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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Ziggy

  1. ACCEPTED Thank you for your application and welcome to the GM team! Contact @Remake or @special to get started. Do not use your permissions in game if set to gamemaster before being trained.
  2. Yo lit take but what if anyone was just allowed to get reserves in any faction (from the leader) they want to, given they reach the deserving rank. Then, if a faction leader doesn't want said person in their faction/reserves, they can just remove them. At the end of the day, if you're removed for being a fossil or being a reserves main, oh well later man that's your fault. Either play again and earn it back or keep being inactive, but leaders should have complete say over who holds reserves in their faction because its their faction and players should be able to have free reign over earning reserve ranks anywhere/anytime because they invest the time into earning it. The server doesn't owe you anything for playing it, especially not an officer rank. You play it to help lead factions and have fun in war, so why regulate reserves at all past faction leader has final say? This is an argument as old as time on GG and I really think the secret to making everyone happy is just not restricting how many reserves players can have and letting faction leaders keep who they want to. Nobody will be kept on their roster forever. If you want to hold your reserves, however many it might be, then you can hold the smallest relationship with the current faction leader or risk losing them. P.S. the only people that will have a problem with this are people that think they are owed a permanent and staff protected 2LT rank for playing the server like everybody else which is dumb
  3. Ziggy

    shroud - Mod app

    ACCEPTED Thank you for applying. Welcome to the staff team. Contact myself or @special in game, on discord, or TS to get started. If you are set in game, do not use your permissions until you have been trained.
  4. ACCEPTED Welcome to the staff team, contact myself or @special to get started. I guess...
  5. SWRP Staff/GM Roster : Feb. 2022 Administration Team: Special(STEAM_0:1:196864130) - Administrator -> Lead Administrator (Double promo) This my best friend up here on the internet and I'm glad he here with me and putting in more work than he probably should. I can trust this mf with anything. LeKichi(STEAM_0:1:59323070) - Trial Administrator Conway(STEAM_0:0:138807332) - Administrator -> User special, but the opposite Moderation Team: Aparh(STEAM_0:0:166093074) - Moderator BatHulk(STEAM_0:1:121227289) - Trial Moderator -> Moderator Dr Turtle(STEAM_0:1:67829962) - Moderator -> Senior Moderator Kenro(STEAM_0:0:104945459) - Trial Moderator -> Moderator Spencer(STEAM_0:1:154510962) - Moderator -> Lead Moderator (Double promo) TKTV(STEAM_0:1:177794427) - Senior Moderator -> Lead Moderator Turtle/Kex(STEAM_0:0:66016791) - Moderator -> Senior Moderator Skelteen(STEAM_0:0:163279468) - User -> Trial Moderator Mark(STEAM_0:1:455849306) - Trial Moderator -> Moderator Ching(STEAM_0:0:61059175) - Trial Moderator -> User Gamemaster Team: Remake(STEAM_0:1:194011617) - Senior Gamemaster -> Head Gamemaster Sorry guys, this was his make a wish Cloudy(STEAM_0:0:601029631) - Gamemaster Salem(STEAM_0:0:45846708) - Trial Gamemaster Ozzy(STEAM_0:1:98542905) - Gamemaster Tdizz(STEAM_0:1:591101150) - Gamemaster Twix(STEAM_0:1:521938678) - Gamemaster eli(STEAM_0:1:441740126) - Gamemaster Riseli(STEAM_0:1:76037405) - Trial Gamemaster -> Gamemaster Roberto(STEAM_0:1:182574479) - Trial Gamemaster -> Gamemaster Fonza(STEAM_0:0:89934512) - Trial Gamemaster -> Gamemaster Janitor(STEAM_0:1:146626253) - Trial Gamemaster -> Gamemaster Tuna(STEAM_0:0:75461638) - Trial Gamemaster -> Gamemaster Jake(STEAM_0:1:119630213) - User -> Trial Gamemaster Rockyy/Harry(STEAM_0:0:528176145) - Trial Gamemaster -> Gamemaster Aidan(STEAM_0:1:427377264) - Trial Gamemaster -> Gamemaster Bob(STEAM_0:1:148656167) - User -> Trial Gamemaster Winter(STEAM_0:1:502987696) - Gamemaster -> User Oboshi(STEAM_0:0:65792502) - Gamemaster -> User Oatlife(STEAM_0:0:161534046) - Senior Gamemaster -> User Kicks(STEAM_0:1:72045794) - Trial Gamemaster -> User Hoskins(STEAM_0:0:70482191) - Gamemaster -> User SWRP goes so hard
  6. https://medal.tv/games/valorant/clips/chDKBzSy_VMAp/d1337q73Agbs?invite=cr-MSx3dmIsMjM0MDUyMzcs https://medal.tv/games/valorant/clips/cGvzIT-TmPe5A/d1337mapQbtb?invite=cr-MSxpZGosMjM0MDUyMzcs
  7. ACCEPTED Probably the easiest acceptance ever. Welcome to the GM team, contact myself or @special to get started. Do not use any in-game permissions until you have completed your training.
