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Can't say I didn't see this coming. Don't treat this community like a job, seriously it will get to you. No I'm not retiring cause life busy and mental health and blah blah blah blah. That being said take the time to self reflect and talk to your peers about how you are doing as staff, you won't get it from your higher ups unless its to solely correct/punish you. I'm not going to go an a tangent or put anyone on blast but this place really isn't worth the amount you put into it. Its okay to love the community and help out but that's all it should be. I knew this was going to happen eventually just didn't think it was be this soon or the reason its for. I'm severely disappointed. I will be just another name in a long list, soon to be forgotten. DannyTheDog, signing out. @stretchy - the whole reason I was staff again was because you personally asked me to @busterbignut - what a boomer (Great guy tho <3) @Derpza - drinks too much @Hydra - Taught me to be an operator when it was just L admins before, you were destined for greatness @dmoney824 - last of my og's, you will go far, just apply yourself and strive to be better @Gates - likes wheezer Enzo - miss basing with you @Oyasumi - says the most outta pocket shit @PolarICE - thanks for your dupes General Knoxx - is a quack @xFish - your referral is one that got me started (also lets play brawl) @Rosie - I still have our easter dupe from like 2021 or 2022 @FireHazard - we were gonna be managers together someday @Errol - forever clownin together @Corbzz - VERY first guy to take me under his wing and show me the ropes @VeraFly - youll never top my sit count >:) @Lt_Dan - fix ur mic @ChrisRid - favorite brit @hooboododoMartian - is green Jazzo - pmofisreal? @Chikn - will he ever be sorry? @FlameSoul - I never could really top ur sits @Shin_Tsukimi - OG Manager @ShankNinja - always had the answers for the most random shit Shankie - I got your bed dupe, wanna use it? c_c @Compa - my original trainer @vapr - I still got a bind of u somewhere @Rambo-Panda - base bro @Glorbnob - taught me the ways of GM @1998Corolla - put a gurl on @CKY Camp or @CKYY which ever one you are - ill step on ur grass @sat11 - ur done @Mattymatcorn - Go forth my son, do great things. You are my prodigy. @smileeface - :)) @Ghostieee - funny as always @JonnyFlame - Congrats on the promo @Gildarts - is SO FUCKING STINKY @PaereBrus - pluh @Wubb - it never happened :(( @Orion8559 - take your time and think, just not too hard xD Honorable mentions: @DiegoZavier @tdizz @GrosCave @Fetn @Dustin @Hoal @KingMash @Romac622 @Grand_Daddy_Drew @GrandDaddyStalin @Ironfetus333 @LordOfDragon @WohMi @StarPhantom @Cheerios Lala Lady (I forget when ur name is on here) @Salteeeens (def didnt forget you c_c)3 points
In-game name: Currently BakedSteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:48016078Staff members in-game name: Mo1stAussie?Staff members SteamID (https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans) (/id (name): STEAM_0:0:582077313Date & Time of incident: 2025-02-07 - 23:49:13Timezone: ESTBan Reason: RDM + LTAPHow long were you banned for?: 2 Days? Proof of Ban: https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans/?steamid=STEAM_0%3A1%3A48016078What happened? (include any proof): Not too sure, was on for maybe a total of 10-20 minutes yesterday or the day before? Rarely get on these days, but the only time I killed anyone was when I was raiding. Guessing they didn't know it was a raid, but I adverted and was killing them inside their little strip club. Should check them advert logs man! It's the weekend, and now I can't get on. Some B.S.3 points
In-game name: THK Mischief Discord username: ThedemonkingmischiefAge: 22SteamID: STEAM_0:1:441974466Active Warns: 0Timezone: CSTCurrent Playtime: 488Do you have access to Discord and a microphone?: Yes Are you a member of the Garnet Gaming DarkRP Discord?: YesDo you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: YesReferral(s): ItsJesus, Link, Mo1stAussie, Ghostly, Matty, br0kenPast experiences as staff: None but I'm a manager at my work place Why should we choose you over other applicants?: I have a good understanding of the rules and am very friendly within the community. I can follow the rules and know when to report individuals to insure the game is fun, fair, and inclusive for all players. I also occasionally help new players by teaching them basic rules and prop gun tools for base building. When I stumble upon a new players base I make sure to stop by and give them some quick advice. I feel as if the staff team is short on members and needs more help at certain times, especially nights. I want to help maintain the server during staff down times. I wish to take the load off all my staff buddies, especially mo1st he is STRUGGLING. I enjoy the community a lot and want to stay involved for a long time. When my friends are telling me about how many sits there are and how short staffed it can get I wish I could step in and help but I need to get accepted first. I know I can make very fair and careful decisions when handling sits. I'm good at defusing situations and making sure everyone stays friendly. I wouldn't mind being the only staff taking sits so other members can enjoy the game. Overall I believe I'll enjoy being a staff member. It sounds very fun to me. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: NegativeHave you made any previous applications, If so when?: No sirHow much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Approx. 20~35 hours a week.If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?: Working on cars, spending time with family. Occasional bowling, go karting, shooting, and top golf.Did you read the staff rules?: THK Mischief2 points
In-game name: Triad Discord username: _apheirus_ Age: 24 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:83652211 Active Warns: 0 Timezone: Hawaii Standard Time (HST) Current Playtime: 555:40:33 Do you have access to Discord and a microphone?: Yes Are you a member of the Garnet Gaming DarkRP Discord?: Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: Yes Referral(s): Nobody Past experiences as staff: I was staff about 4 years ago, and just recently a year ago but I had to take LOA. Why should we choose you over other applicants?: I recognize that there are many talented individuals who could contribute to the staff team, but one quality that truly sets me apart is my loyalty. Despite the past challenges and attempts by others to undermine my dedication during my time as a moderator, I have always stayed true to myself and my purpose within the DarkRP community. Through the years of experience, I have developed a deep appreciation for this community and a clear understanding of the responsibilities that come with being a staff member. While some may perceive the role as easy or cringe, I recognize the hard work and commitment it requires, and I have great respect for those who take on this responsibility. I bring strong leadership skills, the ability to uplift and encourage others, and a passion for fostering a positive environment. My goal is to contribute to the community in a meaningful way, not only by enforcing rules but also by mentoring others and spreading positivity among players. I believe the server would benefit from a stronger sense of community, and I want to help create that. Recently, I have noticed an increase in trolling, such as prop spamming, prop blocking, and mass RDMing, which negatively impacts the experience for serious players. I would love the opportunity to be part of the solution, working to maintain the integrity of the server and ensure an enjoyable experience for all. I am dedicated, hardworking, and always eager to learn and improve. Whether or not I am accepted for this staff position, my commitment to this community will not be disrupted. I will continue to support new and existing players, helping them engage with the game and enjoy everything that DarkRP has to offer. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: Yes, I was perma banned 4 years ago after resigning from the staff team, and the reason was for ban evasion. I know that isn't a good look, but I've definitely turned a new leaf since then, I love this community and still stay dedicated to it even after being unbanned. (Thank you staff team <3) Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: Yes, 4 years ago How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: at least 5 days out of the week. If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?: I like to workout, hangout with my friends, play video games (of course), and since I live out here in Hawaii, there is a lot of help needed to work on the ʻāina (land) so I usually volunteer. This would include planting coconut trees, collecting kalo, and taro. Did you read the staff rules?: Triad2 points
+1 I've know triad for for some time and he is a respectable player who loves to help out new players when he does not have to. he knows the rules, his playtime is good, and he has prior staff exp.2 points
2 points
+1+ Playtime+ Paragraphs+ Read the rules+ Age ive seen you around your a pretty chill guy yeah you got perma banned but like others have said people change and i believe you have so i hope you can be part of the team (sorry i took your 10 mil) mattymatcorn DarkRP Lead moderator2 points
You were a DAMN good staff member, did your shit right, from what I seen. Wish you nothing but the best my guy.2 points
Bro really just wanted to put more @s then ms not but on a fr note I hope life treats you well in the future2 points
