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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/2020 in all areas

  1. Didn’t you resign because MRP rejected you and you aren’t “mentally wired to handle the interactions of a ton of people daily”?
    16 points
  2. First off i want to say I wanted to post this in Shitpost but for some reason I can't start a topic so thats why im posting it here. Anyways for some background info Stork wanted to do a raid with the like 20 army we had on and lets just say it didnt go to well for @Murray. Anyways heres the clip Sorry Murray had to do it to ya. No hard feelings. This meme was made by RPGang
    9 points
  3. -1 stop crying Join US for a okay sniper but bad m60 Join ru for a good shotgun but bad sniper NOTHING BAD
    8 points
  4. Always was amazed by the stars at night. Sometimes i prefer to work outside at night just because of them. My mother used to bring me outside at night and show me. I miss her. Love you to the moon and back Ma
    8 points
  5. I wouldn't be calling anyone out on anything if I were you. You only went back to doing your job on DRP because MRP rejected you.
    7 points
  6. Its been real I'll keep this short I don't really like faction leading. I am not leaving because of my annoying ass operatives I am just getting tired of MilRP and I want to spice things up. I will be moving to SWRP. Don't get too sad as knowing me I will be back in about 3 months. As of now SSO wont have a faction leader @'s Current SSO @Nikolai Good luck as the highest rank. (I will still time you if you want) @Salmon You were one of the most chill SSO thx for jackbox! @VBSA My first and only handpick. No regrets @Medinator Fuck you! No heartfelt message for you @petal One of my most dedicated members. GL with whatever you do next. @Zephyr Good work on getting you girl back. Stop jumping out of windows tho @Dimple My son! I want you to take the Genrich name o7 Other @'s @JimTrash @AwesomeAidan Thank you for this opportunity. @Bortnik 212th gang? @Xploding You a bitch ngl @RegretTheManEater Luv you but you still cant have the pass @Fetn Please just fuck your boyfriends the tension is killing me @Hale You were fun to fuck with Fr3d @PorcheMy E-girl @Ethan I understand why you hate FL now @Captainswag Ilya should be contacting you soon @Krimzin Thx for SSO BB Sorry if there is no @ for you if I can think of more people I will add them
    4 points
  7. this is sad doof you were a good army member made it great what will you do after this??
    4 points
  8. Really tiny update, but tomorrow it will be ironed out with alot more once some people with more Rust experience are online Sierra 2x Group Elite Granted access to /skinbox Group Titan Granted access to /sil(signartist) Donator Kits Cooldown reduced from 24 hours to 6 hours Loot Tables Slightly modified, greater modifications coming tomorrow (4/30/2020) Smelting & Cooking Attempted to fix issue with food burning on use (will be implemented on 4/30/2020) Oscar 5x Kits Elite kit will now correctly give you a Semi-Automatic instead of a Tommy
    3 points
  9. @D_Rose, @Larry_The_Potato, @AwesomeAidan, @cbozee, @Hofman, @Himmler, @Captainswag
    3 points
  10. @Jackal - Pistol Grip chin lookin ahh @Phantom - Middle Bunk @Garnet - "Run in their Molly" @D_Rose - HEY MAN Y'all help me be less bored when I'm quarantined
    3 points
  11. I wold try and help but the spelling is 2 hard 4 me
    2 points
  12. -1 you are flicking to heads Thanks for ban him
    2 points
  13. Evidence clip #1 https://streamable.com/pre661 Evidence Clip #2 (23 sec) https://streamable.com/9py2js
    2 points
  14. PMC Models are far worse, if we're comparing models here.
    2 points
  15. Bro I told you if it wasn't for SWRP I'd be there... besides you bullied me anyways smh. U stinky poopoo
    2 points
  16. Simpler solution take all the information you know and make a guide to link to new players. This seems like a lot of work to implement when its not really needed.
    2 points
  17. For real though, best of luck. Don't think I ever really had a conversation with you but I know you put in work as GA.
    2 points
  18. Honestly just can't sit here and play DRP anymore. Its boring. I'm starting to dread trying to get on the server from time to time because its the same thing over and over again. I have other interests in other games and I don't wanna hold anyone else back from me not being there. I'm sorry boys, I love the homies @azaziel @HOT-GIRL @Yui_ @Capalot @DiegoZavier @D Δ TONEDE Δ DDUCK(I know you aren't staff anymore but i trained your dumb ass and you left me real quick) @ThetaKek Tell your girlfriend to change her hair back to the boy in the band one ty @LASDSheriffDog Poo poo nigga @vapr you literally are cringe 0_0 be my minge god @knoxx You got me into the money printer business and were overall a good guy to play with. Was mad fun all the way up to the end. @LyndeFish @Vaelex Simp nibba @GrandDaddyStalin I remember being the hilter Mayor and you being my body guard. @Berry3 Bought me a lot of goodies for ingame cash And others that I can't think of at the moment. I love this community but I can't promise I will Play a ton. You guys were a family to me, and you guys taught me some social skills that are needed. I'm glad i could be apart of the staff team, and make friends along the way. You have my discord if you need me. see you later boys If you could, please put me as VIP. I can always make a donation ticket but it would save mine and garnets time if you could. I'm going to miss you al.
