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  1. Description: I'm suggesting the addition of more materials that you can obtain when you Prestige. These 5 textures have been tested on multiple player models to better suit which would fit in the DarkRP Server. Although purely cosmetic, this could add more customization to our current set of materials in-game. I can understand this not being a high-priority suggestion, although it doesn't seem too difficult to add.Reasoning: - Encourages players to prestige for newer materials. - Newer materials can make others stand out amongst other players. - Adds more materials to prestige levels that don't gain any materials. - Incentivizes new ways to customize your player model. Additional Information: Credit to @Payphonefor the Screenshots - phoenix_storms/stripes - models/shadertest/shader5 - models/props_lab/warp_sheet - models/flesh - phoenix_storms/Fender_wood
    12 points
  2. Description: Alright now I know at first glance it may seem rather strenuous or time consuming but I believe it would really set the server up to grow. Sadly yes there are not very many good darkrp maps, but perhaps instead we can possibly make some additions to the current one we already have. Reasoning: I am no map designer nor am I saying it is easy, but a forest and/or new area to explorer, base, and rp in would really grab my attention for quite some time. Additional: N/A it’s a player decided thing
    8 points
  3. DENIED The staff member who handled your sit can make the decision to handle it the way they want to, and I support their choice. Not all issues/situations need to end in a punishment, being called "fucking weirdo", in my option doesn't warrant a warn. Lately there seems to be a trend with you, not that you're not allowed to report but, always reporting anything and everything. This applies to in game and on the forums. I'm not sure if its because you're just trying to get everyone you possibly can punished, or because everything hurts your feelings. Regardless, take this information as you wish but it does raise flags.
    7 points
  4. Don't hold the ban against him. The reason for the ban is exactly that, we were on the server late at night and this guy was really drunk. It was buster's decision but the ban was only for 2 hours and wasn't intended in a bad way.
    7 points
  5. How goes it everyone. New to the sever. Been playing Gmod since it came out back in 2004 (before it was even on Steam). I'm a boomer if you haven't already figured that out. Been a super admin on a few very popular DarkRP servers back in the day and might go that same route here if it works out. Anyway, look forward to getting to know everyone.
    6 points
  6. This has been suggested before but you should be the one making the pole and finding the skins because I doubt garnet has time for all of this.
    4 points
  7. shader5 is kinda crazy tho 0_0 i like these ideas +1
    3 points
  8. god damn this proves nothing, complete filler. damn man that's like half of your playtime nah you lying bro -1
    3 points
  9. + Referrals (If confirmed) + Time to contribute + Experience - Warns - Paragraphs - Read the rules Neutral While I don't remember any interactions with Bangerz, I have seen them around and nothing here other then the recent warns scream anything bad. I'd recommend adding another paragraph to your "Why should we choose you over other applicants?". after that you may get my plus one, Goodluck! EDIT EDIT: The "sober up" ban wasn't for anything bad, while I don't think its a good look personally, it wasn't intended to be bad as Danny as informed so were back to neutral! EDIT EDIT EDIT: After seeing his behavior in game it's gonna be a -1. In the past hour or two he's been warned for failRP, NLR, and had a jail for RDM, along with other instances, I've seen with him just being rude to others, along with harassing GamingCarrot. I don't see myself changing this. but goodluck again!
    3 points
  10. -1. Im with computer on this one. Yall keep making introduction posts and staff apps the same day. im sorry but get some time an reintegrate back into the community a little bit. Especially with 4 bans in the last 14 months.
    3 points
  11. So to explain my absence I remember I got banned for 3 day's on drp so i played swrp in the meantime and eventually that got my undivided attention. eventually i quit garnet and gaming all together after a bad breakup and a bad time in my life. but my mental health is better and I plan to come back within drp full time regain my reputation and eventually when I feel the time is right try once more to become a functional member of the Drp Staff team as I really enjoyed It. I enjoy Garnet as a whole the community can be toxic at time's but ive run into more "Wholesome" encounters than "Toxic" Anyways enough yapping I'm back!
    3 points
  12. +1 The bans seem outdated, and I believe people can change their ways, I have met with you in game, and we even talked for a bit the other night, it was fun chatting with you but other then your paragraphs being a little short to my liking I'm gonna stand with my vote.
    3 points
  13. +1 I don't think we need a new map or a complete overhaul, but I think that there could be some additions in unused spaces or adding in some new buildings to base in.