Overall: Neutral -past experience is not clear -paragraph minimum length/quantity not met -No active warns (4 inactive) -I have not seen enough of you to form your opinion -no references -No bans on record Overall, the application feels rushed, and looks like you put minimal effort into following instructions. I would recommend you develop your community image, gain a few references, and rewrite your application with all requirements fulfilled.2 points
Chris being your favourite Brit?!?!?! -1 banned from ever entering the UK GLORY TO BRITANNIA2 points
2 points
+ Age + Playtime + No active warns / Has prior bans but that was nearly a year ago from the last one. +/- Referrals + Paragraphs + Prior experience as former staff + Read the Staff Rules +1 Overall, I chose to give you +1. You haven't had any issues since last year, and you have prior experience being staff. Others seem to agree that you've matured past your ban history. I've seen you in-game quite a lot and you're always letting new players know the rules. Nothing more to be said. Thanks for applying and good luck!2 points
2 points
2 points
+1 + Playtime + Referrals + Paragraphs + Read the rules + In-Game Interactions Everything looks good to me. I think you should be given a chance as staff. Good luck :).2 points
+ Confirm referral + no active warns or past bans + playtime + good interactions in the past - paragraphs You've edited the paragraphs as asked even though I still believe that they do still need some work, but they do highlight your reasoning behind why you've applied so because of that I'll give you a +12 points
+ Age + No warns + Playtime + Interactions (all have been good) + read staff rules +/- Paragraphs Good Luck man! (add me to referrals buddy), paragraphs are a little better but you still get my +12 points
+Age +Refferal accepted:) +Playtime + Read the staff rules + No active warns This man is the goat, not just within garrys mod but as a friend, he dserves it all, my man you have been trying so hard and im very proud of you. Your paragraphs were improved they still look a bit shabby but you still get a nice +12 points
DENIED After reviewing your appeal and the clip provided I have decided to deny the appeal You admit to ban evading in the clip provided as well as in your appeal. Ban evading is met with a permanent ban. Joining on another account after being banned to continue breaking rules isn't going to end well Your ban will remain Thank you for attempting an appeal, as well as the effort you have put into your appeal.1 point
+1 even though my first couple of interactions with you have been not the best. you have changed in my books. ive seen you help out players when you dont have to. you have read the rules & have a tone of referrals. activities are solid (I work on cars too and shoot guns). also you have never been punished which is really good. hope you make it on the team1 point
I feel like people are being a little harsh on you. When originally told to fix your paragraphs and add more detail, you did just that which I think shows that you’re pretty serious and you seem dedicated/the effort that you put in. In my eyes, editing your application to what people want to see is more than enough, even if your paragraphs are not the best. It doesn’t seem like you have any issues in when it comes to behavior. You’ve been touted as someone that seems mature and respectful. It seems like throughout your time and sit you manage to keep a cool head, which is important. You meet all the requirements set by higher/ownership. I don’t see any reason why to make it a neutral/or negative. You have the hours / you’re above the age limit / your application is correct with everything. I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t be put through the interview phrase. It would be a chance for the actual people who know what would make a good staff member to evaluate you and see if you would fit. +1 I generally just don’t see a legit reason why you shouldn’t be given the opportunity,1 point
1 point
In-game name: Kali Age: 17 well soon SteamID STEAM_0:0:534900704 Timezone: EST Playtime: 761 Hours Do you have access to a microphone?: Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:Yes Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Discreetian,Juno, and sempar. Past experience as a Game Master: Was gamemaster for Garnet accepted in 2023, was GM and GM lead on several other servers. Along with GM trained management for 2 servers. Why should we choose you over other applicants?: [minimum 2 paragraphs] Choosing me for being a Gamemaster over others would be very beneficial for many reasons. I can bring great storylines and great events. I can list many different ideas that could bring great fun into this server so others dont get bored of the same thing over and over again. Id also like to bring the aspect of giving people stuff to do, such as mini events or several different ideas for offworlds or sims. I overall think bringing me back into the GM team could be great fun for others. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: Warned on Eclipse Networks for cop baiting same with Fusepoint networks. How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Can be on whenever possible. In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: Responsibilities can include, Maintaining fun for others or atleast give others things to do. Giving tryouts or doing sims for those who need it. Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: I could contribute by generating new ideas for events, and or do great storyline ideas. Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: Could help out more doing ENG RP or give Pilots more to do since they barely get any aspects of it. Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Aim to write at least 1 paragraph (~4 sentences) per event idea, anything less is most likely not detailed enough. Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation.] 1. Cloning Facility Shutdown A malfunction has occurred in a Republic cloning facility on a remote planet, and the facility is beginning to destabilize. As the clones arrive, they are tasked with working alongside technicians to shut down the rogue systems before the entire facility is destroyed. The facility is filled with unexpected dangers, from malfunctioning droids to an unstable power core threatening a massive explosion. The event focuses on puzzle-solving, repair work, and combat, as players must use their wits and firepower to avert catastrophe. Order of events: The event kicks off with a briefing from command, where players are given their primary objective: stabilize the facility and prevent an overload. The clones split into teams to repair systems, but they encounter droid patrols, system malfunctions, and environmental hazards that make progress slow. As they advance, they learn that the facility’s automated defenses are beginning to re-activate. The event builds up to a final push to access the core and shut it down, with players needing to fight off waves of droids and deactivate security systems. It ends with the core being stabilized, and the team successfully escaping the collapsing facility. 2. Internal Sabotage The Republic has been experiencing a series of sabotage incidents on their ships, and suspicion falls on a few individuals. The clones are tasked with uncovering the saboteur in their ranks. Throughout the event, they must investigate various areas on their ship, question crew members, and gather evidence. But things take a turn as more sabotage incidents occur, forcing the clones to act quickly before the ship becomes uninhabitable. The event will blend investigation, roleplay, and action as the clones piece together the puzzle while trying to remain one step ahead. Order of events: The event starts with a brief from the clone commander, who informs the team of the sabotage incidents and their importance. Players are given different areas to investigate, where they will uncover clues, such as tampered equipment or overheard conversations. As they dig deeper, tensions rise, and sabotage escalates, endangering the ship’s safety. The clones will need to rely on logic and teamwork to narrow down the suspects. The event concludes when the identity of the saboteur is revealed, and the team must stop them before a final sabotage occurs, forcing a dramatic confrontation. 3. The Missing Supplies A large shipment of essential supplies has gone missing, and the Republic's forces are in desperate need of food, medicine, and ammunition. The clones are sent to investigate a nearby storage facility where the supplies were last tracked. Upon arrival, they discover that the facility has been looted, and a group of rogue pirates is hoarding the supplies. The event focuses on a tactical operation to infiltrate the pirate hideout, retrieve the stolen goods, and secure the area before the pirates escape. Order of events: The event begins with a briefing where the clones are tasked with securing the missing supplies. Upon reaching the facility, they realize that the pirates have already moved the goods to a more fortified location. The clones must infiltrate the pirate camp, engaging in stealth and combat while avoiding detection. After discovering the pirate’s hideout, players will need to breach it, facing waves of well-armed enemies. The event concludes with the successful retrieval of the supplies and a final showdown with the pirate leader, ensuring that the shipment is secured before they escape. 