    1 point
  19. Description: Replace 2GA's shotgun with the PKM. The Rest: First a simple examination of TTK (time to kill) is in order. The LMG can 2 tap to the head or 3 tap to the body. Using the in game fire rate of 600 shots per minute I can estimate that the TTK with pure headshots is 0.2 seconds, and the TTK with pure body shots is 0.3 seconds. This may seem good but compared to the fact that the shotgun needs one shot to kill, this means it’s TTK is based purely on the travel speed of the bullets that hit, something not even factored in to the previous calculations as TTK is generally based off the time in between when the first and last shots connect. For those of you not versed in what I said to sum it up the TTK of the shotgun is essentially 0, also known as instant. TL:DR the shotgun kills faster than the LMG. (Calculations done are based of this site Here are some videos backing the calculations for LMG TTK. I don’t have the 2GA demo whitelist so I am not able to get videos of me 1 shotting but I have videos of myself getting one shot that should suffice and also perfectly lead into my next point. LMG Head TTK, LMG Body TTK, 1 Shot Close, 1 Shot Afar The shotgun is a multipurpose weapon which is not at all matching the LMG and is also ridiculous considering that it’s 1 shot at close and long ranges. This renders what should be it’s opposite, the marksman rifle, useless. This is bad for a multitude of reasons. The first of which being that the current meta is undeniably snipers. This is why a strong counter is to whip out a close quarters weapon. Well when the sniper and the close quarters weapon is the same gun, it removes the need to swap which gives you an edge over the opponent. So now how does the LMG stack up on this front. Well sniping is rather hard if not utterly pointless as the only sight, the iron sight, is barely usable at even close/mid range sometimes. However to get a basic idea of how they fare I did a 1v1 where my combatant and I tried to stay at about sniping distance and one where we stayed in close quarters. While these aren’t scientific tests in any way due to the nature of finding an equal opponent being impossible the matchup still illustrates the imbalance. Close Range, Long Range. In close range it's not even a competition. While my combatant did miss it was due to the nature of the fight, not the ease of the gun. Even though they did miss as well the way in which they played shows the strength of the shotgun. The fact that you only need to hit one shot. Because of this it seems (based off of squad health) I was only able to hit a single shot to the head. Even on track to the fastest TTK possible I couldn’t win. Then in long range I couldn't even hit a shot. Yes, this was partially due to my skill but at the same time had I not had an outline to look at it would have been even more impossible to hit a shot at that range with the demo class (as it should be). With these points in mind it should be easy for anyone to come to the conclusion that the shotgun outclasses the LMG by miles. Because of this I propose that the shotgun be stripped from 2GA as adding it to Army would be power creep. A significant problem that I don’t care to explain. Replacing the Shotgun with an LMG would ensure that the two base factions stay on an equal playing field. A very important cause that, when ignored, could lead to player number imbalances, discouraged players, and a general sense of unfairness that should be avoided in a case like this due to the nature of the game. Not to mention the fact that this weapon is on a base faction, the faction expected to have the most players with no class player caps. One extremely possible scenario is if RU started promoting the use of demo due to its power. Army would get destroyed, get mad, want to switch over and it would be discouraging for all of US. TL:DR To sum everything up, the LMG is an okay weapon and fits perfectly for a base faction. It is a weapon that isn't good if the player isn't good but if used right can be great. The shotgun however can be great despite the player because it's simply a very good weapon. This sort of imbalance is bad so therefore 2GA should get an LMG like the m60 to replace it. The gun is really good and doesn’t belong on a base faction class.
    1 point
  20. Well, its that time, today is the end of my time as Army GA. Ive been in army for quite the time now and I have loved every second of it. But sadly it is my time to leave. I will be leaving army in the hands of the one and only @Duglas The future of army looks bright and i believe that that will continue in my absence. Id like to thank some real G's @Bush Fuckin legend and one of the most competent leaders on the server. @Duglas My main man and #2 @Hale The most fun person ill ever meet @Romulus Best LTG in army history @LateWeevil Second best LTG in army history @Cramer The most chill dude ever @Jake Just to make him cringe @Zephyr Classic Legend @Millerjerm KNOWS HOW TO USE REDSTONE IN MINECRAFT @AmericanJebus Halo partner @Devil Chill af @RegretTheManEater Funniest man on this planet If i missed you, i still love ya. Anyway goodbye army! -Doof
    1 point
  21. Description: I noticed the other day that the 212th jet troopers have the tfa_swch_dc15s, while the 501st jet trooper has the tfa_swch_dc15a. It would make sense if both jet trooper classes have the same weapon. Reasoning: Same reasons that @Bishopil made in his post linked here for the 212th jet trooper. Additional Information: None needed
    1 point
  22. For a new player especially one who has never player StarwarsRP they might not know what Everyone does. Unless you specifically ask each group what they do then there is really no way of knowing (besides googling it) My general understanding is: 41st - Infantry Recon, Snipers that sort thing 91st - Mobile Recon, speeders and such 501st - Frontline assault, using shotguns and close combat 212th - Jetpacks and Frontline assult 327th - Armor, saboteurs, bomb specialists - Drives tanks at times 104th - Humanitarian Aid, highly flexible, uses flamethrowers, can be recon, and Frontline. Source (91st SFC 7924 Swag) I would like to see a menu in the F4 or even a designated F key for just general knowledge or even lore on each group to help the newer players or those wishing to switch Battalions.