    3 points
  14. ACCEPTED After deliberation with the DarkRP Administration Team, we have decided to accept your Staff Application. This is largely in-part to some, but not limited to, the below reasons: Your application was very well-written and overall you are a chill and energetic individual. During your interview you were well composed and your answers to all my questions were quick and very detailed. Your eagerness to join the staff team and help us seems genuine and I see no reason to deny you at this time. I feel as if you would make a great fit for the team. You seem to have a mature attitude and I think you deserve a chance to prove to us what you can do as a staff member. I wish you the best of luck and look forward to seeing what you can do. Welcome to the DarkRP Staff Team! We're looking forward to getting you trained and having you on board! Please do not use any commands/permissions until you have been trained, please contact an HR Director to be assigned for training!
    3 points
  15. Our server is one of the few that are not ridden by everything fun being VIP walled. This is not a look at how good of an owner I am type of post, but I work on our servers day in and day out for hours to basically just scrape by financially and making penny on a dime for not making things pay-to-enjoy. I am unfortunately not going to make one of our very few VIP offerings become free. Wouldn’t even consider it. AFK on the server to get endless VIP trials if you want advanced dupe, I already have you a hand Ps While advanced duplicator was initially locked because of 1 billion exploits, these days it’s purely a financial choice. I want to make that clear.
    3 points
  16. In-game name: CK Wraith Discord username: .phoenixism. Age: 20 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:633489385 Active Warns: 0 Timezone: eastern time zone Current Playtime: CK Wraith has played for 446:04:52. Do you have access to Discord and a microphone?: [YES/NO] yes Are you a member of the Garnet Gaming DarkRP Discord?: [YES/NO] yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] yes Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Past experiences as staff: [Optional] i do have past staff experience as staff with garnet gaming in the past and really enjoyed making sure people were within the rules during rp Why should we choose you over other applicants?: [minimum 2 paragraphs] I believe i would be a great candidate for the staff team for how active i am on the DarkRP server.I'm the type of guy who dont pick sides to a situation no matter who the person is if there in the wrong then they suffer the price for the said action the person did.Whether its a verbal/id warn or jail or ban its justified because they did what they did either rdm/nlr/fda/mrdm/mnlr/nitrp/failrp its what happens.I would love to be able to be active staff with taking sits and making sure people stay within the rules of the server.I'm willing to give up my time to make sure people of garnet are following rules and having a fun time while RPing.I have set goals if i achieve the blessings to be on the staff team. I have many ideas for events for the people of darkrp to have fun and enjoy playing on the server even more.I know higher ups can only run them if they have the ability to do it so i am willing to share the ideas staff or not .I am hopeing with the ideas of the events that the word will get out to other Gmod players and bring more people in to Garnet Gamings Darkrp server To enjoy playing like we all do.So yes i believe i would be a very good choice over others because of the passion i have to make Darkrp grow even more!!! Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: No Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: yes i applied on 06/27/24 you can see here at https://forums.garnetgaming.net/index.php?/topic/26727-smg-wraith-staff-app-20/ , and yes i was denied for having un-staff like behavior at the time for saying a slur which i take for accountability for saying it was wrong if you haven't seen yet you can see here in this clip https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ia3aSF6nCucHdss6-/d1337pgp5B5a?invite=cr-MSx6Tm0sMjE4MzE5MDc5LA i admit that what i said was wrong and it was uncalled for there is nothing i could of said to justify what i said even if it means cigarette it wasn't in that context, i have apologized for my behavior to the people who were present during the time. I still regret what i said to this day. it was 100% un-staff like and will never happen again.i have pride and passion to make garnet gaming darkrp grow even more to let it sit and bottle up within me. How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: if i had to give hours a week 20-28 hours If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod? : i do landscaping as a hobby Did you read the staff rules?: CK Wraith
    2 points
  17. Description: Clown job is dope. Honking is dope. Making people slip on bananas is dope. But the clown job has no natural predators, like an invasive species. I suggest adding a law for the Mayor to toggle to allow cops to arrest clowns placing bananas down in public, similar to the law prohibiting boot throwing for hobos. The cop would have to have a clip of the clown placing a banana down in public. Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?] It adds a natural counter to the clown job, which currently has no way to counter. These clowns out here catching bodies. Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE]
    2 points