4. Civilian Evacuation The Republic is called to a civilian colony under attack by Separatist forces. The clone’s mission is not to engage in combat, but rather to oversee the safe evacuation of civilians to a secure location. However, things take an unexpected turn when the Separatists launch a surprise assault, forcing the clones to escort civilians under fire while also preventing sabotage. The event is designed to focus on strategy, protection, and escort missions, offering a blend of fast-paced action and critical decision-making. Order of events: The event starts with the clones receiving orders to evacuate the civilians and escort them to safety. They must navigate through crowded, chaotic areas, ensuring that the civilians stay out of harm's way. As the Separatists initiate their attack, the clones must balance combat with their evacuation efforts. Along the way, they face ambushes, sabotage attempts, and environmental challenges, all while ensuring that the civilians remain safe. The event concludes with a last-ditch defense as the final group of evacuees boards the transport, followed by a tense escape. 5. The Great Prison Break A notorious Separatist criminal has been captured and locked up in a high-security Republic prison. However, the criminal’s allies have infiltrated the prison and are attempting a daring breakout. The clones are called in to restore order, but the prison is crawling with disguised prisoners and sabotage attempts, causing chaos. The clones must restore control of the facility, track down the escapees, and deal with the internal sabotage—all while ensuring that the prisoner is not freed. Order of events: The event starts with a call for reinforcements as the prison alarms blare, signaling a breach. The clones must quickly assess the situation and clear out the first wave of enemies. As they move deeper into the prison, they find that many of the prisoners are disguised and have become part of the escape plan. The clones need to secure key areas, repair security systems, and locate the breakout mastermind before they can escape. The event culminates with a high-stakes showdown in the prison’s command center, where the final escape attempt takes place. The mission concludes when the breakout is thwarted and order is restored.1 point
UNDER REVIEW Thank you for your appeal. Please allow up to 24-48 hours for a response from a member of the Operator Division. As well as allowing a reasonable timeframe to gather the facts pertaining to your ban. Please note, bans will only be appealed if they are of a false nature, incorrect reasoning, and in some cases mishandling of sit/report/ban.1 point
About flipping time. + Age + Playtime + Interactions + Referrals + Clean Warn History +/- Paragraphs I was scrolling through my notifications and my jaw dropped to the floor when I saw your name. Mischief, you hold a very valuable position to Garnet Gaming; You have no trouble following the rules and help the community tremendously. I've seen you help new players get the hang of Garry's Mod/DarkRP and I absolutely, without a doubt, would appreciate having you part of the staff team. Amazing application! Wishing you the best of luck. Overall: +11 point
1 point
PositivesPlaytimeRead Staff RulesMeets Age Non-Factors Playtime (you barely meet the playtime) No Experience with you Negatives Paragraphs are quite unprofessional SteamID is using the incorrect format Not even actually in the discord -11 point
In-game name: ARC G8-SF CBM BSM 9999 DERF Age: 26 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:126372353 Warns: N\A Timezone: PST Playtime: DERF has played for 1132:01:08. Do you have access to a microphone?: [YES/NO] YES Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] YES Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Juno, Buford, Acekai, Sempar Past experience as a Game Master: [Optional] N\A Why should we choose you over other applicants?: [minimum 2 paragraphs] You should choose me over other applicants because I am very active during the day and into the evening. I am a quick learner of new things. Also I know how to follow orders from higher up while being able to voice my opinion on topics that matter. I have been a Moderator before on other servers so I know the gist of how to use commands. I would like to say I'm a responsible person that can look at a scenario and make it better for the people involved. With these reasons that is why I think you should choose me over other applicants. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: N\A How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: I can usually get on the server from 2pm EST 10pm EST In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: The main responsibility is to provide enjoyable Rp scenarios for the player base. Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: I could contribute to the RP by making training more engaging by having the Certs and Sub-batts have a role in how the training would play out. Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: There could be a pathogen released into the vent system that could incapacitate people allowing both MED. and ENG to RP also pilots could have to fly to OLY to gather supplies to fight off the pathogen. Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Aim to write at least 1 paragraph (~4 sentences) per event idea, anything less is most likely not detailed enough. Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation.] 1. Equipment: NoN Vehicles: NoN Main mission: The republic got info that an illegal trade is happening on Naboo. The 34th battle group is tasked with finding the trade location for one of their many hideouts. After finding the hideout and gathering useful information they are to stop the trade while capturing the criminal and mark the item that was to be traded. 2. Equipment: Jet pack, grappling hook Vehicles: NoN Main mission: The republic has got useful information from the criminal they captured which has led the 7th fleet to call upon the 34th battle group. The 34th battle group is tasked with heading to the criminals Base of operations to find out who their trade partner was. After landing on the planet the group must gather the info to locate the base on Rishi Moon. Side mission: Destroys the base after receiving the necessary info. 3. Equipment: Explosives Vehicles: Tanks Main mission: A planetary government of a neutral planet has asked the 7th fleet to send aid to stop a rebellion on a Crystalline Planet. The 34th battle group is tasked with going to a war torn planet to side with either the Government or the rebels. While the government thinks you are there to help after hitting the planet, the rebels contact the battle group and ask that they help overthrow the dictatorship that is the so-called government. It will be up to the battle group to choose a side. The side that is not chosen seems to have already made a deal with the CIS to become loyal to them for their help in these trying times. Alternative missions: Locate and subdue the leaders of both sides to put an end to the fights with the least blood shed. 4. Equipment: Explosives Vehicles: AT-TE, LAAT/i, LAAT/c Main mission Now that the 7th fleet has got the info from the criminal main base of operation the info points to Geonosis. The 34th battle group is tasked with going to Geonosis to find the criminal's trade partner. Upon reaching the planet it is very apparent that that the info was a fail safe to lead the group into a trap. But the group never backs down so they push towards the colosseum to see if any info can be found. The info leads them to a Droid factory that could hold the info they need. Side Mission: Blow both the Factory sky high to hamper the CIS warfront. 5. Equipment: Jetpack, Grappling hook Vehicles: NoN Main Mission: Finally all the gathered info is pointing to one planet in Outer Rim the 7th fleet is tasking the 34th battle group with infiltrating a CIS ship to land on a planet undetected to capture the Leader. Upon getting to the ship it is a race against time to get to the bridge before a distress signal can be sent. After securing the bridge the battle group can fly the ship to Carlac. Once on the planet they have the choice to go loud or sneakily. Disable FOB defense so the battle group has an easier time getting to the Main base. Disable their defenses then hit them hard. Upon going loud the CIS will flood the planet with droids in an attempt to kill the intruders.1 point
Plus Side of your application . attributes, and benefits of having you onboard+AGE: Your an adults so I would hope that bring maturity and some respect. +Rules / staff rules: Over the past week I've seen you on you've put a few reports regarding rules being broke. You also agreed you've read the staff Rules. + Overall Interactions: I've had multiple interaction's with you within "RP" or in sit you've shown nothing but respect, kindness and apparitions towards your fell members within the community._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Downsides Side of your application . attributes, and benefits of having you onboard+/- Warns/bans: You have no active warn's but you do have 4 prior warnings. As they are no longer active I wont it hold it against you but at some point you did break the rules over 4 times causing you get 4 warnings.+/- Playtime: I've only seen you the past few weeks and it's only been a few hours at a time. Just make sure you have time to staff and deal with real world. -1 No Effort : You put almost no effort within your applications. You didn't put your Steam ID (https://www.steamidfinder.com/). You also didn't put your 2 paragraphs within your application I wont +1/-1 this application due to multiple things being wrong. Please Revise and try to organize your application and I will change my awnser.1 point
+Age -SteamID +/- Active warns +Playtime Please make a revision to this application. I strongly advise going over the format again and i will remake my comment. -11 point
