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This would build off of Sailor’s Squad suggestion


This will seem like a bit of a stretch at first, but please be open minded. This would require cooperation between all COLs of every faction [Except ISI and Delta Force]. We are basing this concept off of the Rangers battalion system. There is an underlying problem with the identity of many of the SOC. Many SOC factions specialize in things like CQC when they are a special forces unit (E.G. TSFU and Green Berets). TSFU and Green Berets are special forces units that don't just specify in CQC, they are special forces that don't have any company specifications, but they could be much more specialized.


In order to implement this each faction would have to give each individual a trial period to try and play on each type of class. Before a promotion past (e.g SGT) they would be required to pick and try out for each subfaction which would give access to a locked class.




Green Beret:

Green Beret is not only a CQC faction it’s one of USA’s many special forces units. We think giving GB a second subfaction to pair with their 7thSFGA would be easily implemented and give more reason to join GB. Instead of the Scout class GB wants to change it to a Heavy class with the M249 (COL approved). The 7thSFGA would keep the tryouts for the Breacher class and a tryout would be added for the Heavy class. The Demolition class would be thrown in with 7thSFGA and the Rifleman/T2/T3/Medic would be in the Heavy’s subfaction. Since O55th has a strong LMG and both GB and O55th are T3 factions GB could compete better against the superior range and explosives that O55th has.



Since rangers set the standard for this whole suggestion we believe that they are balanced. They are the T2 special forces unit of the US and current competitors of TSFU (tali T2). They have explosives, range, and strong CQC ability. They already use the battalion system (1st 2nd 3rd 4th battalions) and perform amazingly together. They have a safe 3 cap limit to their powerful sniper class much like what TSFU would have. And can keep up with both GB and O55th for CQC. If people believe Rangers need a balance and/or overhaul please feel free (RANGERS ONLY) to comment and share your opinions and ideas.


  • Made by POCKLE and SAILOR

Edited by SailorDef
Changed because of different tali additions
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16 minutes ago, SailorDef said:

TSFU would have to give the Toz to Bomber and drop the G3a3(KEEPING THE 1 SLOT LIMIT) and give Militant the sniper (COL approved), that would make the Bomber a true CQC class and make it the apex of the CQC sub faction. To add a sniper class TSFU would want the SV-98 (WITH A 3 SLOT CLASS LIMIT) to compete with Rangers having the SR338.

Yes, I understand Rangers 'ghosts' acts similar to the suicide bomber class in that thats its the SOC special class but Rangers also has a fuckin proxy mine which in my personal opinion is better than the suicide bomber. No one uses the current SVT-40 its a semi auto doggy ass weapon and honestly the militant class is very under-used aswell this is because the Toz is also pretty doggy. We are getting a suicide bomber class nerf and getting a better weapon that is going to be more likely to be used. If the Tier system is set up in the way that it is meaning that Rangers and TSFU are the same Tier why wouldnt they both be more long-range focused I mean that seems like a higher caliber of skill than CQC

TL:DR Rangers & TSFU are same tier so it would be fair to say they retain the same 'niches'. Combatant and Militant are both classes that are extremely under-used suicide bomber is getting a nerf to bring TSFU on the same level as rangers and this seems completely fair.

(Idk what the subfaction stuff is about but splitting the faction in two and creating two different forms of leadership for almost every soc faction [if thats what you're saying] is something that I dont think pop can handle currently but the class changes are def something that should be considered)


Edited by Horseyyy
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1 hour ago, Horseyyy said:

Yes, I understand Rangers 'ghosts' acts similar to the suicide bomber class in that thats its the SOC special class but Rangers also has a fuckin proxy mine which in my personal opinion is better than the suicide bomber. No one uses the current SVT-40 its a semi auto doggy ass weapon and honestly the militant class is very under-used aswell this is because the Toz is also pretty doggy. We are getting a suicide bomber class nerf and getting a better weapon that is going to be more likely to be used. If the Tier system is set up in the way that it is meaning that Rangers and TSFU are the same Tier why wouldnt they both be more long-range focused I mean that seems like a higher caliber of skill than CQC

TL:DR Rangers & TSFU are same tier so it would be fair to say they retain the same 'niches'. Combatant and Militant are both classes that are extremely under-used suicide bomber is getting a nerf to bring TSFU on the same level as rangers and this seems completely fair.

(Idk what the subfaction stuff is about but splitting the faction in two and creating two different forms of leadership for almost every soc faction [if thats what you're saying] is something that I dont think pop can handle currently but the class changes are def something that should be considered)


Subfaction idea is mainly based on rangers 2BAT, 3BAT, 1BAT, 4BAT. Doesnt divide the faction or seperate leadership. it creates a more "This is your job in the faction" if someone plays Sniper they would fall under rangers 2BAT. TSFU would most likely create a similar system. it would create sort of an MOS for members. This would make it so we can fight our respective tier.

