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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Reeper

  1. Appeal Accepted (Ish) I believe we all know the state of boredom while on the server during late nights, but that does not let you get away with killing others, even in a vigilantism fashion. I do appreciate that you made a report, but the best course of action could have been to report it and wait, or possibly @ a staff on discord (preferably with proof). Because this does not seem to be a malicious mass, I will be dropping the ban from 2 weeks to 2 days for Non-Malicious MassRDM. I will talk to @JackJJ when available about the situation. Have a nice day! @Fonza Please Lock And Move!
  2. @JackJJ Please post your evidence, thanks! If you can't copy the video/photo, you can go into Imgur and upload the photo then post the link. If it is a video then you can go to Streamable and upload it there. I'll get back to you with the proper evidence
  3. As I was the reporting party, I will not be putting a -1 or +1. However, I will be putting the evidence and proof used during the sit for others to see. Video: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/n0Ajj_mCWU_ZM/d1337IxdTpow?invite=cr-MSwyRkgsMjg2NDUwMiw As shown in the video, I spawned in the Afghan spawn area, I managed to kill Oatlife, I then proceed to clear from right to left to the point I strafe peak left side to make sure it is clear. On the left side, Gabe was there about to shoot at me, I then shot one singular shot then returned back into the spawn area for cover. While behind the doorway, I was then shot and killed. Edit: If you slow it down to .25 and go to 00:08, you can see him swing out into my view killing me in spawn. Rules/Proof used: All targets in the enemy base are fair game during a raid, including those in buildings. The only thing not allowed is the intentional spawn camp of the enemy. You may not shoot into the spawn garages. The whole reason the sit was brought was because he shot me while behind the doorway while in spawn. If I were to be in the doorway or just walked out I would either have marked it off as desync or accidental. While in the sit I noticed this portion of the rule: The only thing not allowed is the intentional spawn camp of the enemy. Basically stating that even the act of spawn camping, (not shooting into spawn) is punishable. I'm not sure what the punishment would be, best guess would be Spawn Camp (FailRP) or something like that. Thanks for reading my post, in no way am I disparaging or putting down Gabe, I just wanted to put a proper response with evidence of what happened.
  4. +1 Here to confirm my referral and give criticism. Anyways, It's always good to have lots of past staff experience as it will help in the efficiency of the staff team. Late is a very respectable and down to earth person, I've never had an argument or anything of the sort with him. The only problem that might arise would be activity, while he is active, I believe it would be sub average compared to other staff. Other than that, I believe he would fit in very well and give a positive impact towards the staff team. Best of luck!
  5. Congrats to all and Rust for MVP this month!
  6. ^ Doesn't mean anything if you don't have a reason to back it Anyways, +1, although I never really got to know you previously, I have seen you around. Not once have I seen you be disrespectful or trying to start an argument. From what I've seen, you have always been calm, level headed, very easy to listen to, and overall a great pick for staff. I highly doubt this application will be denied, but there could be the off chance. Best of luck! Not sure if adding people to referrals after post is allowed or not, but feel free to put me down as one.
  7. -1 I 100% agree with this, while you are chill to hang out with in game, I'm not sure your behavior is mature enough for a staff level of involvement. I believe if you work on reputation, maturity, and more player involvement on both sides, you for sure can get an application accepted. Best of luck!
  8. -1 Let me explain before I get into the negatives. You have and always will be a friend to me, I'm not basing my response based off you in general, more so your activity and previous effort of being a staff. When you need to do something as asked, you don't complain. When someone tries to argue with you, most of the time you stay calm and work it through. I believe you have the right mentality and mind set, but wrong timing. From what I remember when you were staff towards the end, you wanted to resign multiple times due to stress and real life issues, which is fine, but it got to a point where it started effecting others. I'm not trying to say you were a bad member of the staff team, but you have to know your limits before pushing it too far. Anyways, activity recently has been lacking, I've seen you only the last 3 or so days while you got off Ranger reserves, I'm sure you'll stay for quite a while, but you need to meet the new players on both sides before making a staff application, we both know this lol. Looking at the responses up top and all the -1's, I doubt it will be accepted, but if you do what was stated above, I don't think you will have an issue. Best of luck!
  9. Huge +1 I remember on old Echo when you were staff, never was really disrespectful or wanted to argue. You take criticism from others and make it into a functional piece awaiting for the higher ups to take notice. Overall I am shocked you are making another staff application. I highly doubt it will be denied, but who knows. Best of luck!
  10. +1 In all the times I have talked to him, he has been respectful and rarely ever minges. Although you don't have two paragraphs like what the requirements say, what you have is a very good and thought out application. Good guy to be around, hopefully you make it into the staff team!
  11. Unless you made a lot of friends and killed them all at once, I don't believe your story is true. Also, I asked a player who was on Tali rather you were massing or not before banning you. Edit: Forgot to mention, consensual RDM is still RDM, doesn't matter the scenario. Edit Edit: you also have my SID wrong. Correct SID: STEAM_0:1:81678836 Edit Edit Edit: You just admitted to massing your friends even if the story is a lie.
