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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Wizify

  1. +1 i like u, u seem cool tbh, i understand the demotion was there but its always good to have someone with prior staff experience, if anything happens this time around then there will be looks into blacklist from staff im guessing, so try your best, you got this
  2. yo thanks bro, happy you were here for most of it lol, i will be looking to come back eventually just want to be able to have a summer, I think I proved I could be a decent staff member this time around, I just didnt wanna sit around getting demoted all summer, I forgot ur forums acc name definitely wouldve mentioned u, thanks for trusting me this time around
  3. i will be back, not rn tho @Nutter ur cool, thanks + i just learned u were garnet @Proggy thanks, ur cool @Glorbnob u were cool, thank u @KingMash kingmashfubar @Maddox ur cool @smileeface i remember u @Bluey i didnt talk to u, my bad @ChrisRid u were cool and i talked to u twice, u better be manager when im back @GunShark i think u were the pet shark i killed u once, my b @MoonDoge i liked u i dont remember why tho @ShankNinja i also liked u i think we talked, keep doin stuff @Rosie dab + u were pretty cool we pink jeeped in cityrp @JustUltimate we talked i think keep staffin ur cool, thanks @LeKichi i think u trained me, u can train me again next time, ur cool, thanks @Shin_Tsukimi i liked u i dont remember why tho, keep bein retired @Ghostieee i like u, u referred me then i got denied, ur cool, thanks @Hendersonyt u made me angry sometimes, but dont worry, ur cool, thanks @VeraFly we cooled once @SGTMoe u talked to me once, i forget if i talked back, keep staffin n stuff @Torq ur my favorite when i come back to staff u gotta do it too, ur cool, thanks @Rapts u told me garnet @frilmz u told me to gmod @jewish u gave me money @KingDamon u king Thank u for staff, i did a sit and got promoted like twice, u guys are cool and stuff, if i forgot u, please send a strongly worded reply to this post P.S. I don't think I should resign partner. Ask one of the heads if I can go on reserves. I don't think I have any outstanding bullshit to worry about, so it may be a viable option for me.
  4. I know I have already responded here, and Toddd is important to the community. I just wanted to add I was in a Discord call with him yesterday and I can just tell the maturity isn't there. Still would like to add the bullying of him is unacceptable, and to be fair if I was him getting harassed like he does I would've left this server a long time ago, it's unfair to him, and its disgusting that some of the hate comes from us staff members here. It is clear he wants to be staff again, but from what I saw yesterday I don't think he knows how to fully take situations correctly, and defuse things. If you are anyone reading this though, if you hear/see Toddd somewhere, don't go up to him and mention this app, he is just a person playing Garnet like all of us. I really just wanted to give that final clarification after my reply.
  5. -1 I haven't had many interactions with you, that being said I cannot justify giving a +1 right now. Your past experience here is commendable but, being 13 I think there is still a bit to learn, and I think there are a few changes that can be done with the ways that you act and learn from situations from what I have seen here in replies and some in game chats myself. That being said, this isn't in anyway saying "your annoying we will never accept 13,14 year old's, don't reapply", because what I will point out is the staff and other in-game members definitely have not made your life easy (harassment for age, potential bullying, etc), and I applaud you for still being here, playing, and having the drive to keep going even further. Please look at this as further motivation, not as a turn down, keep going for it man.
  6. Yooooooo congrats guys thats wild I cant imagine gettin 830 sits in or 679 lol. Big wiz goin insane
  7. +1 This app was just absolutely incredible man, I know I'm late to putting my opinion out there, so there is already some +1s out there and I trust those staff members. Good luck
  8. Not really sure about you but +1 Your app isn't bad and I trust the other staff members that +1ed you, I know I'm a little late here, but I don't see any reason with giving you a chance to prove yourself on the staff team, you went back and fixed what you had to, if you get accepted you just gotta actually read up on everything, get through training. Good luck
  9. In-game name: Wizify SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:555675301 In-game rank: Mod Timezone: EST Length of LOA: 1 week (now - June 1st) Reason: I think I already have a good amount of sits this month and I think I have been pretty reasonably dedicated on the server, I just need this next week for a little time, got some anxiety coming up and I just am not feeling too great right now, wouldn't wanna be staffing for the great community when im not feeling my best self. If I am needed I will be here (forums and discord) and can always hop on, but I think I did relatively good this month and would like to rest to be stress free.