-1 for now, due to your events seem to be very linear. Also the events could be slightly more detailed on some parts as they seem to be lackluster in my opinion. Also your creative idea for RP has been done before I believe so it just isn't that original. Also, this is just what you should already be doing as a GM. Sorry for being nit picky, I just wanna make sure you understand these grounds.1 point
+1 confirming referral +Age +Playtime + Read the staff rules + No active warns + In-Game Interactions I've had great interactions with with and i believe he would be great but one thing your paragraphs need some work but overall I hope you can be part of the team1 point
-1 allat yapping just to not read staff rules is crazy also why tf you got your insta handle for as it simply adds nothing to your staff application. Read staff rules and maybe i’ll change my opinion.1 point
ACCEPTED After deliberation with the DarkRP Administration Team, we have decided to accept your Staff Application. This is largely in-part to some, but not limited to, the below reasons: Your interview went very well and you have great dedication and support to the server. You show eagerness to help and be there for players and I am happy to see your positivity! Welcome to the DarkRP Staff Team! We're looking forward to getting you trained and having you on board! Please do not use any commands/permissions until you have been trained, an HR Director will be in touch to arrange your training.1 point
PENDING INTERVIEW Thank you for your application. After deliberation with the Human Resources Team, we have decided to tentatively accept your application and advance you on to the interview stage. Please ensure you have joined the GarnetGaming DarkRP Discord. A link to the discord can be found at the top of the page on the Navigation Bar. Once in the Discord, please message anyone with the "HR Division" role, or any member of the Administration Team, with a few dates and times to coordinate your interview. Thank you again for the time and effort you put into your application. We look forward to speaking with you soon! Responses will still be accepted at this time. Thank you!1 point
Overall: +1 Confirming Reference +Playtime +Age +Maturity +No Warns/Bans While the paragraphs could be better, they do meet the minimum requirement. I have spent time interacting with Mischief and have no doubt he would be a valuable member of the staff team.1 point
Based on what I've seen of you, you seem like a solid dude. Never really heard a bad word out of you, either. Your app paragraphs are a bit small for my liking but overall your playtime is good, you've got really solid referrals and you seem eager to help. Honestly couldn't ask for much more. Good luck! +11 point
+1 + Playtime + Paragraphs + Read the rules + Age + Time to contribute +/- Previous Ban +/- In-Game Interactions Even though you had a previous ban for ban evasion, people can change. I've never personally spoke to you, but everything else looks good and I think you could go for another shot at being staff. Good luck :).1 point
Neutral You’re a good player, you’ve read the staff rules, no warns, and no misbehaving that i know of to my knowledge. The reason you’re getting a neutral is your paragraphs are shit (You need a minimum of 2 paragraphs at least). Aside from that it’s a solid application aside from your paragraphs which i recommend you should beef up please. Good Luck!!1 point
+1 Good paragraphs, playtime, and experience. Now as you’ve mentioned you were perma banned for ban evasion although it’s so long ago that you have seemed to change from that and mature as a person. Overall a solid application. Good Luck !!1 point
+1 Good paragraphs, playtime, and referrals are good as well. You don’t get yourself into trouble which is good. Nothing else to say to be honest. Good Luck!!1 point
1 point
[DarkRP - 4/24/2024] FINALLY Overflows We had finally fixed the overflow issues relating to our DarkRP server - sending our population skyrocketing to 128/128 daily and extreme stability Demote This function has been removed from the server due to abuse Light Tool Corrected issue where ownerless lights could be created Restart Recovery Succesfully implemented a tool that re-spawns your base and printers following a server restart, read more: Before a server restart takes place, this system will accomplish the following: Saving of all Base props (including positions, materials, colors, and orientation - your base will be IDENTICAL to the one you had before the restart) Printers (including their upgrades) Door reservations (Nobody will be able to purchase the doors to your base for the first 15 minutes after a server restart) Almost EVERYTHING is recovered seamlessly after a restart, allowing you to jump right back in as if the restart never happened, with 0 hiccups. Only one caveat, you'll need to replace your keypads after a restart.1 point
