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Trusted Game Master Role


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I know what this might look like, but I think it could help out with GMs setting up events. There are 2 GM positions which are GMT and GM. The powers are limited to building events. Honestly I have a lot of fun doing events to keep people entertained. However this isn't a suggestion to build a whole org chart for GM. I'm suggesting a role in game to simply have a couple more powers to assist in events in the case where a Tadmin+ Is on. For Gamemasters that take their role seriously and have shown control and capability to run an event a role with a few more powers to help craft an event.

1. /Bring would assist in bringing players over. I like to do mini events a lot for players, such as with singular Battalions and I enjoy letting them use a tank for example, or another example is someone on a droid whitelist. Bringing them saves time and allows for convince for the player. Often there is a staff that helps like Bortnik, who is on constantly, but in the rare case they aren't it can be a little frustrating.

2. /Go-to would assist in if you are roleplaying as a civ, and need to narrate responses as you might need to move to multiple places at once, or if you need to facilitate rolls during roleplay.

3. Changing job command. During an offworld there almost always is phantom or Bishop on, which allows this to not be a problem, but in the cases where it is, it could help with roleplay. An example would be T3 Rolling for event job. Or needing someone on a event whitelist. 

4. This one I see some usuge for, which would be spawning large CIS ships and Republic ships. During assualts on base, I feel like it would add to the roleplay, but it needs to be used carefully as someone might have issues with this.

5. HP modifer, I think this might be a my side issue, but setting HP for hostile NPCs and event characters. Reasoning being for event characters, you don't want a CT to randomly shoot them and kill them, and for combat event characters as they don't have a medic and could use a larger pool. NPCs, I'll be honest, I would like to see it just for the ability to have a super tanky NPC boss almost. Which isn't the best reasoning but I do want to present that as a reason.

I hope this isn't to unreasonable or confusing, I couldn't locate the format for some reason, which might just be on my side.

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Ok, partial +1. I do agree that a certain GM can be added with increased permissions. However I think they should be few. Spawning large ships I can understand that. Also /setjob can be useful since the only two people that can set jobs are phantom and bishop. However I’m not sure about adding goto and bring. I think we have enough staff now that are mod+ so they can just send the Person to you. Finally I’m on a tightrope with the hp setting. I understand the usefulness of it however, it can easily be abused. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the only two people that can see the HP change, is the recipient and the one that set the HP. Once again if it’s handed out to trusted people, I can understand. It would help to have some of these, but others I don’t think we need at the moment.

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7 minutes ago, Bortnik said:

Ok, partial +1. I do agree that a certain GM can be added with increased permissions. However I think they should be few. Spawning large ships I can understand that. Also /setjob can be useful since the only two people that can set jobs are phantom and bishop. However I’m not sure about adding goto and bring. I think we have enough staff now that are mod+ so they can just send the Person to you. Finally I’m on a tightrope with the hp setting. I understand the usefulness of it however, it can easily be abused. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the only two people that can see the HP change, is the recipient and the one that set the HP. Once again if it’s handed out to trusted people, I can understand. It would help to have some of these, but others I don’t think we need at the moment.

I understand the teleport commands having issues, it's why I specifically listed you since you always help. It's just those few times it can be frustrating. For HP I've only ever tried to use it for NPC specifically, and people on CIS, but I can see the hesitation.

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5 minutes ago, Dillan said:

For HP I've only ever tried to use it for NPC specifically, and people on CIS, but I can see the hesitation.

Oh, I was mistaken. I thought you meant on players. In that case I’m fine with that part too. I can understand if you want few NPC’s, but maybe more HP. Or maybe because you don’t want(like you said) a CT killing them.

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+1 It does seem like gamemasters do have some limiting permissions that is restricting them to be able to benefit their events but these changes would be great for them. Bortnik has some great points on the matter but I fully support the goto and bring command being accessible to gamemaster. I used to be a gamemaster on plenty of other servers and those commands are very useful to goto other gamemasters in the heat of moment during an event or bring an event character to a certain starting location. It does seem annoying sometimes to always ask a staff member to teleport players to you or another player constantly when it seems beneficial for a gamemaster to just be able to do it. There are many uses of these commands. Every gamemaster wants their event to go smoothly and these new commands will ensure their event to go as planned.

Edited by specialpog
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I honestly believe that the normal GM role should just have all of these commands. There's a GMT role for a reason. So if Phantom doesn't trust that person enough then that person won't be given the GM role. GMT is for people to learn and to build trust so that other people can trust them. But, I don't have a problem with a new GM role I just think we don't need to add another role just add more roles to the GM. +1 

Edited by Oboshi
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