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[MRP] Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan


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Seems like a great change that could bring new interactions and RP scenarios to the server. With playermodels and weapons already layed out, most of the heavy lifting is already done as well. Very well written and well thought out, would love to see this implemented.

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+1 - We have been on US v RU for over three years now, and it is getting quite boring. This would not only bring back nostalgia for vets, but bring a breathe of fresh air into the GG MRP community that is really needed right now. The suggestion is very well layed out. Most of the planning for this is already done, so shouldn't be too hard to transition. I hope to see this change go through.


Edited by PappaEric
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Honestly, anything that will refresh the current state of combat on the server I wouldn't mind. While combat would still somewhat be the same, it seems like a nice change. Obviously there's reasons that Garnet wouldn't want to do this, considering that it would probably take a while to implement. I think a map release along with this overhaul would make people want to play more to be honest. I'm rather confused about how current SOC transfers would happen though. I assume that GRU would become 055, SSO would become Red Group, and Vega would become 313, but I'm not sure how RU mains would take this. As a US main, not much would change for me, so some input from dedicated RU mains would be amazing.

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As a player since 2015 I been seeing changes here and there but this one definitely is a promising one that could tackle monotony and bring life to the server. Everything will be more engaging and insane layout and work on this suggestion that really brings it piece by piece. This one has a great chance on bringing back server pop and a refresh to couple years of the same thing. Great Job on the authors of this post. Well executed. Would love to see this going through.



Edited by Hexxx
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There are tons of ways to bring in new fresh & enjoyable gameplay for players rather than re-working the entire fucking system.

There are multiple things in this suggestion that are either false or just in general wouldn't work with how the playerbase has been formed since the CS_Desert days. I will now highlight said things.

1 hour ago, bishopil said:

Formerly, the faction structure appeared like so, with three entry level factions reflective of the US structure containing Army, Navy, and Marine Corps.

This is the first piece of extremely misleading information. and this is imporant to acknowledge so we dont end up making the same mistake again. To my understanding I believe ALQ, Blackguard, and IJU were all removed in the end. And yet this did not improve the playerbase but it wiped players progress from every regiment making more players leave than join. The system you are proposing is quite literally what we have in place right now. The only difference is it isnt quite specified that SSO or GRU is more qualified than the other.


1 hour ago, bishopil said:

One current issue within the RU ranking structure is that most factions have different ranks. This is a chart that universalizes the ranking structure between factions. 

This actually works against you the more diversified each SOC regiment is the more newplayers look up to it and want to join. Having different ranks in each faction provides a cool incentive and name change than the boring consistent ranks you'd have to follow throughout your entire time on the server. Every rank is classified as E-1+ or O-1+. This is probably the least of our worries and not something that would be worth changing anything over.


1 hour ago, bishopil said:

Russia was suggested and eventually added to eliminate, or at least minimize the previously mentioned disparities by converting the opposition from rogue terrorist cells to another large organized military.

This, is also incorrect whilst the "Suggestion" to add RU being made by shrimps who has had no involvement with the server for months may have been under the impression that this was the purpose for RU but it really wasnt. Taliban was dying regiments were being removed leaders were being kicked out everyone that joined the server wanted to be US. RU provided a more serious structure where minges wouldn't be the base factions most worried about issue whilst also providing the MRP category with an RU vs US take which is alot less common than Terrorist VS US. The fact that you can be a Russian and drink vodka attracted new players no one wants to be in a regiment getting ear-raped, MRDM'ed or singled out. When Taliban was in I saw and was even apart of a huge toxicity issue that wasnt healthy for the server. 


What you are suggesting is that we completely erase everything we have built up for the last couple of years to go back to an age of toxicity, MRDM'ing, and FailRP. There is absolutely not a doubt in my mind that Taliban will become a cesspool of negativity and toxicity because that is just what comes with a terrorist faction. Not to mention alot of shit on every map would have to be re-edited by garnet himself inorder to look less like a Russian FOB and more like a Taliban FOB. Honestly, stop trying to rework the entire fucking thing and focus on small things that gradually work towards a better server. If this suggestion were to be accepted we would end up in the same situation we were around 2-3 years ago having to cut down regiments and Re-work the entire system.


