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  1. I see what he's saying - He just wants people to be able to save their creations but not paste them. If that's possible at all, it's a great idea. Infact, I'd say it entices them to pay for VIP more often because now they have something they build a library on and want to use. IF POSSIBLE - +1
    3 points
  2. +1 I'm sort of on the fence on this one but I understand the want here. Basically, when you start off playing and don't have VIP, you are going to have to rely on a friend to copy your build if you'd like it to remain. Naturally, you'd need that same friend to help you paste it, or they'd need to share to you the file/paste and you'd then need to buy VIP. Since the above requires a friend to assist you with VIP, and since VIP can essentially dupe your base and place it for you anyways, I don't see any downside to allowing players to save their dupes, even if they're "reserved" for when they're actually able to paste it. If I were in a situation where I was able to save my base, and hadn't yet committed to VIP, this would be something that would cause me to further want to make the spend: Knowing that the second I donate to the server I can immediately use my backlog of bases that I've been eying from my Non-VIP windowglass will make it even easier to impulsively click Donate. Additionally, I would be more inclined to stick around on a server that allows me to keep old builds of mine, even if I can't paste them until I make the choice to donate.
    3 points
  3. In-game name: ARC Overseer Blitz Age: 17 SteamID (https://steamid.io/ STEAM_0:0:580959940 Warns: 0 Timezone: EST Playtime?: | ARC Overseer Blitz has played for 3733:38:32. Do you have access to a microphone?: [YES] Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: [YES] Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Raptor / Delta-38 ‘Boss’ Splicer / CPO S. Navaran Johnny / ARC Advisor Hammer Cryo / Delta-07 ‘Sev’ [T.GM] Past experiences as a Game Master: Was an MRP GM on MilRP twice in a row for months at a time. Was a SWRP GM Two times over for months at a time. Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] During my time on Star Wars RP, I’ve noticed that some key RP elements are often overlooked, and by focusing on these, I can create events that are much more fun and engaging for everyone. I’m fully committed to putting in the time and effort needed to design high-quality events, as well as organizing missions and trainings for my battalion to keep things active and exciting. I feel qualified for this role because I have a good understanding of the server and know what players are looking for in events. I’m always open to hearing their ideas and working them into events with my own creative twists. Also I’m familiar with most of the GM tools, so I can quickly pick up new skills and get to work without any issues. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details I have never been banned or punished. How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: I can contribute around 4-8 hours depending on the day. In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: The responsibilities of a Gamemaster include creating immersive and enjoyable events for the community to participate in. A Gamemaster should focus on hosting events, training’s and assisting players with day to day activities. These events & Trainings should not only be fun but also include strong storytelling [Events] and engaging gameplay mechanics. [Events & Training] Another important role for a Gamemaster is to act as a bridge between players, helping people in collaboration and building strong connections between battalions. This can be done by organizing joint trainings, events, and assisting battalions with their own training sessions or tryouts. Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: As a previous GM and a Current member of RANCOR, I would constantly be hosting high quality trainings/events that would have RP elements, not only to teach but to give experiences and memories to the players participating. With these experiences and memories players could translate these things to other GM’s events, assisting with the RP on the server completely. Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: A huge thing that gm’s seem to neglect are EC’s. If an EC is set up properly then the RP can run smoothly. A good character sheet should include motives, the five W’s (Who, What, When, Where, Why) and should also include any goals this character has. These things normally aren’t written down and I believe that they should. Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] Operation Under the Lights (3 Event Maps. 3 Parts.) Emergency Landing (Act One) A day on the venator goes sour when alarms start blaring, A loud announcement is played on the Venators speakers “Troopers, If you can hear this it means Coruscant is under attack!” After hearing this, Navy gets a privately broadcasted message from Republic Fleet informing them they are part of Coruscant's defense force. After jumping through hyperspace the people manning the bridge see many firefights going on around the planet, Their shock distracts them from a CIS destroyer getting close to them. A Space Battle commences, Droids are infiltrating the ship starting to sabotage the most important areas, One group of commando’s get lucky and break through to the engine room, As the engines slowly shut down and Evacuation is ordered to go and defend Coruscant below. The Fallen Venator (Act Two) After Successfully evacuating the Venator the 34th were stationed on, they land on the planet Coruscant and start to take over the vital areas the droids are holding. As the fighting continues Info is found on the Confederacy’s plan to kidnap the chancellor, The troopers fight through and end up clearing a highly secured Trooper post, The Commander of the post gives the troopers enough LAAT’s to transport them to the sector of Coruscant the droids are suspected to be holding the chancellor. Senatorial Guards (Act 3, Finale) After Securing the LAAT/i’s from the commander, The clones zip off to another sector. After Arrival, Droids in this area are a lot stronger so they suspect something is up, After fighting through and claiming multiple mini-sectors the troops venture into the underground, finding a highly technologically secured area, A group of three senate guard approach the battlegroup, offering information and assistance in rescuing the chancellor, the battlegroup questions the group making sure they aren’t commando’s in disguise, After confirming they are senate guard the battlegroup accepts. The senate guard gives up a way to break into the facility and rescue the chancellor. The battlegroup in a blaze of flashing light ends up breaking through the facility and getting to the chancellor. The mission is a success and clean up efforts are started by the senate to fix any damage the confederacy caused in the attack. Operation Counter the Confederacy (2 Event Maps, 2 Parts) A lapse in judgement (Act One) The Thirty-Fourth battlegroup gets a call from a junior member of the fleets intel division, the member gives info on the whereabouts of a Separatist force preparing for the “Rematch of Coruscant” this group is being led by general grievous himself after the last failure, The Republic rushes off to go ambush a meeting between general grievous and an arms dealer specialized in high powered explosives. As the Thirty Fourth gets there, They find the planet somewhat… silent. There's minimal droids but there's no meeting? A Naval’s Holo-communicator Starts beeping, notifying them of an incoming call… “Hello Thirty-Fourth, I am regretfully informing you that our junior intel member gave you the wrong coordinates, I will send you the proper coordinates, Move fast. Fleet Out.” The Proper Calls (Act Two) After receiving the call from fleet, the 34th battlegroup returns to their low orbit cruiser and heads towards the actual meeting place, as they arrive the meeting is already happening, Droid presence in the area is heavy, B2’s and Commando’s litter the plains protecting the meeting at all costs. The meeting is happening in an abandoned colosseum, While fighting through the droids the clones not only discover several ships filled with CIS Credit but also some ships filled with Republic Credits, Nonetheless the troopers move on to the abandoned colosseum and find Grievous and the Arms Dealer. The Jedi Leap down to attempt and fight grievous but it doesn’t work… Grievous gets away in his ship and the arms dealer is captured. The deal is over and the mission is complete, Several Recovery teams are sent to analyze the crates and the bombs.
    2 points
  4. It was a hard decision, but I just had to due to my problems in my outside life, I won't have enough time to focus on my top priorities AND to be staff. I will still play when I'll have time but I can't stay on constantly. @busterbignutThank you for being a great manager @ErrolThank you for helping me along the way @heartYou were a really chill dude, thank you. @Schyzo You also helped me along the way @ridaarThank you for being a great friend @vdot.coYou were a really great dude. And thank you to others I did not mention, you were all great people.
    2 points
  5. Heck yeah dude. That’s why put the “and those I didn’t mention” I just had a lot on my mind at the moment
    2 points
  6. Hello, I am making this post in hoping to be unbanned as a result of unjust racism ban for 2 weeks as I haven't said or made any racist remarks towards anyone.
    2 points
  7. DENIED Ok so after giving you some time to follow the format I kept checking on it to see if you corrected your appeal. Upon doing so I realised that you were the same person I caught arguing with other staff members about saying words that go agaisnt our community guidelines. I tried to explan to you and help you out and you wanted nothing to do with it, you were acting completely unreasonable and did not want help from any one being very disrespectful in the process. Also just found out that you were ban evading and got caught resaulting in a perma ban, you will not be getting ubanned and i hope you learned from your mistakes. Thank you for the time and effort you put into your application.