  8. Just wanted to say that Prison has been spitting facts this entire thread and secondly, SWRP is able to change the map at the request of myself/proggy any time we go to an event. So, I'm thinking, what if Theos or another Exec had the power to change the map every couple of weeks to whatever people wanted to see, and it was just left at that? I don't know if SWRP and MRP work differently, but I don't see why it would, so if it isn't I think that's a really good option.
  9. okay you so why are you trying to change ranks that resemble real, existing ones into possibly offensive, meme ones? dawg Muslim people have played the server before lol no u don’t
  10. https://gyazo.com/79fd8311d15b860cfd6a601536f13c24 shouldn't be -1 for the suggestion
  11. SWRP Staff/GM Roster : Jan. 2022 Administration Team: Special(STEAM_0:1:196864130) - Administrator Conway(STEAM_0:0:138807332) - Administrator LeKichi(STEAM_0:1:59323070) - Lead Moderator -> Trial Administrator Stretchy(STEAM_0:0:70482191) - Administrator -> User Moderation Team: Aparh(STEAM_0:0:166093074) - Trial Moderator -> Moderator BatHulk(STEAM_0:1:121227289) - User -> Trial Moderator Dr Turtle(STEAM_0:1:67829962) - Trial Moderator -> Moderator Kenro(STEAM_0:0:104945459) - User -> Trial Moderator Spencer(STEAM_0:1:154510962) - Trial Moderator -> Moderator TKTV(STEAM_0:1:177794427) - Moderator -> Senior Moderator Turtle/Kex(STEAM_0:0:66016791) - Trial Moderator -> Moderator Pallox(STEAM_0:0:156032303) - Trial Moderator -> User Ching(STEAM_0:0:61059175) - User -> Trial Moderator Gamemaster Team: Cloudy(STEAM_0:0:601029631) - Trial Gamemaster -> Gamemaster Eli(STEAM_0:1:441740126) - Trial Gamemaster -> Gamemaster Salem(STEAM_0:0:45846708) - User -> Trial Gamemaster Hoskins(STEAM_0:0:70482191) - Trial Gamemaster -> Gamemaster Kicks(STEAM_0:1:72045794) - User -> Trial Gamemaster Oatlife(STEAM_0:0:161534046) - Gamemaster -> Senior Gamemaster Oboshi(STEAM_0:0:65792502) - Trial Gamemaster -> Gamemaster Ozzy(STEAM_0:1:98542905) - Trial Gamemaster -> Gamemaster Remake(STEAM_0:1:194011617) - Gamemaster -> Senior Gamemaster Riseli(STEAM_0:1:76037405) - User -> Trial Gamemaster Tdizz(STEAM_0:1:591101150) - Trial Gamemaster -> Gamemaster Twix(STEAM_0:1:521938678) - Trial Gamemaster -> Gamemaster Winter(STEAM_0:1:502987696) - Trial Gamemaster -> Gamemaster This the best team no cap.
