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Getting Into Riding


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I know there are a good few of you guys in the community that are into motorcycles, pretty sure @Nutter has a bike if i recall. Im trying to get into it because my dad has a bike that he will be giving me, and i want to learn to ride. Its not the sort of bike you would want to start off with, it being a 1000cc cruiser. So im wondering what I should start off with, and how i can make this process a lot easier for me. Im currently waiting to do my MSF to get my license, and have yet to purchase any gear or even start looking at bikes yet. Im leaning more towards a sport bike, one that i can ride around the city easily, while also not having a MASSIVE powerhouse of a bike to end up getting way too over my head in.

Currently im looking at some Ninja 400s or 300s, something smaller to start off learning on. If you have any other suggestions i would be open to see what you guys think. Keep in mine i am a college student so im not rich rich, im ballin on a budget here so to speak.

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  • The Garnut
2 hours ago, huskaii said:

I know there are a good few of you guys in the community that are into motorcycles, pretty sure @Nutter has a bike if i recall.

Nope, i'm just a car nerd. I'd really suggest you start off with a beater scooter, because 90% of new bikes have more power than somebody learning can handle, and it can really end up in a catastrophe. Sorry to sound like a boring old man, but out of my roughly 10 friends who used to ride, only 2 didn't have a story to tell me of a bad accident where they broke a bone.

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1 hour ago, Nutter said:

Nope, i'm just a car nerd. I'd really suggest you start off with a beater scooter, because 90% of new bikes have more power than somebody learning can handle, and it can really end up in a catastrophe. Sorry to sound like a boring old man, but out of my roughly 10 friends who used to ride, only 2 didn't have a story to tell me of a bad accident where they broke a bone.

This was potentially the worst advice for bikes i have ever heard (no offence). New bikes make the same if not less power than old ones, it just depends on the bike you buy. A new VW Polo has less power than a 1980's Golf GTI and it's the same with bikes, it just depends on what the bike is made for. Also hate to say this but most motorcycle accidents can be ruled as the riders fault, outside of being rear ended i am yet to see an accident which could not have been avoided on those dumb youtube compilations, it's almost always morons seeing somebody pull out infront of them like 100 yards away and do literally nothing to stop the crash and just sit there shouting and going on the horn. A lot of those riders are genuinely a waste of space on the road and often get whats coming to them. Defensive riding will go a very long way to prevent accidents too, eliminating almost all of them.

I've been riding for the last 4 years so i'm somewhat educated, 


4 hours ago, huskaii said:

Currently im looking at some Ninja 400s or 300s, something smaller to start off learning on. If you have any other suggestions i would be open to see what you guys think. Keep in mine i am a college student so im not rich rich, im ballin on a budget here so to speak.

These are both perfect starter bikes however i strongly advise you test ride them at a dealer or whatever first to ensure you like sport bike ergo's, i'm personally a naked bike fanboy but started out preferring supersports too cause of the looks. Nakeds have sport power (or slightly detuned power) with MUCH better ego's so seriously give one a go. Bikes like the BMW G310R, Yamaha MT-03, KTM Duke 390,  theres a lot of fun you can have but please don't be a harley dude. Also maybe a Yamaha R3 would be a good beginner sport choice too. 

Once you have a few years (or even a single year if you're a natural) on your beginner bike you can start to move on, personally i'm going for a Suzuki bandit 600 for the horsepower and price i can get them at. Once i have a derestricted license i plan on getting a Yamaha Fazer 600 or a Fazer 1000 (both fucking beautiful bikes from the arly 2000's).

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3 minutes ago, Jake said:

This was potentially the worst advice for bikes i have ever heard (no offence). New bikes make the same if not less power than old ones, it just depends on the bike you buy. A new VW Polo has less power than a 1980's Golf GTI and it's the same with bikes, it just depends on what the bike is made for. 

I've been riding for the last 4 years so i'm somewhat educated, 


These are both perfect starter bikes however i strongly advise you test ride them at a dealer or whatever first to ensure you like sport bike ergo's, i'm personally a naked bike fanboy but started out preferring supersports too cause of the looks. Nakeds have sport power (or slightly detuned power) with MUCH better ego's so seriously give one a go. Bikes like the BMW G310R, Yamaha MT-03, KTM Duke 390,  theres a lot of fun you can have but please don't be a harley dude. Also maybe a Yamaha R3 would be a good beginner sport choice too. 

Once you have a few years (or even a single year if you're a natural) on your beginner bike you can start to move on, personally i'm going for a Suzuki bandit 600 for the horsepower and price i can get them at. Once i have a derestricted license i plan on getting a Yamaha Fazer 600 or a Fazer 1000 (both fucking beautiful bikes from the arly 2000's).

Fat Guy On Moped! - YouTube

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14 minutes ago, Papiraqi said:

Fat Guy On Moped! - YouTube

done woke my mother up from a nap laughing so loud.


The number one rule of bikes (and most motor vehicles in most cases), for me at least is to "try before you buy". Know that you're comfortable with what you want to get before you get it, especially with bikes, because I feel it's imperative to get one that you think is the most compatable for you, cause with bikes, if you fuck up, you get fucked up.

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It depends, if you have ever ridden a bike before and have learned how to shift then go for something like a 300-400.

If you haven’t ever ridden before and don’t know how to shift yet choose something like an MT125 so you can learn how they work before riding a faster bike.

Sounds boring having something “slow” but as soon as you get your bike balance and learn how to ride you can do whatever.

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4 hours ago, Jake said:

KTM Duke 390,  theres a lot of fun you can have but please don't be a harley dude

I was looking at Dukes too, i like the naked look like you were talking about. TBH as long as it aint some powerhouse of a bike, or doesnt cost me 10k, im open to anything. After all im just starting out so there is no point getting some crazy bike at first. And trust me, FUCK harleys, i hate the look, feel, and just everything about them tbh. Dont wanna look like an old man riding one of those

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