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New CP Class: MetroCop


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Description: I am suggesting that a new Police Officer class is added which gets the MetroCop model. This model already exists, and anyone who's played Half-Life 2 probably has more memory of the MetroCops than the Combine Soldiers as you interact more with the MetroCops and by the time Soldiers are out it's a nonstop gunfight. The 'Pick Up That Can' scene is legendary and the role that MetroCops play in the Half-Life universe is that of actual Police Officers (unlike the Combine Soldiers currently in use). Lastly, the MetroCop looks more neat and would add a touch of freshness to the CP.

Reasoning: People would be more likely to use and roleplay as the new CP class. This would add another touch of spice to the newly updated jail/CP and would feel more like a police force rather than a military force. The increase of people playing as Civil Protection will bring about more roleplay opportunities. The last suggestion which was to add this playermodel to the existing Police Officer got +10 so it's clear that I'm not alone in wishing this was added to the server.

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