  12. Personally, whenever I get on DRP I try to play either of the gangs, but a lot of the time it is empty and there isn't really a reward for playing within one as opposed to a thief job. It's rare that there's an active other group to engage with. I think maybe an update to the way gangs work would encourage more people to play them. I don't play darkRP a lot, so I'm not exactly sure what's possible, but from looking at the rules maybe reducing their gang war cooldown would be an improvement. Other availabilities could be implemented, again not sure what, but I think giving these factions some distinct advantages for being in the gang would attract a lot more players to want to play/join these gangs. (boost to xp/money, some form of drug only available to specific gangs, able to steal said drugs from other gangs, maybe a reward for a gang raid on PD.) That, along with Proggy's suggestion here could be a huge new change to the dynamic of gangs and bring a new gang aspect to DRP. +1
  13. My first problem with this appeal is your obvious attempt at making as "humorous" as you could possibly could. So why would I ever seriously consider this, if throughout the entire appeal, you make it clear on how you don't want to take anything seriously because it's Gmod? Aside from the rest of this appeal clearly being a shitpost, I would love to know what "perspective" I missed. Having had to remove you from the tank once and telling you to stop, I think I got a pretty good grasp of the situation. You wanted to fuck around, continued to after two different staff warned you, then got punished for it and are now presenting this dogshit appeal to reverse it. What never sits right with me is the constant comparisons to other server's behaviors, then assuming that they are the same across all of the GG gamemodes. Garry's Mod is a sandbox, where a range of possible gamemodes are available. Not every gamemode centralizes "goofing" off. I will say that you are half right, though. If you did want a much more serious experience, then you would probably seek out games like Squad or Arma, but these players didn't and chose to play on GMod for the server that GG provides. If I had to guess, a lot of these players are fans of StarWars and want to play a game surrounding that not made by EA. I'm sorry you're a DRP player? Unlucky? Regardless of that, it's no secret that a heavy roleplay aspect failed to come up on other GG servers, but I have to remind you that this is a different server that began with a much different expectation and is built entirely on: PvE. You're in a server where the combat and content are entirely fabricated by Gamemasters and RP, so I have to ask, what did you expect? Nobody anywhere wonders this. It's a given that a hub-like or round based server would accumulate the most players because of how casual it is. TTT is an ancient gamemode that stuck around, because it was fun. Strange I have to point this out, but people don't look for gamemodes that are like TTT or DRP, cause if they were, they'd just play them. The players that want to RP will find the server they want to do it on, and their experience on the server shouldn't be disrupted because you wanted to "goof off". In this case, I'd say go to DRP or TTT. It's amazing to read someone tell me that GMod is about goofing off, the only gamemodes that last are DRP/TTT, and that players looking for an RP experience should go to Arma, then ask the question "on how other communities handle the seriousness of RP". DENIED If you aren't going to take a single thing seriously, especially the appeal for your unban, then SWRP just isn't the server you should be on nor the one I want you on. I'll update your ban to 2 weeks, as that is the maximum punishment for NITRP.
  14. ACCEPTED When I said edit your event ideas, I was looking more for a summary of each one, but I guess that works? I'm gonna trust you have an ability to create stories and make something sincere. Welcome to the staff team, contact @special to get started.
  15. Please elaborate on your event ideas. They feel very undescriptive and a vague concept of what an event should entail. Once you've edited it, I'll take a look and make a decision.
  16. ACCEPTED Great community feedback and application post-edit. Contact @special to get started. Welcome to the GM team.
  17. ACCEPTED Great community feedback and decent application. Your event ideas could use some work, but we'll make sure you're mentored. Contact @special to get started. Welcome to the GM team.
  18. ACCEPTED Good community feedback and well written events. Welcome to the GM team, contact @special or myself to get started.
  19. ACCEPTED Good community feedback, activity, and base event concepts. Welcome to the GM team, contact @special or myself to get started.
  20. ACCEPTED Good community feedback and I think you have the potential to develop great events. Welcome to the GM team. Contact @special or myself to get started.
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