  10. +1 I don't have any opinions on you personally but I trust the other staff members, hopefully u make it we can always use new staff who are dedicated to the server. Application wise I really like the effort you put in.
  11. +1 Normally I would neutral something like this, because I don't really know you, but your hours are actually pretty good, you read the rules, you have been here for a long time, , and your referral is great. Obviously everything Skill Art said is there, but personally I don't believe in needing to have an insanely awesome application, with everything else you have, if you can get accepted, just sound professional and pass your training, I don't see why people have to get denied off application faults alone.
  12. Mannnnnnnn we will all miss you, you were major to the staff team, I just got accepted about a month ago and I feel like all the important people are resigning. Enjoy everything else that goes on in your life. I remember seeing you around when I was playing with Rapts and Frilmz, barely even knew how this game worked yet, but seriously, from your LOAs and all that your just burnt out, go get some rest and we will all miss you, you deserve it.
  13. If the music can go down I'm all for it, seems like it could get very repetitive if this is all you hear every time you log into garnet everyday, also depending on your pc it could take a few minutes to load every time. +1
  14. Ayyyyyy Zulas never even really personally met you but we will all miss you, from the staff team, and the whole community. Get those grades up, and go enjoy your life, the summer is rolling up soon so that's a plus. You can always come back just to say hi and jump around for a few minutes and we will be here.
  15. + 1 Really good app (I know I'm a little late to the party) but I really like your paragraphs and if Wall E referred you, plus all the other staff members gave you a +1 I don't see why I shouldn't either.
  16. Solid -1 bro lying about refs and didnt read the rules, didnt use the right playtime format (/playtime in game) and the paragraphs are slightly lacking
  17. Gotta be a +1 come on now Your paragraphs are great, and your clearly an OG on this server, especially after reading what everyone else has said, I think its quite obvious, you seem very professional in this application, and all of your replies.
  18. You had an incredible run in the staff team, every time ive been online, or in the forums your name was always around. Insane commitment to the DarkRP server, its your time to live your life, have fun this summer, focus on yourself. Thanks man.
  19. +1 vouch on the referral I know Rapts has a less then ideal past on the server, but I think he has definitely gained maturity, and nothing with any of his bans has been malicious intent. Though I have never done it and I never will do it, I understand the thought process of being bored and then just Mass RDMing (which most of his bans are) if you plan to not play for a while. Rapts hours are insane, and he knows the rules, binds, and even staff rules as he was previously staff until he got his PC taken. This may seem like a controversial staff app, but I really think this could work out, and stop him from being bored on the server, as well as just adding more people to make the garnet staff team, and the garnet server better overall, especially with someone this experienced.
  20. Lets gooo!! 73 sits in 2 days Congrats on everyone for the promotions we gotta keep up the good work as a team Its just because you were the best staff ever dont worry torq
  21. Neutral Nothing bad to say nothing good to say, I have seen your name a few times since I have been back on a ton, but haven't had any actual interactions with you (that were memorable, good or bad), and I didn't want to give a full +1 because your hours could be a little higher, but your paragraphs were decent, those 4-5 hours during weekdays sound like a good commitment to the server. Nothing negative to say, I will see what everyone else has to say, if I come back later and see you have had good interactions with other mods/admins this could very well become a +1. After reading the response sent by Chris in the case of lying on your staff app, and having a MRDM + LTAP ban as recently as last month, its gotta be a -1 this time.
  22. Get all that focus up on your exams dude, you will do great, I believeeeeeeeeeeee.
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