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Calvin's Resignation

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I am very bad with explaining things but I will try my best. I have been in a dark pit for a long time. I am not a confident, healthy, positive individual like some of my friends think I am. It was very easy to hide my guilt and shame behind a smile and forced laughter for since before I joined this community. I'm slowly losing my mind and the drama doesn't help. I'm not fit for staff because I can't even be responsible for my own life. If I go into detail too much, this post will be taken down just like my introduction because of my lack of filter. If you want to know you can text me personally. I will not be on the server anymore or even Garry's Mod. I need to improve myself and figure out how to escape this mental prison. I made a resignation before as Shadow King that only said "bye" so I'm going to explain why I resigned those months ago. There was a lot of drama and people targeting me, doxing each other, attacking one another and I was forced to choose sides and be a part of it no matter how much I wanted to not be involved. Now I am resigning not based off the small rumors that were slowly spreading from people who hate me but because I can't maintain my own life and it's a big problem. I spent a lot of money on college just to procrastinate and waste it all down the drain and cry about it later and a few other things I'm not allowed to say here. 

I want everyone to know that I always wished them all the best and I never meant to come off as rude to anyone. My intentions were to help the server grow and improve; not to stalk e-girls as some people are fixed on saying that I do. Around a year of my life has been spent on this server and I will have to decide when I am stable enough to make the decision if I want to come back to the community. I would like to thank @proggy and @DiegoZavier for being the main reasons I stayed as you two have helped me out the most. I apologize for the trouble I caused and the problems that were created. This community is in my heart but I need to prioritize my life over it.

This is Goodbye.

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Calvin I am so sad to see you go, just know I'm always here if you wanna do something/play a game/just talk. Your a good friend of mine my guy, in fact your one of the people I've been closest to during my time on DarkRP and onwards. if you ever need a shoulder to lean on, I'm here. 🙂 Or if you just wanna play a game, I'm down too.

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o7 | I didn't really talk to you much but you seemed like a good guy even though some others informed me you were bad. Sucks to see you leaving but there's a thing about garnet not sure what it is but everyone comes back eventually 😉 

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Wow. This really goes to show that we as humans need to do better than we are to each other. Sounds like a lot of the issues he’s having are with other people. Can we all stop being such shitty people and take time to listen? It’s not worth someone’s mental health being messed with, just be the better person you’d want someone else to be for you. I’m sorry to see Calvin leave, he had great intentions with his time on the server and it’s really sad to see him go out like this. 

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  • The Garnut
10 hours ago, Calvin said:

I would like to thank @proggy and @DiegoZavier for being the main reasons I stayed as you two have helped me out the most.

These two are definitely super solid dudes who have helped me as well on some bad days by just being themselves.

10 hours ago, Calvin said:

My intentions were to help the server grow and improve; not to stalk e-girls as some people are fixed on saying that I do.

You have most definitely helped the server, I know nothing of the e-girls situations, but this seems to be a common theme in this community.

I hope you're able to improve yourself, right now is definitely not an easy time for any of us. Getting to meet you recently was super pleasant while playing among us, you genuinely seemed like a really nice guy (when you weren't asking me to fix your class in the middle of a round haha). I'm sure you'll bounce right back and feel better after some healthy alone time.

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