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Everything posted by AnthonyThwompus

  1. Honestly I +1ed the suggestion for mp and i wish I didn’t. I took the server way too seriously then and now my mindset has changed and I just play for all of the goofy moments that happen. I think garnet predicted its removal on the update post when it was added. +1 from me
  2. It would be cool to see a sim area in the courtyard of castle. Like a csgo 1v1 arena type of thing.
  3. How would you deal with people just camping the spawn areas? It seems like making the spawns random/ balanced would be really challenging especially for gmod. This is a good idea but instead of people base camping, they would be spawn camping.
  4. the suggestion says for the middle of war. someone walking around with a juggernaut during peacetime would be chaos.
  5. Just clarifying I said him and other officers do that. Also they don’t treat you like that because you have a higher rank, sometimes I like being a PVT and I hang out with 11B, I have been treated like shit because I was a low rank, I heard “shut up your a PVT” all of the time when I would give suggestions on war plans. CnKole was one of the people that have done that.
  6. You and some other 11A officers treat lower enlisted like shit, you treat them like they are children. You could say you are role playing as real life military but it is a video game. Treat everyone like normal humans, their rank/playtime doesn’t matter just treat them with respect because they are the future of the server. -1 edit : also this was said on Shax’s ban appeal for MRDM. “will keep responding to your invalid points as long as you keep trying to weasel your way out of this ban. Yea, it sucks getting banned for 2 weeks on a server you have hundreds or thousands of hours on. But maybe that just means its time to go outside and touch grass (which is definitely needed if you are in fact not hacking, but just that good at the game).”
  7. There was a breakable wall on delta around embassy. I really think this could allow multiple entryways to objectives and maybe even have some explosive breach and clear rp. This would be a nice addition in my opinion.
  8. +1 but with some limits. I have saw some people get in trouble for just celebrating that they got the kill. I understand if you can't talk to a dead body but you should at least be able to say something like "lets go" or just casual celebrating because you are not speaking to the dead person. I see why talking TO dead bodies is failrp but talking OVER dead bodies should not. My personal opinion would be to allow talking to and over dead bodies but not overly toxic, I do see why there is a rule though.
  9. Is there somewhere I can make a suggestion for the forums? I think you should be able to re submit a vote.
  10. Is there a way to revote? I want to switch from delta to siberia.
  11. I’m sorry I’m just trying to give some ideas to help out. I’m not sure if I didn’t word something right or if you didn’t read it right.
  12. I’m just suggesting something that could give players a bit of change while they wait for a new map.
  13. The map hasn’t been changed for 4 months.
  14. Description: Have a consistent cycle of maps that have been recently made that are changed weekly/monthly. Kinda like how SWRP switches maps for events but this switches maps for a certain period of time. Reasoning: The server can get very boring for players that have played for a while so switching stuff up a bit will keep us entertained. This can also give garnet time to work on new maps and when he makes those then they can be on the server for a bit longer and then they will be added to the map cycle. Additional Information: Pros : People will be entertained, a lot of people love a change in environments every once in a while. Problems that we will have : The new mission and inventory system will have to be made for every single map and this would take up a lot of time. My suggestion is to have a vote on if it should be removed or it stay, if it stays then this entire suggestion should be denied, If people don’t mind if it goes away then this suggestion could help out a lot. I haven’t spoke to a single person that really wants the missions/inventory system, if I am wrong please correct me but in my opinion this is not something mrp needs. Another problem might be that all of the maps will take up a lot of space, I am not sure how this works so if this is a problem then explain it. Also I am not sure if anyone other than garnet can switch maps but this could probably be changed. this suggestion was denied because the set map thing is kinda weird (idk read what garnet said). Also apparently 2-3 months is a short time, what I’m suggesting is a totally new thing and will change the server a lot. Also garnet said to suggest a switch in maps instead but when we do that he takes a very long time to do that and the mrp community rushes him and he ends up making an incomplete map. This suggestion wouldn’t have players bugging garnet about a map change and maybe he can make an amazing map that is complete in that time. Nutter if you are reading this just please think about what the community wants, this could actually make them happy. Also weapon changes is a thing a ton of people want lol. Thanks for all the work you do. if there are any questions or concerns please ask them before saying -1.
  15. It looks amazing, I can't wait to play on this map and also I am super excited about the weapon changes which i hope come soon.
  16. @Jackal helped me out so much when I joined TSFU back on delta. @Milky pushed me to join 313 and taught me a lot about pvp and rp.
  17. any updates on the progress of this?
  18. This isn’t an objective but the breakable walls that were on delta could be super useful and a great way to get into objectives. If this was added it would allow for multiple entryways.
  19. NOOOOOOOO this is a sad day. Other then that this is a nice update!
  20. Description: Add a building or room that has activities like slot machines, chess, checkers, and maybe even a cinema. You could make it so civilians spawn in that room. I'm not sure about DRP but CityRP has a casino and has some fun things to do. This does not have to be added to the current map but maybe for a future map we could have something like this. Reasoning: This would increase the interaction between AFG and US players and would just be a safe room that people can go relax in. If any more info is needed please ask in the replies and I will answer them. edit : this is not a thing we absolutely need but would be fun to have after other important things have been finished.
  21. I have played on some servers that have a similar rule and it works out very well. +1
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