  18. In-game name:Jayskie Discord username:JayskieAge:27SteamID (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:1:42258588Active Warns:N/ATimezone:Central (US)Current Playtime:1812:33:25 (~75½ days)Do you have access to Discord and a microphone?: YES Are you a member of the Garnet Gaming DarkRP Discord?: YESDo you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: YESReferral(s):Lt. Dan, Schyzo Past experiences as staff: Staffed on three servers prior and have previously staffed here twice.Why should we choose you over other applicants?: I think I would be a good fit for a few reasons, starting with playtime. I have somewhere around 3000 hours total in gmod and 1800 of those were spent playing on this server. This has helped me gain the experience needed to not only properly enforce the server rules but also assist players new to DarkRP or Gmod in general. I am a fairly well-tempered individual, not quick to anger or annoy. I have tried to consistently help players in all my time here, going so far as to spend 2 hours using google translate and text chat to teach a non-english speaker the basics of gmod and dark rp. I detest bullying, harassment and gatekeeping and try my best to help anyone struggling when I see it happening. I am very pragmatic and good at seperating my emotions from the reality of a situation. Also i spent a lot of money one time so yeah thats what i got for the reasons, thanks! Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: Got banned for saying a nono word. 2 weeks took it on the nose because the context was irrelevant and there was no good reason for it to be said.Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: September 2019 (accepted), March 24, 2023 (denied), December 3, 2023 (accepted) How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Most of my time outside of work atm. Enough to meet my quota? :3 can't say an exact number but it's a lot. I would say something before I left you guys high and dry. If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?: I like brawlhalla. I enjoy discussing and debating topics that concern things philosophical, theological, political in nature. I find great enjoyment in challenging my own perspective while seeking to analyze and understand the perspectives of others.Did you read the staff rules?:Jayskie
    2 points
  19. PENDING INTERVIEW Thank you for your application. After deliberation with the Human Resources Team, we have decided to tentatively accept your application and advance you on to the interview stage. Please ensure you have joined the GarnetGaming DarkRP Discord. A link to the discord can be found at the top of the page on the Navigation Bar. Once in the Discord, please message anyone with the "HR Division" role, or any member of the Administration Team, with a few dates and times to coordinate your interview. Thank you again for the time and effort you put into your application. We look forward to speaking with you soon! Responses will still be accepted at this time. Thank you for your time!
    2 points
  20. +1 The banana is a swep right? Maybe if the law is no throwable sweps that'll cover it?
    2 points
  21. DENIED We greatly appreciate your effort and collection of information but upon our own digging we have not found these users to be the same person. You have, however, been given the nickname Sherlock Holmes amongst the staff team. Thank you for your report, as well as the effort you have put into your report.
    2 points
  22. + Referrals (If confirmed)+ Meets the requirements+ Experience (Love to see prior experience)- Warns (You have a few warns and although you meet the requirements for playtime, this is concerning to find multiple warns within 80 hours).- Paragraphs (You have a good start with your first paragraph but please make sure you complete two full paragraphs.)- Did not Read the rules (Yes, I stole most of this from @MunchieZ but I added to it.) Neutral You seem to meet all of the requirements. You state that you are a Chef and possess leadership skills/traits, I am sure that you have more to elaborate on to add for your second paragraph. If you read through the rules and update your post to include some of your missing things I would update this to a +1. You seem to have some great traits and you should tell us more about them. Neutral for now but good luck!
    2 points
  23. +Age+No Warns -Bans+Playtime+Pior Staff Experience -Paragraphs (Not a single period was used in your paragraph.)+Read the Staff Rules -1 Overall, I would like you to elaborate more about your prior experiences as staff, why/how you received your bans, and what you're doing to change this behavior. It's concerning, to say the least, to see you with 4 bans in the last 14 months as others stated previously. I would see it as a positive if you listed the reasons and how you've learned to grow from each situation. I would also highly suggest speaking with some of our Staff Team (including myself) before posting your application to get their input on it grammatically, and make edits before it gets posted. I would love to see you fix your application and elaborate further. -1 for now but good luck in the future!
    2 points
  24. -1 You barely meet the playtime requirement, which makes me feel like you got to the requirement only to immediately apply. 2 Active warns, it’s better to wait for them to expire. I think i’m only seeing one paragraph but i can’t be too sure because all the text is too bundled up together. Didn’t read staff rules either. Good Luck!!
    2 points
  25. Unfortunately I am going to have to agree with everyone above. Firstly you haven't fixed you app and have had plenty of time to do so. Secondly I haven't seen you in game since you applied. SO with that -1 DENIED Unfortunately, after deliberation with the DarkRP Administration Team, we have decided to deny your Staff Application. This decision was made in part due to the following reasons: I would like to start off by saying thank you for your attempt at applying for staff but at this time we have to deny your application for a couple of reasons. After submitting your application you were given ample time to fix a few issues that were pointed out in some of the replies here. One of them being reading the staff rules. Secondly you have not been seen in game since your application. Thank you for the time and effort you put into your application. You may reapply in 72 Hours.