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1 hour ago, Horseyyy said:

(Idk what the subfaction stuff is about but splitting the faction in two and creating two different forms of leadership for almost every soc faction [if thats what you're saying] is something that I dont think pop can handle currently but the class changes are def something that should be considered)


This wouldnt split the faction in half it would create 2 battalions within TSFU. Similar to Rangers all factions would have have 2 niches instead of just one and give people a job. In rangers They have 2bat(Snipers) 3 bat(Medics/Mid Range) and 4 bat(Explosives) but at the end of the day they are all Rangers and answer to Smity/whoever else is the higher up. Same would go for US/O55/GB we would still be TSFU not a whole new faction, we would be TSFU Squad A and TSFU Squad B all while still being in TSFU and answering to Lame and answering to our Squad Leaders.

TLDR: Not new factions just a squad like rangers and adds another layer of Leadership for new officers to learn how to lead.

Edited by SailorDef
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Going to break this down as best I can to make the people present in the thread understand why.

Rangers has the following,
Ghost: SR338
Engineer: Prox mine + LR300 Grenade Launcher
Both T2 & T3 both have a weapon with Grenade Launchers as well.

This brings them many advantages. Not only can they have the potential to use the GL in CQC they can also Snipe, SR338 is a heavy hitting weapon. Rangers is the only faction that has a T3 class that has a GL and a medbag. 

TSFU obviously has the bomber but this doesn't make our suggestion invalid. Having one weapon with such power doesn't mean anything in the case. Bomber cant heal itself after use.

As a member of TSFU I think its sort of unfair. Rangers blatantly dominate in the sniper category. While I am in a T2 faction I cannot properly counter or even compete unless i spend money (This applies to all T2 & T3 SOC members on tali. I think TSFU needs this upgrade so they can compete with their counterpart. 


I would like to see this change so that TSFU and Rangers can be equal. Having a well equipped enemy brings many benefits. Both factions can grow from this change skill wise, and will develop many new T1 players. Many factions want to help players improve this is your chance.

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31 minutes ago, BenZ said:

This brings them many advantages. Not only can they have the potential to use the GL in CQC they can also Snipe, SR338 is a heavy hitting weapon. Rangers is the only faction that has a T3 class that has a GL and a medbag. 

TSFU obviously has the bomber but this doesn't make our suggestion invalid. Having one weapon with such power doesn't mean anything in the case. Bomber cant heal itself after use.

As a member of TSFU I think its sort of unfair. Rangers blatantly dominate in the sniper category. While I am in a T2 faction I cannot properly counter or even compete unless i spend money (This applies to all T2 & T3 SOC members on tali. I think TSFU needs this upgrade so they can compete with their counterpart. 

That is exactly why I proposed a balancing to every SOC faction

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Last I knew, if there was a good reason, subfactions were allowed as long as there was a good reason, as well as restricting classes being up to the leader. (Rangers) This is also more of a faction suggestion then a server one. 


If you're talking about squads, again, this is up to the faction leader.


The problem with subfactions before were people got incredibly elitist and it became a handpick kind of thing (19D) Alternatively, it became meme tier. (Pink Group)

In regards to balancing SOC whitelists, that should be a different thread entirely.

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+1, I really like this idea as me personally since we have switched to CS Desert I have barely used the TSFU Whitelists outside of tryouts because the lack of ranged options. Despite having SVT it still does not compete with most snipers. (if any) 

17 hours ago, BenZ said:

Rangers has the following,
Ghost: SR338
Engineer: Prox mine + LR300 Grenade Launcher
Both T2 & T3 both have a weapon with Grenade Launchers as well.

This brings them many advantages. Not only can they have the potential to use the GL in CQC they can also Snipe, SR338 is a heavy hitting weapon. Rangers is the only faction that has a T3 class that has a GL and a medbag. 

TSFU obviously has the bomber but this doesn't make our suggestion invalid. Having one weapon with such power doesn't mean anything in the case. Bomber cant heal itself after use.

As a member of TSFU I think its sort of unfair. Rangers blatantly dominate in the sniper category. While I am in a T2 faction I cannot properly counter or even compete unless i spend money (This applies to all T2 & T3 SOC members on tali. I think TSFU needs this upgrade so they can compete with their counterpart. 


I would like to see this change so that TSFU and Rangers can be equal. Having a well equipped enemy brings many benefits. Both factions can grow from this change skill wise.

 I agree with everything BenZ says above here, the bomber really isnt very useful in war especially on the current map so the argument that we have that doesnt make much sense to me. 


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1 hour ago, MaxxTheApe said:

+1, although i think the m95 is a better choice because soon it will be unused.

To me the m95 seems a bit unrealistic for both the taliban and our chances of getting it. its a very high damage 50cal that basically one shots no matter where you hit

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