    1 point
  23. Wait for this lock down to be over.... but I hope life treats you well my guy. I'll see you on SWRP.
    1 point
  24. I will take on the name of Genrich ,Padre o7 its been real my friend being in SSO and realizing we've met each other elsewhere see you on SWRP
    1 point
  25. I suck peen for pass word. Really, it's sad to see you go. I woulda liked to see the faction prosper but unfortunately due to certain circumstances that never came. I'd like to see where you go after those 3 months are up. Good luck!
    1 point
  26. I don't have the time or energy to type out why I'm not gonna support this, but basically everything is pretty good where it is when it comes to T3 weapons, which will allow us room to extrapolate with the new donor classes. Also, Army is not getting the M249 fuck you.
    1 point
  27. Well. here we go again. although i may have no description it was still fun playing with you
    1 point
  28. Was fun having you on the team while it lasted hope we will still see you around the sever and thanks for letting me base with you to help me get money
    1 point
  29. Of course he dies. He aint gonna sit and flick everyone, He'd be banned within seconds
    1 point
  30. Looking at all the evidence, it seems like you were cheating. Unless you can show your POV or your side of evidence.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Eh im not going to +1 or -1 this but the appeal is bad and needs to be worked on Put a bit of effort into it. This looks like it took you 5 minutes or less to make. And yes you where a lil sus in war but i never thought you were hacking ill have to wait for videos before i make my dissension
    1 point
  33. Now this, this is epic. Sorry for the accidental mass btw...….
    1 point
  34. Ive been on 3 servers where Medical Standalones worked until the server itself died. But as of now this would be the case for Garnet.
    1 point
  35. @eli_ you took that from yui haha
    1 point
  36. This mofo made my gf change her hair and now wont even @ me smfh dont leave completely tho m8 we still gotta talk
    1 point
  37. Hmmm.... This gives me an Idea. Your idea is pretty good, So I'm going to base it off of that. What if..... and now Cringe react me if I sound stupid..... What if the place you get shot, Inflicts penalties on you? For example, Leg shots would reduce your movespeed, Arm shots maybe Reload times? I'm not quite sure as to what a Body shot would do, But we could have a Headshot maybe reduce vision slightly? Idk, But Asides from that whichs could be a whole seperate suggestion, I +1 this change. Very Nice, Very cool, Very Swag.
    1 point
  38. Ooooooo By the way Insta craft on 1000x Isn't working. I have no idea if you like try to implement it yet but yeah it's not working or it's just not there. I remember you being in chat and saying you were implementing it but I don't know if you ever did or if it's just not working.
    1 point
  39. that's pretty funny doe ngl
    1 point
  40. Hey Doof it was always fun Zooming around in the Humvee man chilling with a shit ton of people you were a good GA hope your happy -Beta
    1 point
  41. Are you an operator? Am I unbanned?
    1 point
  42. am very very sorry about this
    1 point
  43. Oh, yes ma'am. My apologies.
    1 point
  44. Accepted Welcome to the team! Your application is decent and you have great community feedback. I've already given you your in-game rank, just need to get you your TeamSpeak server-groups now. Please don't go on duty or use any staff commands until you have been trained by an Lead Mod+.
    1 point
  45. I just kinda realized I didn't mention who needed to be mentioned but I don't know some of your tags, or your a group so. @Porche - Thanks for hanging out with us (SSO) even if we do kinda suck a little @Bortnik - I'm doing this to spite you cause I'm not appreciated by you. You're fun to be with though Marines when Gotham led: A big thanks to the officers and MARSOC for hanging out with me and making me feel appreciated. You guys were a really cool group. If I could @ the community I would. You guys are always a joy to be with, even if we have our little fuck ups. It's so nice being able to get on and say good morning or afternoon to you all because I know that greeting some of you when I get on need it to make it through the day, and it makes me happy to be the one to make you happy Thanks guys.
    1 point
  46. Denied When I heard you were reapplying, I was excited, as I know that you CAN be mature when needed, and know your way around the staff team. But you need to put more work into your application. I cannot just accept you when you put a shitpost right under your staff app, and write your application like a joke. You may reapply in 48 hours. I expect a better app.
    1 point
  47. Since you have experience being a staff member and have been staff on two other severs I think you could be good at being a staff member +1
    1 point
  48. Hope everything goes well, lmk if you wanna talk
    1 point
  49. What if the faction holding the tryouts need 1 more person to hold tryouts, That means either A) They cancel tryouts or B) Get someone who is reserves to help them out and complete their numbers Not having reserves means you dont have the WLs How are you gonna sim without the wls? This isnt really something to rely on I went from T1 -> T2 -> T3 -> Army -> 2GA -> T2 There isnt a specific routine for players You join whatever faction you want with your own will and intentions
    1 point
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