    2 points
  26. -1 Same as munchies above me. (was changed) Application could be improved with better paragraphs. Very good referral (if confirmed). I have not had any negative interaction with Banges before. They seem to be like a genuine good person. I just would like to see improvement in the paragraph sections. Edit 1: Changed to -1 for the reason: Did not read the staff rules and therefor had lied about it. Will be a +1 if the previous expiations are met as well as reading the staff rules. Edit 2: Will stay -1 because was advertising his staff application in /ooc. As well as had been very disrespectful to people in the server. as well as MunchieZ above me has said "In the past hour or two he's been warned for failRP, NLR, and had a jail for RDM, along with other instances" so my Final conclusion is that he is not fit to be staff.
    2 points
  27. Description: I've noticed several new jobs on the server with new player models and after reading a post asking if the skeleton CC skin is overrated/overuse I was thinking a possible solution could be adding in more Custom Class skin(s), maybe at varying price points. Garnet could find some acceptable models and maybe a poll could be held to find which ones the community likes the most. Maybe you guys could suggest some appropriate player models. I thought this John Wick skin was cool. Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?] It could increase server revenue for a small amount of effort. It could add variety to CCs seen in game. Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE] pls no anime girl
    2 points
  28. Not here to start anything but I would like to say that I feel like you dont have any place in staff app comments currently https://imgur.com/a/canttalk-0VIwO93 speaking that you have a harassment ban that is currently happening and im not trying to be mean by saying this or anything, just giving my opinion
    2 points
  29. I'm sorry ban was because i was banned by mistake due to a staff member failing to use steam id in a ban. I have 2 paragraphs with 3 and 5 paragraphs respectively. So the statement that they do not reach the length requirement is false. The following is listed in the Staff App Info topic. "When prompted to write 2 paragraphs, this must be at least two distinct paragraphs with at least 3 full sentences in each. " Thanks for your input and feedback!
    2 points
  30. +1 Confirming Referral, great staff application and you have a lot of experience already as staff here. I see you active a lot to familiarize yourself with all the new faces which is a good thing to when coming back from a hiatus. Not much else to say. Good Luck!!!
    2 points
  31. I like the idea of new extensions but it would have to be done in a way that will guarantee people will actually use it. We still have so many places that never get used, and if we add more I don't know how worth it it would be. Neutral unless we can see some good ideas.
    2 points
  32. +1 i dont know you but you can spell, and you aren't 12. also I don't care about bans.
    2 points
  33. please follow the format I'm not going to -1 or +1 until you change to the correct format.
    2 points
  34. 2 points
  35. Just a reminder to all replying. He said a slur, and was told to maintain a better trend of behavior until he re-applies which he has done. I don't want to see -1's for the behavior that has since been corrected. Best of luck
    2 points
  36. A forest could be fun and even foster more ways to grind experience if (let's say) a Lumberjack class was added. Potentially you could put the entrance by the train in Suburbs and maybe even a couple log cabins to base in Wouldn't be in an intrusive spot and would be a sweet discovery for newcomers who have never heard about it.
    2 points
  37. There is really nothing to apologize for, I just wanted to give a complete answer to why i'm shutting down teh suggestion after you went out of your way to write it up! Very few people were around when Adv Dupe 2 was free, and holy, players with 500+ hours would get raided, and crash the server with it, or entirely propblock the base of those who raided them haha. Going to lock and move
    2 points
  38. -1 Mainly for the fact that having advanced duplicator made available for everyone would be a nightmare for the staff. The second a person joins they could spawn a dupe that blocks every single tunnel of the map or as mentioned above, giant dicks and swastikas pasted everywhere.
    2 points
  39. Alright well, 50% of the work is done, trap and bait (custom model for the trap will happen soon) LOL
    2 points
  40. It's a bit boring that every CC uses it but we don't have much options. But like MunchieZ says tbf it is pretty freely customisable and has less cosmetic collision compared to other jobs, and I like that at least.
    2 points
  41. Did you clean your room yesterday?
    2 points
  42. Look at my horse, my horse is amazing. Will give my +1 for this for having a well rounded application and being a long time MRP member.
