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Removal of prone from the server


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Description: I am suggesting that prone is removed from the server. It causes too many issues from 'client-side' prone glitching as well as the hitboxes breaking when shooting at someone that is proned. This has been a constant issue that I'm pretty sure everyone on the server has faced and this is the only way I can think of it being fixed. I hear people complaining in OOC about, "ur prone glitched bro i cant fucking hit you" and all the other variants. Always followed by the same response, "its clientside dont worry about it". Instead of making further complains in OOC, I'm just going to make this post.

Reasoning: This would benefit the server by taking away those instances where you're fighting over an objective and making every bullet count, where a random enemy will slither around the corner and blast you in the head before you even notice them. Also in my experience it causes huge problems with hitboxes. There have been a several occasions where I have taken shots at someone who is proned and the shot goes straight through them dealing no damage. I put 3 or more shots from an Orsis in then that I know should hit and it just doesn't go through. (And I know hit registration is busted on the Orsis but this is different.) I know there will be people in the comments saying that prone is good for bipods, sniping on hills, etc. But the fact of the matter is that it causes problems that I don't think should be overlooked any longer. I don't disagree that prone is a good utility and realistic for a MilitaryRP server, and that I'd be sad to see it go, but in my opinion the bad heavily outweighs the good. 

Additional Information: N/A

Edited by t3rr0r
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Legit this is basically the same reason prone got removed on the last map lol. But it came back and I knew this post would be a matter of time. This is probably getting denied but there’s always a chance am I right.

Edited by Bortnik
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Despite the things wrong with prone, I personally enjoy the benefits more than the downsides. It makes sneaking around the map easier and more fun, and can create a lot of interesting scenarios. A lot of the anger towards prone is just taken from the fact that they got killed by a PVT that was prone glitched who they “totally” would’ve outskilled otherwise.

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-1, There are significantly more upsides for having prone in game rather then removing it for "Prone Glitching".

Here's a list(Will add on if I come up with more or if people suggest more reasons to keep prone):

Accurate RP

Usage of bipod weapons anywhere

Sneaking around and hiding in objectives or in crevices

Opens up certain parts of the map previously unexplored(under trucks for example)

Usage in PT


However, if garnet could find a different script that doesn't "prone glitch" that would be immensely helpful.

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-1, Anyone can kill a prone trooper (RU kills me alot when am prone and the other way around) as many can use it to there advantage, also there's this thing called "Prone binding" just bind it/unbind it to diff keys so you know what to press or just don't use it all together as it wouldn't hurt, (my prone key is V)  Many SOC/base factions enjoy prone more then you think also your able to get out of the prone glitch you just need to work with it.

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2 hours ago, Shrugger said:

Here's a list(Will add on if I come up with more or if people suggest more reasons to keep prone):

Accurate RP

Usage of bipod weapons anywhere

Sneaking around and hiding in objectives or in crevices

Opens up certain parts of the map previously unexplored(under trucks for example)

Usage in PT

Only one of those examples is remotely useful - Bipod. No one cares about "accurate RP" and no ones cares about PT. Never should of been added back anyways

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1 hour ago, Tayler said:

Only one of those examples is remotely useful - Bipod. No one cares about "accurate RP" and no ones cares about PT. Never should of been added back anyways

Seems opinionated. But people use it for those reasons. And he is correct, prone opens up more areas on the map. And pardon me if I enjoy lying on the ground with my Ghillie in the snow and pretend I’m like half cool 😉

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1 hour ago, Yazmo ☣ said:

Seems opinionated. But people use it for those reasons. And he is correct, prone opens up more areas on the map. And pardon me if I enjoy lying on the ground with my Ghillie in the snow and pretend I’m like half cool 😉

It's clearly exaggerated captain, thanks for being the hero to point it out

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