It's been 2 weeks, and also, it was removed because of how redundant the system is1 point
[StarwarsRP - 1/13/2025] Gamemaster Utility Menu I have completely recoded !gm - now accessible via /gm Gamemasters can now host events easier via this menu, by setting objectives: As well as coordinate all players via a highly optimized ESP to track all players' positions. Server Startup and Loading Times Improved start-up time and load times for both the server and client by an average of 22% To put things into numbers, players who previously took 2 minutes to connect, will now take roughly 1 and a half minutes1 point
Description: Hitman role should be allowed to prevent hits from being completed on themselves before damage is done. Be this by killing another Hitman who is CONFIRMED following you WHEN THERE IS A PROVABLE HIT ON YOU, or by killing the individual who placed the hit. This would require either clips or screenshots of the hitman following and the active hit having been initiated within a reasonable amount of time. Alternatively, a Hitman could be given the ability to pay-off their hit directly in the hit menu for a fixed rate, but I can see how this could be exploited to extort Hitmen who are new or not within a group of people. Reason: It is already known and acknowledged that placing a Hit on a Hitman castrates them during the time the hit is active, lest they are willing to risk losing whatever perks they invested in during a one sided duel. By requiring that the targeted hitman be damaged before they can defend themselves, they may have little to no recourse when snipers are guaranteed for Assassins and anyone willing to pay for an AWP. From an RP perspective, it wouldn't make sense that Hitmen wouldn't know that there is an active hit against them, especially when all the other hitmen operate from the same hit list. Given the fact that the hit is removed from the list once a hitman picks it up, it would require active and attentive hitmen. If they aren't paying attention to the hit list when their name is on it, then they should be fair game. But by asking players to ignore their own name on the hit list breaks immersion and hinders one's ability to actively roleplay. Additional Information: I was pulled into a sit by Its Jesus, and while the sit was handled professionally and the reasons given were understandable, I still think this suggestion would go a long way in improving the fun and fluidity of the hitman role.0 points
UNDER REVIEW Thank you for your appeal. Please allow up to 24-48 hours for a response from a member of the Operator Division. As well as allowing a reasonable timeframe to gather the facts pertaining to your ban. Please note, bans will only be appealed if they are of a false nature, incorrect reasoning, and in some cases mishandling of sit/report/ban. DENIED you are already unbanned Thank you for attempting an appeal, as well as the effort you have put into your appeal.0 points
Description: 𝗔𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝘆 𝗧𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗧𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗸𝗮 𝗕𝘂𝗴 𝗧𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿 & 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗜 𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗮𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗮𝘀𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗩𝗜𝗣𝗦 & * | 𝗠𝗼𝗱𝘀 & 𝗔𝗱𝗺𝗶𝗻𝘀 | 𝗶𝘀𝘀𝘂𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗼𝗿 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗯𝗲 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗹𝗼𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗼𝗹𝘃𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗮 𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵. (BUG 3/3) For Hobs, When collecting money from dumpster's 5 props spawn and crate lag with a loss of 20 fps. this is a 50/50 occurrence while users reported. Reasoning: Could help the server in general with Lag. Additional Information: I've talked to Hobo's & Hobo Lord about Dumpsters. When they go up to the dumpster, Press E, 5 Props spawn and causes what user said "a light stutter or a loss of 20 FPS" Talked to the user about how it could be solved and both agreed that Hobo's don't care about the visual effects just want only the money.0 points
Please prioritize fixing the Credits Menu. Everytime I type "/credits" or "!credits" I get this message "[DarkRP] DarkRP credits printed to console." I've tried two different accounts on two different PCs. I know that with the new year and the new updates forum page you're planning multiple updates, please bump this one up on you're priority list. I, like many other players, use this system every time I log on. TLDR: It's been broken for a few months, pls fix it.0 points
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