    1 point
  43. more ways to spend my moneh. +1
    1 point
  44. Who are you reporting? [Staff/Player]: a player Your in-game name: N/a Your SteamID (https://steamid.io/): N/a In-game name of reportee: Nurfy SteamID of reportee (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:62020744 Date & Time of incident: any time between 7/15~7/22 Timezone: EST What happened? (include any proof): FOR FULL GAMES LIST SEE: https://pastebin.com/jWaedNtg i have reason to believe that Nurfy(STEAM_0:1:62020744) is ban evading through an alt with the ign 1996 lexus LS400(or FentLord). nurfy's steam name has a similar theme as FentLord's (STEAM_0:1:596464910) server ign. FentLord also has accumulated well over 700 hours on gmod with almost all of them being on Garnet. but he is only level 39 and has obtained several point shop cosmetics and loves to play hobo for hours. ive never heard them talk which is characteristic of nurfy. they are also impossible to strike up a conversation with. these factors lead me to think two things: they have only just started using their account for non-afk activities and they dont want to attract too much attention under normal circumstances this is nowhere near enough to even raise suspicion in most players. however, things become very strange when another account enters the mix, the real 1996 Lexus LS(STEAM_0:0:86809068). heres a list of connections between the real Lexus and Nurfy's steam account: - both accounts from outlying islands - both accounts have similar steam names - both accounts have 30 matching games; many with identical playtimes and achievements - both accounts havent played anything since july 15, the day of nurfy's ban - nurfy has a lot of payday 2 achievements and lexus has 12 achievements in payday 2 (particularly some uncommon achievements a new player wouldnt find) despite only playing 59 minutes. this is also the case for rocket league really i dont want to believe that this is true so i tried to look at the differences to find something to prove me wrong and found these: -Lexus has almost 3000 hours on Rust, Nurfy doesn't even own the game -Lexus has a VAC ban on record, which could explain low playtime in valve games despite owning several(vs nurfy who leads in hours in every co-owned valve game) -Lexus has way more Call of Duty games and playtime than Nurfy -Nurfy has way more Valve games than Lexus -Lexus has low Garry's Mod playtime, albeit from the same year Nurfy started playing heres some key similarities between the alt aka FentLord and the similarly named steam account Lexus: - 13/20 of Fentlord's games are also owned by Lexus and some have exact hours( 5/7 of the others are shared with Nurfy also with similarities) - FentLord has 100 hours on RUST , evidently Lexus' main game - Both have similar Gmod achievements despite drastic playtime gap - All 3 accounts share certain games heres the conclusion that all of this information brings me to: FentLord is clearly somebodys alternate account. they have well over 700 hours on server and have pointshop cosmetics despite being level 40. the similarity that caught my eye was their rpname being so similar to nurfy's steam name. i found a steam account with the exact steam name as the alt's rp name that has striking similarities between game stats when compared to nurfy's steam account. nurfy also shares the same country(US Outlying Islands) and a similar steam name as the 3rd account. The two accounts have not played anything since the day Nurfy was banned while FentLord, who owns similar games between both the accounts, has been playing constantly since nurfy was banned and only just started taking action on the server very recently considering their level. i do not know everything though. the only way we could ever truly know is by checking server logs to see if FentLord(ign: 1996 Lexus LS400) didnt start a majority of their roleplaying until after 7/15. truly i do like nurfy as a member of the community so i pray this rabbit hole is just crazy coincidences but ban evasion just isnt fair to the people who actually sit out their punishments and try to learn from the mistakes p.s: sorry for the info dump this was very hard to compile into words, also iirc nurfy is reportedly a 13 year old girl but their steam account is 11 years old
    1 point
  45. Would never want to put false information out there, please inform me your thoughts on what was lied about. I appreciate you man
    1 point
  46. started playing again recently. wasn't sure if i was sticking around or not but started meeting cool new people. so this is a re-introduction of sorts and i will keep it short. some people already know me. oldheads might know me as Kilo Graham. i like brawlhalla and good vibes. looking forward to meeting those i haven't.
    1 point
  47. -1 I ain't wanna be administrated by people that break the normal rules (nlr). https://streamable.com/wo9znw You should also update your application. **key note** This is only MY opinion as I don't know you as a player on the server but that first encounter with you made me consider my opinion on this application. I do not speak for other members in this community. Good luck on your process.
    1 point
  48. DENIED After careful review of your appeal and the events pertaining/leading up to your ban. We regretfully inform you that your request for an appeal of your ban has been denied at this time. This is mostly but may not be limited to the following reason: While you were raiding, the reporter was across the street when you killed him. That is not a breach of NLR and your kill was not valid. Hydra has provided sufficient evidence to show you RDMing and leaving almost immediately after the kill. Thank you for attempting an appeal, as well as the effort you have put into your appeal.
    1 point
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