    2 points
  8. DENIED Unfortunately, after deliberation with the DarkRP Administration Team, we have decided to deny your Staff Application. This decision was made in part due to the following reasons: First of all, I'd like to thank you for your interest in rejoining the DarkRP staff team. After discussions with the HR and Executive+ teams, we have decided to deny your application at this time. This decision is primarily due to your recent bans and behaviour on the server. Antisemitism and staff impersonation are serious offences, whether intended as a joke or not. If you demonstrate consistent good behaviour over the coming weeks, I’m sure that a future application from you would be viewed more favourably. Thank you for the time and effort you put into your application. You may reapply in 3 Weeks
    2 points
  9. In-game name: CO Major 1173 Buford Age: 23 SteamID (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:1:155901905 Warns: 0 Timezone: CST Playtime?: 553 hours Do you have access to a microphone?: [YES] Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES] Referral(s): Castle and Kai/Balthe Past experiences as a Game Master: N/A Why should we choose you over other applicants? I believe that I should be admitted into the game master ranks for the following reasons. I consider myself to be deeply creative and possess a high knowledge of what everyone is actually enjoying and probably more-so what they do not enjoy in the events. In the next part of my little essay I have going here I will go into detail on the aforementioned reasons but, I would first like to say the following. I have absolutely fallen in love with this server and all of the great people that I have had the pleasure of meeting while I have been a member. From the admin team all the way down to the lower enlisted I truly have enjoyed getting to know everyone, and sincerely hope that I have been equally enjoyable for them. Now, to explain myself as to why I feel I possess the previously mentioned qualities. As a young man growing up I always found myself interested in story-telling. Whether I was sitting around the fire pit or just laying in bed at night with nothing but my own thoughts, I am always consistently thinking of unique ways to tell a story so that it feels as if it is completely unknown and thrilling to the listener or in this case, the player. Time and time again I find myself knowing almost exactly what will happen next in some of these events, a sentiment that most of your playerbase shares with me as well. I say that not to demoralize or to stab at the current team of GM’s ( who genuinely put on some great events ) but instead to iterate the following. As CG CO I have access to the schedule and consistently see the same 4-6 people having to tackle every single event, training and mission. I want to be able to shoulder some of the weight off of their backs and contribute as much as I can. This will both aid the GM team and allow those who are constantly GM’ing to have a little more time to plan out there events and not always be rushed into creating one because all of the other GM’s have decided it is not their problem. This server is solely dependent on its ability to both acquire and maintain its player base. At the heart of these two components is the server's ability to constantly have something going on that grabs the attention of whoever is currently on. I wish to aid in this endeavor by doing the following, bringing a fresh take on server events and minimizing the “idle” time between events by working with battalions to create both little OOC events or fun trainings and missions that are able to enhance a battalions morale by enriching there unique personal skill-sets. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details No How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Weekdays after 6PM EST and weekends anytime In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: The responsibilities of the game master are crucial to the health of the server. They are tasked with providing exhilarating and fun content that has players coming back for more. When there is a gap in activities it is the job of the GM to make sure he or she creates something for the player base to engage in. Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: My primary goal is to alleviate some of the burden put on to the active GM team by taking my fair share of activities. I would also constantly watch the activity levels of the server to try and mitigate any idle time. When it comes to the RP in the events I would like to introduce new unique “cross-road” RP moments that I will further explain in the next question. Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: To further explain what I mean by the “Cross-roads” RP. It is where the battalions are choosing where the story goes next via the actions they choose. I feel this would severely mitigate that linear storyline issue that we consistently see in the events by also rewarding OD and GC for planning the strategy further than “ ok, we have a hvt….. CG get the HVT and lets get back to base and uh 327th place some bags down when we find the building”. For example, It’s a hostage negotiation style event and instead of the usual “find the area where the hostage is behind a ray shield and go into negotiations”, the players would now be able to find a roaming EC they could question to gather intel that possibly may aid the negotiation or they find a destructible wall that would allow them to breach in and eliminate the hostage taker or put more stress onto the hostage taker as they are now in imminent danger. Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] Event #1 Off-World Briefing summary: A group of pirates have taken control of a republic compound filled with Republic weapons, ammunition, explosives and information regarding the whereabouts of key informants. The battle group is tasked with the following: take back control of the base, extract the pirate captain for further questioning on Anaxes, eliminate all hostiles and retrieve the information to send to the fleet for safeguarding. Event key details: The 34th battlegroup lands on the planet and begins to discuss their plan of attack. They are met with a cross-road opportunity. PATH #1: Should they choose to send out a scouting party they will find that one of the pathways is heavily guarded and will surely alert the base. Because the battlegroup was able to stealthily move around the defensive and infiltrate the base they find that the HVT is patrolling along the outer walls admiring his newfound republic fleet, an easy extraction for sure. Upon further examination of the base they are able to locate the data console storing all of the information and successfully extract both the HVT and all of the information. PATH #2: Should they choose to not send out a scouting party they will be met with heavily armed pirates and the base will go on lockdown magnifying the intensity of the siege tremendously. They will find that the HVT has locked himself away with heavily armed guards and that the information is slowly being uploaded to a secure server and all evidence destroyed, they must now race against the clock to stop the upload and secure all the evidence with the HVT hopefully still alive. Event #2 On-World Briefing summary: The 34th Battlegroup is tasked with putting a stop to the manufacturing of bio-weapons on CIS Anaxes. Event key details: The 34th battlegroup lands on CIS Anaxes and begins to discuss their plan of attack. The GC and OD will be influenced by LRC to send out a small recon force to the comms relay first to try and see if they are able to breach into the enemies database and see exactly what they are up against at the factory. PATH #1 The engineer sent to work on the console is able to successfully [via dice or good rp] break into the CIS database and find that not only has there been an upsurge in droids, but there is also one of the galaxy's lead chemical engineers currently being held captive in the nearby village that is holding valuable information [this will provide valuable intel for the next off-world in the series to increase the chance of success]. PATH #2 The engineer is unable to break into the console [failed dice or poor rp] and accidentally trips the alarm to the factory, alerting the CIS of the Republic's whereabouts and allowing them to further fortify the factory for a much more intense defensive. Having alerted the CIS, the VIP [should he have not been found already by other means] is transported to a nearby ship and taken off-world. Event #3 Base Attack Briefing summary: The 34th Battlegroup finds themselves under attack. By an unrelenting force of B-2 droids, unbeknownst to them a small group of BX droids have already infiltrated the base and are taking a naval member hostage. Event key details: While the 34th is focused on engaging the enemy assault, a small group of BX droids lie waiting, cloaked inside of NCC. Once the 34th has cleared out the assaulting CIS forces, Navy predictably sends out a routine FOB patrol and the BX droids are now aware that the base is left mostly unguarded. The BX droids spring into action, capturing the Naval member and swiftly making their way downstairs killing all of the CG that were left behind and caught off-guard. A CIS ship is brought down into MHB and the BX droids make off to Olympus to secure their catch. By this time the remaining troopers will have alerted the rest of the battalion and the CIS ship will have undoubtedly been found flying to Olympus. It is now time for the highest ranking members to discuss a plan of attack to retrieve the Naval member. Once the 34th has arrived at Olympus they will find that the hostage is being held upstairs with the small group of BX’s and that the CIS has had time to send in reinforcements to secure the VIP. The 34th will battle their way through the defensive and hopefully rescue the Naval member. Event #4 On-World Briefing summary: A padawan and his master were enjoying the serenity of the crystal cave. They suddenly found themselves trapped inside after an explosion had destroyed the front of the cave's entrance, trapping them inside. Event key details: The 34th Battlegroup is tasked with rescuing the young padawan from his early grave. Once arrived on the scene they have found that the area is over-ran with pirates who are loading some of the crystal shards onto their ships along with one large mystery box. PATH #1 The 34th successfully assaults the pirates with enough force as to make it impossible for the pirate leader to flee. They find that not only were the pirates collecting shards, but after rescuing the padawan they find out the pirates were contracted to kidnap the young padawan for an unknown client, once they clear the rubble they sadly find the Jedi Master is no more. PATH #2 The 34th lazily makes their way over to the caves and haphazardly begins to assault the pirates. The pilots are able to take off with the padawan inside the box but the engines were “damaged” and the pilots make a crash landing at Athena. The 34th will clear the rubble and find the Jedi Master is riddled with bullet holes and the young padawan is nowhere to be found. The 34th will then be instructed by LRC or a “loud explosion” from the event to track the ship to Athena and find that the pirates are holding the young padawan hostage. Event #5 Battalion Olympics Briefing summary: Every Saturday night after the last off-world [and any