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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by proggy

  1. This is something that should've been resolved in-game with /report. Moving to denied.
  2. Denied This ban is justified and won't be reduced or removed. Refrain from using homophobic/racist slurs in our community once your ban is over in 2 weeks time.
  3. Denied My mistake, this ban was actually supposed to be permanent for ban evasion. I'll fix that for ya. also lmao at this ironic af comment you made earlier.
  4. Hey just because I tell someone to apply doesn't mean that they should be instantly accepted. The application process is here for us to get community feedback! We typically have a minimum time of two days before accepting apps so that people have time to speak their concerns. Chawhead was a good staff a few years ago though.
  5. confirming that i did ask him to apply for staff.
  6. Allowing credits to be transferred would decrease the amount of credits purchased overall, and create significant obstacles when trying to administer donation support. This should be obvious. I'm not sure why you'd suggest this on forums when I already told you in-game that it's a bad idea and not going to happen.
  7. Now you can take a day off! Get yo girl some chicken nuggies
  8. So this is a report, but did Shin break any rules or are you just upset that you were demoted? You can't really appeal a demotion. Demotions are agreed upon by management. Also, maybe try to use some punctuation to get your thoughts across better. EDIT: By the way, it was Cyber who demoted you both, not Shin.
  9. Brother don't you go to the backrooms voluntarily though? Seems like you can just avoid losing your perks by not going when you have them. This isn't something that is going to be patched since we are nearing the end of the halloween event.
  10. I can add more dumpsters to the surface of the map if needed, but it doesn't make sense to put dumpsters in the sewers. It's probably best to put the dumpsters near the spawn & common areas of the map to keep things lively, rather than encouraging hobos to hang out in obscure areas. Hobo's can already make massive amounts of money from the existing dumpsters, so I am a bit hesitant to give them more.
  11. yeah this has happened plenty of times when a staff has a bad night and it always ends in a roast session. its obviously attention seeking behavior and people tend to respond negatively to such.
  12. No @IAreGunner is speakin facts here. If you don't want to staff, don't staff. Don't seek validation for something you already volunteered to do.
  13. Navy don't need to be in combat imo. It just doesn't make sense unless an attack has reached the 3rd floor of anaxes or the bridge of venator. They should be the ones deploying battalions to do the combat in an organized fashion, and facilitating RP through comms. Instead of getting more weapons, it would be cool for Navy to have something like access to view helmetcams. (basically spectating but it tells the clone that they are being spectated). That way they are still in NCC or near a holotable, but still able to be informed on battalion positions, and give effective orders etc.
  14. Accepted Gordon Freeman is a good contender for a prestige class. We will come up with some rules for how his class will play. Keep an eye on the Updates subforum to see when this suggestion makes it into the server and the rules for his class.
  15. Moving forward while the party system is down, staff should just use common sense and allow people to protect eachother if their money-printers are at a shared base, or they both own the same door(s) together.
  16. Denied Doesn't seem to be a popular suggestion. We probably shouldn't mess with the dragonlore since people seem to really enjoy it.
  17. Accepted We already planned on adding more to the pointshop over time, with some seasonal and easteregg based ones. Just stay tuned to the server/updates subforum and you'll see when more get added.
  18. Accepted We will significantly buff the money and xp output of from the Weed Cultivator job. • It takes fairly longer to get a batch of weed done compared to the meth manufacturer. • Takes more attention to refill the plants with water compared to meth manufacturing process. • Only allowed 2 plants compared to the meth manufacturers 4-8 pots. Keep an eye on the updates subforum to track when this change goes into effect.
  19. because its an update for things going forward, not for what has already happened. also, for simplicitys sake. Scripting out the portion that would reward previously prestiged players takes time & could have more bugs/abuse, etc.
  20. Garnet does plenty of updates to the server, but nobody makes suggestions for the server other than mark, remake, and me. These ideas go on trello where garnet is free to pick and choose what he spends his time working on. This suggestion subforum is DEAD even though every week at the NCO meetings I tell people to make suggestions here. The real problem here is that the server has TOO much content to support the small player-base, and people aren't getting what they want because they don't make suggestions and rally support for those suggestions. Garnet and I want to add what the community wants, but they just need to bring reasonable ideas forward that are realistic to achieve in gmod. I also want to correct you that there has never been a 3 month period with no updates on SWRP. If you go to http://forums.garnetgaming.net/index.php?/forum/26-server-updates/ you will see that it is the MOST updated server this year. I think the true issue here is that people aren't getting the updates they want, because they never asked for anything. Moderators are just supposed to ban people breaking rules. Admins/Management do hold meetings on a weekly basis, but we cannot put a gun to peoples head to do events. As far as people joining the staff team to get free VIP, what's the harm in that as long as they are punishing the occasional minge?? I'm more than happy to help GM's plan events (and I'm sure any admin+ would be willing to help in that same capacity), but the problem isn't necessarily the quality of their events, just the quantity and timing. We can make sure that events are held to a certain standard, but we cannot make people quit their jobs/education to get on to do events earlier in the day. We do ask people to get active early, but its usually met with responses like "at work rn". Our server suffers from being 99% North American players. We don't have an international playerbase that can keep events going round-the-clock. We already do remove inactive gamemasters. How does this address anything with your before-mentioned criticisms of the staff team? It's just filtering out people who put out low-effort applications or don't follow simple format instructions. Being lenient with applications has never gone well on any of our other servers, so why would it go any better here? We do try to encourage this. Pretty much daily me/remake/mark are trying to get staff/GM's/NCO's on as early as possible. Again, we don't have a gun to anyones head, but we do this already. We do encourage people to do on the spot trainings/joint operations when there is downtime. I don't see anyone saying "lets wait 2 weeks" to do anything. The issue here is that NCO's/GM's aren't identifying "its downtime there's nothing going on, maybe I should do something with these troops". The potential participants of these trainings are partially to blame too. I cannot tell you how many times I've tried to host activities for players, and like 2-4 players participate and the other 10 players are fine with just talking in MHB/lobby instead. Really this problem is circular and was present in the last iteration of SWRP that we had.
  21. proggy

    Small cars

    cars on rp_downtown_tits_v2 ????? are you smoking actual crack???
  22. proggy

    Pelef Ban Appeal

    evidence is not an opinion, it is objective.
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