1 hour ago, Shibe said:

most likely return some vets

More than 85% of the veterans who were around when Taliban was still a thing are no longer here and have moved on from garrys mod. if they were still interested in GarnetGaming no matter if there was a bunch of taliban on the server or not they'd be showing atleast some yearly or monthly activity. but, their gone.

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Yeah this is very neat. Helps to reintroduce Afghan all while being fresh nonetheless. But I do think it's good to maybe clarify what would happen to those with reserves and whether or not they would transfer into their new equivalent faction. I bring this up because people like myself would be affected by it and if we were to keep our reserves would be enticed to make a return or at the very least check it out.

Edited by Jackal
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1 minute ago, Jackal said:

I bring this up because people like myself would be affected by it and if we were to keep our reserves would be enticed to make a return.

IF this is accepted, I believe that would be a decision for Jake. I don’t see why it wouldn’t transfer smoothly, but I don’t think it would be up to me. 

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28 minutes ago, Horseyy said:

re-working the entire fucking system.

It's not. The core fundamentals of the gamemode are still going to be present. This swap simply relates to a swap that can bring about ideological differences, religious inquiries, territorial disputes and other avenues of RP.

31 minutes ago, Horseyy said:

wiped players progress from every regiment making more players leave than join.

Though I wasn't around then, I was informed that rank-transfers did indeed happen. Though people may have left because they were not in their original faction, has this not happened recently when we removed frogmen, seals, marines, marsoc?

32 minutes ago, Horseyy said:

system you are proposing is quite literally what we have in place right now. The only difference is it isnt quite specified that SSO or GRU is more qualified than the other.

Yes it is. It's a system of factions that works and is quality over quantity. SSO & GRU are both tier 2 factions. Red Group and 055 are being suggested to both be tier 2 factions. Your entire argument here just has no basis.

35 minutes ago, Horseyy said:

This is probably the least of our worries and not something that would be worth changing anything over.

The amount of 2GA I have asked what their rank means and they have no clue is astonishing man. All of the ranks in place in this suggestion, are there for formalities sake as it is the actual ranks used, except for the old General ranks from Tali. When it comes to identity, why not try diversifying your faction and building an identify for it through RP and activities instead of your MOS.

37 minutes ago, Horseyy said:

removed leaders were being kicked out

Marines, removed, MARSOC, removed, Delta force, wiped like 5 times, GB wiped like twice. Does that mean the system we have right now is shit? No, we wipe and remove things to better the health of the server. In fact like I stated earlier, 4 factions is a good system that we are at right now, and if we apply that logic, we see why those were removed.

39 minutes ago, Horseyy said:

minges wouldn't be the base factions most worried about issue

Almost like we can punish minges. A good way to deter them is to have good leaders. I know myself and a bunch of other people, specifically joined MRP to minge, and later didn't minge because of good leaders. When it comes to toxicity, and targeting people, well that is a playerbase issue. No matter how many years pass, people will still shit talk their opponents.

43 minutes ago, Horseyy said:

There is absolutely not a doubt in my mind that Taliban will become a cesspool of negativity and toxicity because that is just what comes with a terrorist faction. Not to mention alot of shit on every map would have to be re-edited by garnet himself inorder to look less like a Russian FOB and more like a Taliban FOB. Honestly, stop trying to rework the entire fucking thing and focus on small things that gradually work towards a better server.

That is why we instill ideals and formality in leaders so that they put those qualities into their faction. The taliban as is IRL as well is in attempts to earn respect while following their religious ideals. Applying that into a roleplay scenario is way better than, I am a Russian superpower, looking to kill a United States superpower.

44 minutes ago, Horseyy said:

If this suggestion were to be accepted we would end up in the same situation we were around 2-3 years ago having to cut down regiments and Re-work the entire system.

See here is the thing, we are at a point with 4 factions each side (minus airforce), that it is a stable-ish system. I say ish, because RU has been really inactive, and from both what I have seen and heard, it's usually only one faction at a time where RU is active, whereas US seems to always have a page or more.

To summarize, your entire arguments are "Oh no rank transfers" and "oh no toxicity, minges, allahu akbar boom". Funny coming form someone like you, who had been banned for toxicity and minging. Rank transfers can and will happen should this be accepted most likely. As for minges, you punish them, and deter them by having actual serious morals setup for each faction.

+1 to the suggestion. Not only brings something fresh, but brings something that is not a mirror match 24/7.


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