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Jinky Jakob's Moderator Application II

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This is a -1 from me. I haven't seen you around enough to justify giving you a +1. If I see you being more active before this application gets accepter or denied, I will consider changing it to a +1. I also think that its a bit odd that you re-applied so fast.

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23 minutes ago, Ba11ParkFrank41 said:

Alright it is a little better but here's what I suggest.....


I want you to make a document and put in the question. " Why should we choose you over other applicants" then I want you to answer that question in like 1 or 2 sentences and give me a valid reason why we should choose you over anyone else who applies for staff. Ok?


If I think the reason is good then what you'll do is "elaborate" upon that answer. that's what I suggest cause it's still not answering the question we're looking for.


because you're going on still about how great you are as a person and that you'll be great for staff and that's great I'm glad that you're positive and happy and are willing to listen to the higher ups on certain situations but these paragraphs are asking what is unique about you that sets you apart from other people who apply for staff. ok.


My response still stands until I see a change.

edit: if the change is good then I'll edit my first response to what I think it deserves.

ok, thank you for giving me the chance to take this step by step, I appreciate the help chief.


here it is:

Why should we choose you over other applicants?


You should choose me over other applicants because I’m efficient and learn quickly, I’d be a decent help to the team.

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You meet all the requirements and the necessary hours. Your application could obviously be improved but after looking at all the responses, you’re constantly updating it which shows your dedication. I know your intent this time was to show more effort and I see that. I believed you tried sounding more professional but it might have not gone that way. I’m not going to comment on every little paragraph detail because I’m pretty sure I’ve seen applications with worse paragraphs get accepted. 

EDIT: After looking over you last application, many people did not have any interactions with you. Try and put yourself out there more, that will for sure boost your chances! Good luck!

Edited by Boalp
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23 minutes ago, Ba11ParkFrank41 said:

good now elaborate upon that answer on why that's the reason that sets you apart from everyone else

Ok, I'm adding my elaborated response to my application now, thank you for the help and I hope to see a neutral or higher from you.

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2 minutes ago, Boalp said:

You meet all the requirements and the necessary hours. Your application could obviously be improved but after looking at all the responses, you’re constantly updating it which shows your dedication. I know your intent this time was to show more effort and I see that. I believed you tried sounding more professional but it might have not gone that way. I’m not going to comment on every little paragraph detail because I’m pretty sure I’ve seen applications with worse paragraphs get accepted. Good luck!

I completely agree with @Boalp He's definitely in the right but at the same time for people that are unsure, you do have 93 hours of playtime and you had recently already gotten denied when you had like 75 hours of playtime so with making a staff ap so quickly after your last it's important you make your stand on these paragraphs so people are more confident in their decision on you as well as their experiences with you in-game.

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On 4/7/2021 at 5:33 PM, Jinky_Jakob said:

In the process of playing the server I made sure to learn the rules well, and understand what's crossing the line in that regard.

Just filler again.


On 4/7/2021 at 5:33 PM, Jinky_Jakob said:

As stated in the staff rules, I will never question the verdict of my higher ups, even if I don’t agree with them.


This just means you'll be a obedient bitch for the executives to abuse.

On 4/7/2021 at 5:33 PM, Jinky_Jakob said:

My presence in the community has been constant since I started playing, I don’t intend to change this pattern any time soon.  I love Dark RP and I love this server in particular, I've had minimal problems with people on the server and no complaints with the rules.  I'd like to make my impact on the community a positive one, hence my admiration to the idea of staffing on Garnet Gaming. I will not disappoint as staff, I don’t want to sound cocky or unsure of myself, so my promise is to meet the quota and hopefully surpass it.  As stated in the staff rules, I will never question the verdict of my higher ups, even if I don’t agree with them.  In the process of playing the server I made sure to learn the rules well, and understand what's crossing the line in that regard.

Alright with this entire paragraph it only states you'll just be obedient to the executives and be their bitch not really giving us any reason why you should be picked over other applicants besides that.


On 4/7/2021 at 5:33 PM, Jinky_Jakob said:

I'd love to staff alongside people who have assisted me with trivial things all the way up to mass RDM reports, I really respect those in staff position and hope the same respect will be given to me if the consensus is to accept my application.

more filler and sucking up to the staff

On 4/7/2021 at 5:33 PM, Jinky_Jakob said:

he reason you, as staff and respectable members of the community, should choose me over others is as follows. On the server I staffed on before it was closed I met my quota, then some.  Coming from me it might sound pretentious but I like to think the players of the server looked up to me and respected me for the work I did.  I believe I played a role in the player base of that server staying mildly active by hearing people out and making sure I wouldn’t be taken advantage of by the players. I've had aspirations to staff on a high activity server (such as this one) for years upon years.  I'd love to staff alongside people who have assisted me with trivial things all the way up to mass RDM reports, I really respect those in staff position and hope the same respect will be given to me if the consensus is to accept my application.

literally just states that you have been staff on a dif server and not much else on why you should be accepted just more filler.

On 4/7/2021 at 5:33 PM, Jinky_Jakob said:

 I believe I played a role in the player base of that server staying mildly active by hearing people out and making sure I wouldn’t be taken advantage of by the players.



just filler overall still a -1

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-1 Just like Fetn Said Filler paragraphs basically saying he would be the Executives Bitches and not putting input even though you dont agree with something in my opinion we work as a team even if we have some things we dont agree on

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I love your dedication man. I honestly do. But as they said If you just submit to everything everyone above you says then you would most likely because the victim of abuse. If you see your higher up does something completely wrong then damn right you better question it! and speak up about it!


Good luck chief

Edited by Gl1tch
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For me dedication is Important and your showing it

SHowed effort and passion, like i think your trying

you seem like a good guy in game


I just think it’s worth it to give you a try.  But instead of the idea of sucking up , be vocal, That’s what’s going to make the team better

Edited by OpTic Gunner
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Hey Jinky Jakob,

Your application is great and I'm glad that you've made so many edits to it. This shows you're really determined to become staff. I've only interreacted with you once in game and you seemed like a great guy who cares about preserving the server.  I'll highlight some specifics I like below. 

On 4/7/2021 at 6:33 PM, Jinky_Jakob said:

On a medium activity server called MARKRP I staffed for a few weeks, the owner closed the server due to inability to pay for the server



On 4/7/2021 at 6:33 PM, Jinky_Jakob said:

I'd like to make my impact on the community a positive one, hence my admiration to the idea of staffing on Garnet Gaming. I will not disappoint as staff, I don’t want to sound cocky or unsure of myself, so my promise is to meet the quota and hopefully surpass it.



On 4/7/2021 at 6:33 PM, Jinky_Jakob said:

If a report is placed I will claim it quickly and resolve it accurately.

Perfect formula, precision and speed. I like it. 


Overall, I hope you get accepted and I'd be happy to staff alongside ya! Good luck man!

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