other events, training or meetings] the 34th will have the option to partake in the Battalion Olympics. Event key details: I would love to be able to incorporate a friendly and equal competition between the battalions to earn points and rewards for competing in the numerous events. Each batt-olympic would have a different set of events such as, but certainly not limited to speeder races, LAAT/C relay, marksman competition, grenade bowling and so much more. I would love to see the battalion who earns the most points [think 10 points to Gryfindor] be rewarded and commended at the monthly ceremony or perhaps the battalion who wins will get an award put outside of their bunks until the next olympics as bragging rights. Regardless of whether it can be tied into the ceremony or not, I feel this is a great way to spice up the weekend and maintain a high server pop. [This is the event I am by far the most excited to put-on]
    1 point
  10. Yes, I have read the new rules highlighted in yellow and understand them as they are set forth. I have updated the part I was confused about. Thanks
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. about time gates got banned unc deserved it
    1 point
  13. Fox !!! im so sad to see you go but im so proud of you for taking care of yourself and putting yourself first im gonna miss you smsmsms i hope things get better for you if you ever need anything you know im always here for you dont be afraid to reach out !!! you are such an amazing person and im so happy i was able to become your friend. I want to watch you succeed in life and become an amazing man !!! ill always be rooting for you
    1 point
  14. no @Merk or @Chawhead tagg i see how it is. if you ever need anything or want to play DD just hit me up
    1 point
  15. SteamID (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:1:160051422In-game rank: Senior AdminTimezone: CESTLength of LOA: 1 monthReason: School’s had me busy and starting to get burnt out, i’ll swing by for the halloween stuff tho
    1 point
  16. Understandable, hope you’re able to take time to de stress and take care of yourself.
    1 point
  17. crazy? I was crazy once...
    1 point
  18. https://imgur.com/a/PxuLi9g EXPOSED!!! Jokes aside, im glad i could motivate you to resign!
    1 point
  19. Ill Just leave this here
    1 point
  20. I hope all things go well for you man and you're still welcome here whenever you want to come back. :3
    1 point
  21. GENERAL RULES Discriminatory and/or derogatory behavior based on race, sexuality, gender, and religion are strictly prohibited, even during roleplay. Do not impersonate other users (This includes having identical or similar names). Both of these normally come with a perm ban, the second if said player is a staff member. I am not giving a +1 or a -1 because everyone deserves a second chance even if I don't think that always applies. In my opinion stay around for at least a month active then reapply since that is usually a requirement for anyone even me.
    1 point
  22. tfw monastic and me found the pumpkins but didnt know wtf they were:
    0 points
  23. Please remember dupe was only originally added to VIP from Users because it was first exploited by average users to break the server and crash it, but nowadays it's purely for financial gain. +1 If Users could simply save constructs they liked I think that'd still be able to solve those two original issues. People can't exploit because they can only save, and Garnet still gets the funds, likely even moreso, from people wishing to get VIP for Adv Dupe. You can look at the (probably 100) historical adv dupe suggestion posts and they ALL repeat the exact same talking points btw, refer to that first in order to avoid regurgitating stuff about this. TL;DR - It'd be an incentive for users to donate for VIP, and it'd still be secure in regards to exploits. +1
    0 points
  24. you no longer receive vip when you get staff now sadly
    0 points
  25. -1 This is allowed only for VIP players I’m pretty sure (unless you can also access it by leveling up like you said). Would completely defeat one of the big reasons I and hundreds of other players bought vip. VIP is a lot less paywalled than other servers because you still have a ton of freedom when it comes to job selection. If you want to save builds or copy them just go into single player and maybe in the future you can reach the level acquired or apply for staff and get VIP.
    0 points
  26. +1 You have always been a cool guy and you have previous experience. As far as the bans go, I'm not gonna say "Ooh people can change man," everyone sensible understands a joke on gmod.
    0 points
  27. +1 Even tho you were recently banned I feel like you were always good staff and always active and fun to be around come on back ma boi
    0 points
  28. It was a harmless joke. Did I do anything with your name, did I tell anyone I was an admin? No. When asked to change it did I? Yes How is this anything other than a harmless joke. I was just messing with you a little.
    0 points
  29. But what abt the sewer tho is people use it as a get away and stuff if there’s a way to not block off the sewer than yea I would say +1 but imma say -1
    0 points
  30. -1 The thought process of you being a former manager placing a nazi swastika symbol for the "shits and giggles" is so absurd considering you should know better. Not only that, you recently impersonated me by taking my in-game name and playing it off as a "harmless joke". Stay out of trouble then maybe you have the chance of getting a better response. Good Luck!!!
    -1 points
  31. what I want to know is when does that good old halloween map get used
    -1 points
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