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Everything posted by tdizz

  1. Lurkin on the forums 😉

    1. Nutter


      Man's upset we're doing so well

    2. choppy


      Always just a good laugh to remember these days. Can’t believe you guys haven’t ripped your hair out yet. 

  2. -1 Activity needs to be raised for me to +1 ya, last time you were an event character you acted sorta mingy so just my take.
  3. +1 good application and great staffing experience.
  4. How are you guys staff lmao so immature. regardless, decent application looks like you improved it from what it was so it shows some dedication +1.
  5. If it’s not in the update I’m guessing not
  6. Moving to shitpost rn. bro garnet released swrp 2 weeks ago, the server needs constant updates and fixes. Mrp is in a hole rn just not constantly getting the pop it needs, so again garnet will focus on the servers that need updates. Dark rp doesnt need a update bro, I’m assuming that you think pumping in stupid ideas will benefit the server. Removing alts won’t help, pretty self explanatory they promote people grinding for hours on end or selling printers and afking for hours on end. Just because the pop isn’t doing very well right now doesn’t mean it will be “stale” forever man, if you have really payed attention to the server pop each month you would see constant 90-100 towards 7:00-10:00pm from November to early January. Trust me when I say that it’ll be the same after people get bored of other servers. You’ll get new content when garnet decides that it is needed, be patient like everyone else in the community homie.
  7. tdizz

    Mafia Job Roles

    -1 Shank summed it up.
  8. -1 I'm gonna be honest, nobody in the Jedi order would willingly be pk'd for your event. other than that cloudy summed it up.
  9. +1 great app, and ive had good interactions with you,
  10. +1 great referral, good events. ez yes from me.
  11. -1 Advertised staff application. and I know that you have a lot of warns to your name.
  12. -1 yeah I’m not feeling Putin, the current model is fine.
  13. Good shit guys, swrp team putting in some good work. im excited for the update!
  14. +1 honestly a fantastic application, and i know cloudy well so i got faith he can be a good leader.
  15. +1 good application and is a great dude.
  16. -1 With this many bans and 1 paragraph, I'm just gonna take this application as a joke....
  17. -1 Due to Garnet removing your med cert because you couldn't be trusted with bacta grenades, what makes you think that you can be trusted with spawning in droids and ext.
  18. +1 I hope this don't sound biased because I did refer him. he has past experience with garnet staffing, and his ideas are fantastic. I see no harm in bringing Ozzy in.
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