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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×

Cozy Coupe / Small Golf Cart


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We've all thought about cars at one point in Garnet. We should also understand that actual cars in garnet would be a bad idea.

I am proposing an idea that could add a little more spice and transportation to garnet. 

I am suggesting the addition of a Cozy Coupe and/or small golf cart to garnet. The small car that most people born

between the 80' and early 2000's remember. If not, maybe a small customizable golf cart, or even both!




I believe that there are not many transportation options available in garnet. (Speed Boost is the only one I can think of.)

I am proposing that we explore the idea of a small transport vehicle that is available for purchase. (It doesn't have to

be the ones I am suggesting either.) I feel it would add more transportation options to our server and would maybe liven

up the community a bit more. It would also perhaps invite players to base further out than in downtown. ( industrial, Residential, ETC)  


I also feel that adding a customizable golf cart that can seat at least two people would be great to add as it would add a bit more 

creativity into the community. 


A way players can maybe receive these is by purchasing the vehicles from a salesman NPC That can be found somewhere downtown.



I do understand the risks of adding vehicles to garnet and that is why I have some ideas to counteract some issues




Making it so that there is a speed limiter in the vehicles would make damaging another player impossible to

accomplish. Or, somehow make the damage dealt by a vehicle 0. 




I feel like they should not be allowed to be grabbed by a phys-gun. (If possible) As allowing that might cause some issues.




there has to be a way to make players able to walk through them to counteract Vehicle Blocking. (Vehicles blocking bases entrances/ ETC) 




I feel like we should make the cost higher to limit over population of the vehicles. (1-1.5 mil) 

Or make it level-locked (level 40+)




Make it delete-able by admins 


Additional Information:


Here is an example of the Cozy Coupe model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2893718679


Here is an  example of a golf cart model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1626960858



Example of where to put said NPC: ?imw=637&imh=358&ima=fit&impolicy=Letter


Example image of Cozy Coupe: 328263ddd95541898f538d65bf14af5c.jpeg

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