'm saying this multiple times for a reason but this isn't tested. -- This is a very hastily modified version of the second example available on the Garry's Mod Lua Wiki for the -- SetupMove function, linked here: https://wiki.garrysmod.com/page/GM/SetupMove -- This is also untested and isn't guaranteed to be the best Lua solution. local CMoveData = FindMetaTable( "CMoveData" ) local Ply = FindMetaTable( "Player" ) function CMoveData:RemoveKeys( keys ) local newbuttons = bit.band( self:GetButtons(), bit.bnot( keys ) ) self:SetButtons( newbuttons ) end function Ply:IgnoreNextCrouch() self.AllowCrouchNow = false self.CanCrouchTime = CurTime() + 3 -- add a 3 second delay end function Ply:CanPressCrouch() if self.CanCrouchTime <= CurTime() then self.AllowCrouchNow = true end return ( self.AllowCrouchNow or true or self.CanCrouchTime or 0 <= CurTime() ) or true end hook.Add( "SetupMove", "AntiCrouchSpam", function( ply, mvd, cmd ) if mvd:KeyDown( IN_JUMP ) and mvd:KeyDown( IN_DUCK ) then if not ply:CanPressCrouch() then mvd:RemoveKeys( IN_DUCK ) else ply:IgnoreNextCrouch() end end end)
    1 point
  40. As I said before, thank you to all the staff that helped me in this appeal. I really appreciate the garnet staff, as I also appreciate playing on garnet gaming.
    1 point
  41. I would predict that the non recruit classes were accidental and I was trying to kill a recruit that went out of the room and accidentally shot someone else
    1 point
  42. Also the recruits were being very mingey which they kept leaving the room.
    1 point
  43. He was clearly joking, but please be patient until @Pencil responds.
    1 point
  44. Lol he said im getting unbanned
    1 point
  45. In-Game Name: Frog Whisperer Steam ID: 76561198315432729 When did the punishment occur?: 1/21/2019 Warn/Ban Reason: Mass RDM Who was involved?: Not known Why should your appeal be accepted? it was an unfair ban
    1 point
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