  12. Appeal Accepted We are terribly sorry for the wait regarding this appeal due to the involved staff not responding and providing evidence. This ban was not done in the correct manner as it should have at MAX been a Att.RDM+LTAP (Leaving to avoid punishment) which is only one hour. Either other staff or I will talk to Dan regarding his mistake. Have a nice day! @Fonza Please Lock And Move!
  13. Being a long term member of this community, I know the feeling of becoming burnt out way too well. Lots of people say you were a bad manager, simply isn't completely true, sure we all make mistakes and some are larger than others, but the amount of work and effort put in the time you were manager was pretty good compared to the past. I wish you and your future decisions the best. Fetn, we all know you can't keep anything sane including yourself.
  14. True Mine was inspired from my OG MRP trainer Ecchi Reaper, except the double e's in "Reeper" comes from my last name. Edit: forgot to mention, my previous username which also had a decided factor on the newer name.
  15. Hyped for all this to take effect. Everything in this update is perfect, hopefully none of it breaks lol.
  16. Just got a neat clip from the automated event: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/k088lrHdCaJre/d1337P2GGlNt?invite=cr-MSxOSTcsMjg2NDUwMiw Not sure if I came late and finished it off or what. Also this was during war, wonder if that was intended lol. Edit: Was just curious lmao
  17. It may not be a chinook, but damn does it look good lol. Can't wait to see it on the server. As for MP, I have had lots of people asking when and where MP tryouts are gonna happen, glad it finally came. Love the update!
  18. -1 As much as I hate -1ing for stupid reasons like your paragraph, you can't just look over requirements and hope its fine. Other than that, there were problems with activity on previous occasions, but recently you have been pretty active and been a respected member of this community. I personally have never had problems or seen issues arise from you or anything you did. I will say, 3 hour week days won't get you very many activities, but if you can manage to overcome lack of time, by all means do it. If you change your bullet points to two functional paragraphs, I'll be sure to change to a +1. Best of luck!
  19. Hella +1 I have known this man since the day he stepped foot on the server, not really once have I seen him minge around or really get into any trouble. As of recently, his activity is really good, possibly more than what his application says. Very good paragraphs and presentation (btw referrals don't mean shit and shouldn't be a -1 reason, just extra points if you have one). A very respectable applicant to the staff team. Hope to see you on the team, good luck!
  20. I'm in total agreeance lmao, if either suggestion gets added I'd be more than happy.
  21. As of recently I have been playing quite a bit of Squad. In Squad, each member is given 2 bandages that can revive and stop bleeding teammates. Medics have a medical kit that can heal to full, both other players and yourself. Medics also have 9 bandages, (which if this were to be added, it should be reduced). To make this at least somewhat balanced, all players spawn with a set one or two bandages per person that can be used to fix bleeding wounds (some sort of bleeding mechanic would have to be added). Bandages will have their reviving capabilities removed. Medics will have a set amount of bandages, like 5 or so, he has more bandages to stop bleeding as a medic role, but he also has a med kit and defibs if someone is down. For the med kit, It would be recommended that it may only heal OTHER players so you aren't a one man army. These changes would enforce RP, have the medic role more specialized, and slow down gameplay while in war.
  22. As much as I love the effort and actual useful suggestions recently, I do have some concerns if this were to be accepted. If recruiters were given one-tap weapons, I believe it would cause more problems than good considering people complain all the time about "the AR-15/AK-74 is bad" and could swap to DS/RAC during war and ending up with having their WL removed. A way around this could be setting base recruit HP down to like 20ish, most rifles average around 30-40 DMG per shot, while SMGs are about 15-25 per shot with a faster firing rate. I like the idea of rope cuffs, but people would hop on DS/RAC just to minge with cuffs, we see officers doing it all the time, I'll admit, I'm guilty of it too. If you want some recruit cuffed, try to reach out to your respective officer. If they are minging, you shouldn't be training them anyways. Now lastly, seeing recruits through walls wouldn't have really any downsides other than FPS issues and the time it would take the dev team to make the (working) script and having it implemented on the server. With that being said, I would give this a +1 if there were alternatives to what's listed so they weren't hella exploitable. For now though, I'm gonna give it a -1. Good Luck!
  23. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/inZtbVjQ8bIGT/d1337FgCVcfk?invite=cr-MSw3Ym8sMjg2NDUwMiw high movement speed + decent movement = cracked shots apparently. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ihH8QOoFyHYEl/d1337bucUZTd?invite=cr-MSxxRUMsMjg2NDUwMiw "hitreg is fixed" - Garnet https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/hNkLca63KI7v_/dGvTHLhGZkzQ?invite=cr-MSxwMWEsMjg2NDUwMiw Random feed ig https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/hTicBGQ4nzZzd/d13371wJ9waq?invite=cr-MSxiOUIsMjg2NDUwMiw sick no-scope Edit: btw JNG one shots arm, so no blaming arm shot
  24. I mean, tickrate hasn't been set yet, gotta wait for reset.
  25. BRO ITS BACK. Anyways, love the update, hopefully people will stop bitching about hitreg and lag
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