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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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JackJJ last won the day on August 6 2021

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About JackJJ

  • Birthday 01/05/1871

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  1. The amount of time you were able to spend fully dedicating yourself to the server is admirable. I wish you the best in your future endeavours, you deserve it!
  2. +1 I haven’t had a single negative interaction with you, you have former staff experience, you’ve done well in officer roles, and you have a lot of experience in this server.
  3. -1 I could be wrong, but from what I've seen, you haven't been as active on the server as a staff member or aspiring staff member should be. It is also unclear to me what your intentions are and whether or not you are serious about fulfilling the responsiblities of being a well behaved staff member as your paragraphs are a little short and seem to lack any genuine effort. I don't typically criticize written applications this much, however due to your negative past experiences, your current insufficient amount of activity, your current negative impressions among other people (-1s on this application), and the lower quality application, I'd recommend attempting to improve at least one of these four areas before I can confidently agree with you becoming a staff member again. No hard feelings : )
  4. +1 Aiden does very well as a faction officer which is always a sign that a good future staff member awaits. Of all the times I’ve interacted with Aiden, there is not a single problem that I can think of. I wish you well on your application!
  5. Congralations everody 1 : D Seriously though, this staff team is very nice and best wishes to you Ozzy!
  6. -1 I don't understand how this suggestion is supposed to help with cutting down on basecamping at all? The only things I noticed that the suggestion changes regarding basecamping is that now Mercenary mains would simply need to be Recon instead because, according to your suggestion, Recon would have the same model and gun that mercenary just had. Keeping this in mind, in addition to the fact that US Ghillie was left untouched, there would still be a donator class on either side (AFG Recon and US Ghillie) with a head-glitch friendly model and a one-shot sniper. Not only does this suggestion not affect basecamping, but it also has pretty much zero effect on donator one-shot sniper classes which is what this suggestion appears to be targeted towards. Please let me know if I'm misunderstanding anything.
  7. -1 I can see both sides of the argument very well. However, I can not in good conscience +1 a removal of one of the server's most rewarding factors. Many players I've encountered grind through enlisted and officer ranks for the main reason of achieving reserves. These players boost the server's population which is one of the server's biggest problems right now, if not the biggest. They contribute to the population heavily through their own existence on the server as well as their ability to retain base faction and others through tryouts, trainings, and activities. You could argue that this is a lame reason to contribute towards a faction, but this is just reality. If this reward was removed, many players (including myself) would have no desire to join any factions, do activities, or even remain active on the server as we can have more fun in other ways and we can fight in war using donor weapons. I personally enjoy having reserves because they represent the place that I used to hold in the faction. Class weapons, officer permissions, etc. are secondary to me and not as important as the literal proof that I used to exist on the server, and that I contributed enough to a faction to gain an officer rank and reserves. If reserves truly need to be removed or changed for the greater good of the server, overruling the fact that the server population could drop heavily from it, then I'm all for it. But personally, this just doesn't seem like something the server needs right now, as I can see way more bad coming from a change like this than good. Personally speaking, I haven't noticed much of anything that I would consider abuse of reserves, but what I have noticed is a HUGE drop in server population over the years, and it would pain me to see this trend accelerate even faster than it already is, killing the server sooner than it already would've died. TL;DR: I'm wary about removing one of the server's most significant rewarding factors (reserves) due to the possiblity of losing even more of our average server population resulting from this event.
  8. +1 You've performed well in multiple leadership roles before, you're active on the server, you've been on the server for quite a while which would indiciate a vast knowledge of the rules and how the server works, and you're a friendly fella! I'm looking forward to seeing how you staff.
  9. In-game name: 75R SFC Jack JJ Age [minimum 15 y/o]: 17 SteamID: STEAM_0:1:70210533 Warns: 0 Timezone: EST Playtime? [minimum 100 hours, use /playtime in-game]: | 75R SFC Jack JJ has played for 1378:28:10. Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: Yes Referral(s): Smity, HUNTINGGUY Past experiences as staff: || GarnetGaming MilitaryRP Trial Admin 2022 || GarnetGaming DarkRP Lead Admin 2020-2021 || GarnetGaming MilitaryRP Mod 2021 || GarnetGaming DarkRP Lead Mod 2019 || How do you plan on benefiting our server? [minimum 2 paragraphs]: With my previous experiences as a staff member, I will be much easier to train and acclimate to becoming a staff member again. I have good relationships with almost everyone I've encountered within the community, and I always behave politely towards the people of whom I don't have the best relationship with. This will allow for a more positive and welcoming environment within all of my interactions during staff situations. With my experience as a staff member on MilitaryRP, I am very familiar with the typical commands, staff protocol, expected behaviour, server rules, staff rules, and more. My past within this community is very clean, including a record of zero punishments on MilitaryRP. If I am accepted, my primary goal during this term as a staff member will be to improve the overall expierence of players, as well as to do anything I can to bring in new members to the server and increase the average server population. I can improve the experience of all players by being ready and happy to take reports at any time, by treating everyone with kindness, by listening and understanding as well as I can, and by fairly considering all sides of a story during any conflict. When it comes to increasing the average server pop, I can always help with teleportations during faction tryouts and trainings, which will give enlisteded base faction members more opportunities to have a succinct and rich experience during these sorts of RP events. In addition to this, I will provide as much otherwise necessary assistance as I can during new server developments that are designed to increase pop. Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP?: No. Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: May 26, 2022 || Accepted: https://forums.garnetgaming.net/index.php?/topic/20564-jack-jjs-staff-application/ July 14, 2021 || Accepted: https://forums.garnetgaming.net/index.php?/topic/16675-jack-jj-staff-application/ How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: 4PM-11PM or longer for 4-5 days every week.
  10. Day 523 of waiting for @ASSMAN to upload those clips.

    1. StraightWhiteChristianMale


      let him take his time damn

  11. +1 You’ve received a lot of +1s from people who’s opinion I trust, you have a referral from shiny, I’ve seen you in-game almost every time I’ve been on, and you’ve achieved LTG in 11A which speaks upon your maturity and responsibility.
  12. Holy shit this is a major W. Thanks Garnet!
  13. Oh my god this map looks amazing. I love any sort of map interaction and variability, so the power going out looks dope. Also I don’t know if it’s just me, but a lot of the structures are designed in a very realistic-looking manner, of which look a lot less like a screenshot taken from GMod. Well done!
  14. TheBigMike deserves a big break. My interactions with you have always been a pleasure. Farewell brother!
  15. Congrats everyone, especially Smity! You've worked insanely hard trying to improve the server and bring more players in over the past year. Well deserved in my opinion. Also, excellent work again York. I always appreciate staff who strive to take as many sits as they can.
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